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“This is really simple. You want to be unstoppable, right? You’d like to commit and follow through, wouldn’t you? Do you want to make your dreams come true or not?  Well, what is it? Are you all in the game or just dabbling? Did you dive in or dip your toes?

If you want to learn to be a can do person who makes things happens and creates the results you want there is one simple thing you must do. Truly, one thing is enough but you have to play to win if you are going to do it. If you are in you must be all in, get it? Are you ready?

Is this for you? Do you want to make your dreams come true? Okay then, DECIDE to do it! Make the decision that no matter what, come what may, your word is law and you will keep your commitment to yourself. Decide to follow through! There is incredible power in this!

Success Comes To You When You Refuse To Give Up – Never Quit

‘BUT, BUT, BUT,’ you exclaim. If it were that simple I’d have already done it. The truth is IT IS THAT SIMPLE. You haven’t done it because you weren’t conditioned to. You don’t have the habit of keeping your word to yourself OR others, yet. But you can develop it starting now.

Decide that you will accept the challenge. Decide to make it happen. NOW do everything you must in order to ensure that what you want to make happen you make happen. Athletes know if they want the gold there are things they must do now just in order to compete.

It is 95% mindset and 5% action. If you talk yourself out of it you let a thought influence your feelings. Then you didn’t feel like it so you didn’t produce the result you could have. Poor, poor you. YOU let a THOUGHT stop you. A mental packet of energy prevented you.

You Did Not Wake Up Today To Be Mediocre – Live Fully

WOW. You have no excuse and no one to blame except yourself. AND if you spend time blaming yourself but you don’t decide to make it different and correct your mistake you are truly missing out. Own up to it! Take responsibility for not doing what you need to.

Once you are clear about that start acting in your own behalf. Start acting in your own best interests. Start making what you want happen and taking some pride in being able to accomplish what you want to achieve. Stop playing victim and decide to be a victor.

Play to win. Decide to be a champion. Put some skin in the game. Put some money where your mouth is. Commit and follow through. It is always and only up to each of us. That means it is up to you. So what are you going to do about making sure you have the future you want.

Determination Is Power That Makes You Invincible – Be Great

Commit. Accept your role inn creating everything you want and then do it. Do what you need to today. Do what you need to tomorrow. Maintain your attitude. Manage your mindset. Feel fantastic. Practice optimism. Practice gratitude. Celebrate Everything!” Rex Sikes

Feel Fantastic Today!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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