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“Some make a big deal about things stating, ‘never before has this been told…’ or  ‘my most recent download from the universe reveals…’  Yada yada yada, but the secrets of the universe, while suppressed, remain mostly out in the open for everyone to see. People miss the obvious because of their conditioning and because of society’s attempts to suppress the materials and distract people from discovering what is already there to utilize.

If you look at the bible alone, you’d find some 4000 promises for prosperity and goodness during your life on earth. You’d also read stories of people applying the principles successfully or not. For example, we’re told to ask, believing you will receive, and promised, you shall receive. That’s been told us even prior to the bible in other ancient texts AND since then, in a variety of forms. There are examples of promises like, dig the ditches and the water shall come.

What do these two examples tell us? The first action you must take is your manage your mindset. It is to develop your attitude and faith to become certain that when you ask and act on it, that you will receive what you ask and act on. Get this. It is to ASK believing you will receive. It doesn’t mean beg or whine or bargain or cajole. It means you believe you will get what you ask for. If you don’t first believe it, asking and begging isn’t going to help. Understand?


You must develop yourself as a person who knows in your heart and is certain that when you initiate a request it is delivered to you. Doubting is not being certain. Asking and wondering if, is not believing you will get it. Ask, believing you have received, and you will receive. The VERY first step is to become this person who knows this truth with every cell and fiber of your being. The next action is asking with that certainty. Use faith and trust.

The next action is receiving. You ask believing you will receive. THEN too, you must be open to receiving it. This has always been the process. Step out on faith. Act as if you are already it. Dig the ditches and the water will come. Become one with the divine, the spirit, and infinite consciousness. The spirit instructs. Dig the ditches when there is no evidence of water, means you must manage mindset. You don’t see it outside. You must see it from within.

Noah was told to build an ark and the rains would come. People thought him an idiot. Take the first steps. Ask believing. Act on faith. Believe that through your action of digging the ditch, building the ark, the divine will keep its word. That means faith and certainty. Spirit works through you. Consider that there’s a soul, mind and body or the invisible, spirit, the mental and actionable… IT is all one. Nothing is separate but all one. Get this. No division.


Everything is one. United. No division. The biblical injunction is to believe, turn from your mistakes and toward god or goodness and then act. Use this to help others. Faith without works is dead. Action is a part of everything. You think, speak and act. Spirit, mind and action. Always the same, yesterday, today and forever. When you become a person who knows this power and you are this power, manifesting is easy because you are already manifesting.

You may not be manifesting what you want because you don’t yet believe that’s possible. You ask, but you hope and beg. When you KNOW your prayers are heard IS when they are heard for you. You might say, they are always heard, but if you don’t believe it, you aren’t likely to put yourself in the position of receiving it. Then you blame the cosmos for not delivering. People make this common error. Trust. Develop certainty. DEVELOP this certainty and good comes.

Certainty, in whom? God, the universe, infinite intelligence and you. You are the hands and feet of the divine. If it’s to come true, it is up to you. You make things happen, but you must walk your talk first to become maximally effective. This is the message through the ages and yet, many modern day ‘teachers’ obfuscate this with their approach and misunderstanding, deliberate or otherwise. There’s no secret to be revealed. It’s always been here.


It may be hidden as a tree in a forest is, but it is here. That’s why the scripture DOES say, those who have eyes and ears to see and hear will. For the rest, it will be as pearls cast to swine. Those won’t recognize or know what to do with it because they don’t understand it. They can’t yet see and hear. That’s why ONLY when the student is ready does the master, teacher or lesson appear. The choice is to wake up to the truth or remain in slumber.

It’ your choice. It’s one you face every moment. I invite you to journey with me to make your dreams come true. Apply the principles through practice and guidance and discover the difference it makes. Once you become a person for whom manifesting good is easy, it is easy! AND, by the way I celebrate those of you who have already joined us in Einstein & Tesla course. Congratulations!! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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