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“Some people go to sleep dragging the disasters of the day with them. They end up with fitful sleep and awake tired the next morning dreading the day. Have you ever done this?

There are great reasons to stop if you do. Beginning and end of days are great times to set things right, cleanse, let go, refresh and set positive expectations.

Use morning and night time right and you will discover many benefits. You will sleep better. Dream productively. You will awaken refreshed and happy to greet the day. You’ll be more productive!

WHEN you do this you give yourself an incredible present! You kickstarted your day in a powerful and positive and delightful way! Do this daily and you will develop a wonderful morning and evening ritual habit that will serve you well. You will be surprised!

Either You Run The Day Or The Day Runs You

Best time for an attitude adjustment is first thing when you wake up. Set the day right in the first few moments. What you give your mind to think about or spend time focused on during the first 30 minutes of the day impacts your entire day. So use this time well!

Be choosey how you fill your mind the first thing.

To start well be grateful and happy to be alive and have a new day. You can be thrilled and enthused. Take some time to say your affirmations. Do your visualizing and some positive reading.

CrossCrawl (A series of Brain Gym® Exercises) and ask yourself Directed Questions. Set your day right! I have written about both of these within these blog pages.

Begin And End The Day With A Smile And Positive Thoughts

Smile, laugh for a good five minutes or for as much time as you are able. Have a glass of water, and begin your day.

If you want to begin well make sure you end well. Go to bed feeling grateful for the day. Let go of any baggage and enter sleep focused on health, and well being. Drift off into positivity.

Prior to sleep you might want to do the some of the same morning rituals. List your gratitudes and successes, visualize, affirm, do some reading and have good night. Set your mind and body for sleep similarly to how you set your mind and body to greet the day. Enjoy! Your thoughts create your reality.  Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Make the day marvelous! It is another glorious day no matter what you think of it!

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UPDATE: Visit rexsikes.com for programs and more. Plus a free gift!

PS Learn to program and direct your mind: Read Life On Your Terms


“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. It’s a newer book. He jumps around a lot in the book with mindset topics; creating the life you want and developing a champion mindset. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto International Marketing Specialist

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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