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“How do you improve your end game? Start strong and follow through. Keep the momentum and your spirits high. The best way to make things happen is to know you will. The reason you work on developing a powerful, positive mindset is to make it all the way.

You develop the feeling of certainty. You know it in your gut, and in every fiber of your being, you will see this through. You will make it happen. There is no doubt, You know you will do it and you do it! It isn’t will power because you know you’ll prevail. You’re certain!

You feel it. You smell success. You can taste it. So, here’s a few things to help you help yourself keep at it, no matter what. Tell yourself you are worthy. Affirm it. Assert it as fact. Declare it! You deserve success and riches. You’re worth it. Because you are, you’ll have it.

Create A Positive Mindset And Maintain It – Think And Be Better

Imagine yourself already successful. See it. Hear it. Feel it vividly in your imagination. Spend time mentally living and reliving your success, as if it already happened. Visualize it. Affirm it. Enjoy and celebrate it repeatedly. Fully feel all the incredible feelings!

Speak only to bless, heal, inspire, motivate, prosper and transform. Put a watchdog before your mind and lips so you only speak to empower. Put an end to whining, complaining, begging, blaming and excusing. What you see, say and feel IS what you end up getting!

Want it, but let it go. Get out of the way. Do what needs to be done but let go of the result. Relax. When you put your food order in at a restaurant you did your part. It ends there. Let the universe, like the chef and waitstaff, do its part. Don’t try to micromanage results.

Transform Your Thinking To Create Your Best Life Ever

That’s often a difficult thing to do because people confuse it with not doing anything. You keep doing, but let go of how it comes together. You keep taking steps and moving forward, but without desperation. You allow it to unfold as a result of your efforts. Relax and enjoy.

If you want more money, put an end to what Robert Kyosaki calls ‘eaters.’ Reduce expenses. Eliminate frivolous spending and distractions. It’s not because you’re worried about having enough. Think abundance, but stop wasting time, energy and money.

Invest in what he calls ‘feeders.’ Eaters are liabilities that eat up your money. Feeders are assets that bring you more money. Find wise, safe, good money making investment opportunities that make you money while you play and sleep. Learn to manage money.

Change Your Thoughts & Transform Your Life 

Instead of saving the change from purchases, invest it. It ads up. Don’t save it. Money is energy in motion. You lose money saving it in today’s world. Unless you can get lots of interest, invest it. Make it work for you. Create residual income. It’s nice to have cash flow.

Why your change? Because you get it back frequently. So, put it to work. If every time you spend cash and get change back, you invest what you get back, every time, think of the habit you’re building. Money goes out, but some is invested. Cash back! It adds up.

Invest in yourself. ‘Live as if you’ll will die tomorrow. Learn as if you’ll live forever.’ said Gandhi. It’s a great thought to keep in mind to guide you. Keep learning. Increase your value and what you can offer to others. You’ll get paid more as a specialist who solves problems.

Act Today To Change Your Thoughts & Transform Your Life

Think surgeon versus a GP. Get it? You are worth it. You deserve the good life. Think and act like it without being a snob. Celebrate yourself, your journey and circumstances, whether good or bad. Make all the journey fun and meaningful step-by step and you will finish strong. Don’t believe in yourself. Know you can do it. Become certain. There’s no question. AND celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I share much, much more in Life On Your Terms 

“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto, International Marketing Mentor


Book and Kindle available at Amazon. Gift a loved one!

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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