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It takes ‘effort’ and ‘time’ to go from being overweight and flabby to sculpted and trim. We need to exercise and condition our mind for what we want, instead of accepting what we already have. Most people never exercise choice. If you want it, you do have to work it.

Mind Design™ is about learning you have choice, choosing, and designing what you want. Many people never do. They live from limiting beliefs and actions. You can eliminate old habits! You can create new reliable ones. To do this takes right thinking and action.

What is, or has been, challenging gives way to the new way, but only  when you do the new way long enough, correctly. Correct practice is important to establish the ‘right’ habit. You can develop the correct positive, powerful thoughts, feelings and behaviors this way.

Skill To Do Comes Of Doing – Practice – Practice – Practice

Correct, repetition, with high positive emotional intensity, for long enough, creates the new neural pathways. The new habit gets laid down as a new neural highway. Instead of doing the old habit you begin doing the new habit. It becomes automatic and reliable.

THIS is a great habit to establish: Instead of complaining and finding things that upset you, or cause you to lose out, practice emphasizing the things you love about yourself. Discover self appreciation and validation. Feel positive emotional states. Love and accept  yourself.

Practice accessing your inner resources. Reflect on them. Remember and re-live positive experiencing frequently. You can use anchoring to lock  in the feelings.  Write things out. Chant mantras enthusiastically. Keeping a daily gratitude log. DO IT!

What We Want To Do With Ease We Must First Do With Diligence

The more often you feel better, and  high vibe, the sooner you will feel high vibe, and better, more frequently. You must do and practice what you want more of! Positive thoughts and feelings beget more positive thoughts and feelings. You create what you want. Get it?

If you want to be a good juggler, swimmer, singer, writer, actor, artist, mathematician, anything, you must practice juggling, swimming, singing,  writing, (anything you want to improve at) correctly, repeatedly, consistently, for long enough to make it a good habit.

You get an Oak tree from an acorn. You get a Maple tree from the Maple seed. You don’t get Maple from an acorn, or vice versa. You only get back that which is in the original. The more positivity you live, and express, the more you get it back. You become it!

The More We Do The More We Can Do

It isn’t airy-fairy, fluffy magic. This is basic science, the laws of physics. and Cause and Effect. This IS how we learned all habits, albeit unconsciously, without realizing it. We got conditioned all while growing up. Now, you must take conscious, deliberate control.

The key to making changes is doing them again and again with fun and play. They WILL take hold. You just have to keep doing them and be optimistic about it all. The more fun and light-hearted you go through each day, the more each day is fun and light-hearted.

You bring about what you think about. The dominant thoughts you hold dictate your experience. Keep the faith. Take each step. Enjoy the journey. The journey IS all there is. Practice thinking about everything as a blessing and an opportunity. Then, you will develop the habit and find more blessings and opportunity. Your life will more gloriously transform when you celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and create your best life ever! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today  Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use the mind you have to get what you want!

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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