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“Are you making your career, your relationships, yourself and your life what you want it to be, or not? If not, what holds you back? What stops or prevents you from being, doing and having anything and everything you want? Have you ever considered this?

If you have, what are your answers. They’ll reveal much about what you think you’re able to do or not. Your answers will show you where you place control. You’re either in charge, or you’ve placed someone, or something outside yourself, in charge. GUESS WHAT?

If you have put others, or circumstances, in charge of you, and what you accomplish, you will mostly lose out. If you aren’t the captain of your own ship, someone, or something, is taking you for a ride. You may have never claimed your power before, but it is time to do so.

Happiness – It Is All Within Yourself – It Is In Your Way Of Thinking

Henry Ford’s statement, ‘If you think you can or you think you can’t, your right’ is a useful and powerful thought to embrace. If it is to be it is up to you. Your thoughts determine whether you will make it or not. Your mindset determines your chances. It’s all what you think!

You create and build what you want. This is what you must embrace. It is you doing it. You create and build what you want or you are creating and building what you don’t want. Get it? Either way, you are doing it. Don’t believe that, yet? Most likely, that’s the issue!

Instead of reacting and perpetuating what you do not want, it is either up to you, and within your power, to do something and pursue an objective, or you don’t think it is. In either case you are right. The results will be up to what you believe and do. Get it? Up to you!

The More You Do The More You Can Do – Success Breeds Success

Take charge. Get in control and steer the course of your life. You are so powerful, but you don’t even know it, if you haven’t claimed it. Learn to claim it and exercise your power to make marvelous, positive changes in your life.  Take control and make things happen.

Don’t wait.  Don’t expect others or luck to change. Learn to manage your thoughts, feelings and actions and create the best life you can. Study these blog posts and apply what you learn. You abilities and life can dramatically improve when you do! Get it? Meanwhile, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Access code is my name: rexsikes

Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
When You Learn Self Control And You Can Master Anything!


‘What’s Stopping You?’ You’ll like my gift to you! ‘What’s Stopping You’ is a life changing 22 minute audio MP3 that helps you go beyond limitations, break through and make positive things happen! Get it! It is Free!

MENTORING AND COACHING CANDIDATES, and those interested in learning more, come join me now! Send email or leave comments, but reach out NOW! New programs available.

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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