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Hey there,

Everyone was offering discounts and there’s so much out there to purchase and such limited time and so many gadgets, gizmos and thing-a-ma-bobs to go around. That can be a bit overwhelming!

We get it! So this Black Friday Saturday we are STILL offering 35% Off.  You can purchase something that can increase it’s value the more you use it!  Check out our products at: www.nlponline.com

Go to the site. Scroll through the life-transforming programs. Read the descriptions. Decide which ones you want most! And just use the promo code: DESIGNURFRIDAY. We’ll still give you 35% off!

When you enroll in one of our programs, you’re making an investment for a lifetime of returns! Enroll in the courses and make your life what you want it to be. Or gift a loved one! The programs are powerful, positive and fantastic. You or your loved one will love them. Check into it today. Buy now while you get the discount.

Don’t you owe it to yourself (and your loved ones) to go full on into the future and design your lives for health, wealth, happiness, or whatever you value the most? Get unstuck. Move forward towards your dreams! Enjoy the entire journey and save 35% to boot! Again, our address is www.nlponline.com 

** BANK programs are not included in this offer

Have a wonderful Saturday and  Celebrate Everything!

Tim Shay – IDEA Seminars

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