“As I say, ‘exploration IS the doorway to adventure and curiosity IS the key.’ If you always do what you always have done you won’t get anything new. You will get the same old, same old. I’m a big proponent of adding novelty into your daily routine. That means doing things you might not normally do to break up habitual routines and discover new ways to think, feel and behave.
So, if you’d like to break free and discover new worlds available to you, add some novelty daily and gently to what you do. It shifts things up and helps you to vibe higher. If you always travel the same way to school or work `you see pretty much the same things all the time. If you take new routes you are exposed to different things. Get it? So, add in some new things that can bring you more delight.
Your brain craves novelty while remaining consistent. Seemingly a paradox but it is true. To grow your brain, you must use it and use it in ways that help it expand. If all you do is the same thing again and again it won’t grow much. Neuroplasticity means use it or lose it and to use it means using it in new ways that stimulate growth. Take a course or a program that can benefit you. Learn a language or play a musical instrument.
Join a club. Exercise or take up a new sport. The point is to encourage growth and new neural connections by finding fun and interesting things to do. But it is easy too and it helps you shift your vibrations to the positive. Creating a temporary shift in your vibration is easy. You can create such a change in seconds. Dance or jump around. Shake vigorously for a few moments. Move your body. Skip or hop. Sing songs. Whistle.
Smile for a few moments. Spend a few moments belly laughing for no reason at all. Roll down a hill. Do a somersault or cartwheel (carefully). Stand on your head. Hold a yoga pose. Take a cold shower. Try different foods. Take a different way to work or school. Explore and go for a walk. I share many of these in my book Life on Your Terms and in my talks and programs.
All of these will change your state. However, this won’t create any sort of lasting change if you return to your old vibration afterwards. If your dominant signal remains unchanged, you don’t shift much. To shift your predominant vibration, you need to break, stretch or go outside the old box. You need to expand your horizons and add in newness, fun and enthusiasm.
This means you must create a lasting disconnect between your current vibration and your current vibrations or the circumstances you live within that are compatible with it. You can shift your own vibration to create a lasting disconnect with your current ‘reality’. You can release and let go of the old and embrace the new. All your old programming isn’t bad or useful. Much of it is wonderful and underappreciated. Celebrate the good and drop the parts holding you back and emphasize that which moves you forward. More in my next blog. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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