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“Some people buckle in crisis. Others take charge. Keep a cool head. Breathe. Explore the options before you. Choose. Decide and act. Better to do something than let a situation fester. Taking charge doesn’t mean being a tyrant. Be open, available, respectful, listen attentively. Seek to acquire accurate information about the situation. Don’t blame. DO NOT COMPLAIN or embarrass anyone. Be an example of understanding and compassion.

Manage your self-talk. Stay positive. You can find a solution. Be a resource, don’t add to the problem. Seek to communicate clearly, cleanly and honestly. Reward incentive, uplift and edify everyone. Anything that can go wrong, will. So what? Be above the fray. Seek the higher road. Lead by example. If you fluster, others will. If you’re cool it helps them. Give credit where credit is due. Rehearse success. Practice being calm. Meditate.

Meditate so you learn to be calm. Have a contingency plan. There’s a reason we have fire drills. It is to practice what to do. Tp rehearse what to do in an orderly fashion should there be a fire. You rehearse so you know what to do and how to do it. You remain calm, cool. You proceed in this fashion safely to this safe place. Reducing fear and confusion helps. If you are cool and calm you think better. You perform better. Practice self-calming.


When calm you can see more options and possibilities than when stressed. It’s physiological. It’s brain science. Communicate clearly, concisely and use short, easy to understand sentences. Speak with authority. Be a guide. Show the way. Be the example. Decide. Act. Adjust as necessary. These suggestions can be a great help. Hopefully you never have a crisis but if you do and you’ve practiced keeping calm and clear you can do well. That’s worth knowing. You can do it. You can get through it. This too will pass. And of course, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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