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“Feeling tired? Feeling down? Feeling unmotivated? How do you get more energy when you don’t feel like it? Is there anything you can do? The answer is absolutely, yes! There is a secret principle that is hidden in the open to get more of anything you want.

Act! Take action! When you don’t feel energetic, get up and dance! Jog a little. Sit up straight. Walk around. Sing, chant, shout and yell. Think of military morning boot camp. When your system is down or depressed, super charge it. Yup, do what you don’t feel like doing.

The principle is ‘givers get’. GO FIRST! If you feel unmotivated, act! I know, you will complain, that you don’t do it, because you don’t feel like it. Right, you’ve spent a life time whining and wallowing. You have a ‘bad’ habit of not doing. Change that habit! You need to act.

If You Want To Fly You Must Take Off – If You Want To Win – Play

Act even though it is difficult. Act in spite of your mood. Do it! Build a new habit of doing. Take charge. Stop whining and excusing and blaming yourself, others, events and circumstances. Change the situation, yourself. You have to spend energy to get energy!

Take responsibility. Take charge. Step up to the plate! Swing the bat. Don’t just sit there, do something! Act as if you already have what you want. Move! If you want your life to change, you must change some things in your life. If you want peace, be peaceful. Get it?

You can’t do what you have always done and expect it to be different. You must be different. If you want faith, believe. If you want confidence, act confident. Train your brain and body to give you more of what you want. Build the habit. It is up to you!

What You Focus On Expands – You Get What You Think About

I have friends, who recently reported that due to their habit of tithing regularly, their income, this past year, more than doubled. They got back far more than they gave out. The principle of tithing is give and you will get back. Giver’s get! Give what you want back!

It doesn’t require massive action. Of course, you can be passionate and expend massive action. Simple, little steps in the right direction, can be enough. Simple, consistent, persistent, right actions, prove plenty powerful! Take them. Begin today. Make it happen!

You want energy, give it. You want money, give it. You want motivation, give it. You want respect, give it. You want love, give it. You want attention, give it. You want trust, give it. You want loyalty, give it. You want support, give it. You want cooperation, give it.

GO FIRST! Be the change you want to have! Be grateful. Have fun! Delight. It comes back to you. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Click Here To Watch Create Your Best Life With Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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