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“People are concerned the Law Of Attraction doesn’t work for them. It does but most people don’t know how to work with it. Whatever you want to create and attract; money, happiness, health, a relationship, you must feel good about it first to get it. Get it?

You can’t be focused on debt, lack, misery, loneliness, sickness and expect to feel otherwise. You must feel good and grateful for what you have already, no matter the circumstances. You must celebrate and enjoy it all. Feel grateful. Feel good about it. You put it out first.

You have to pay the piper. It isn’t free. You exchange your good feelings for more better good feelings. What you put out comes back. So if you aren’t putting out your very best you aren’t getting the very best back. Attracting is an art and knack. You can do it.

Thoughts Become Things – You Get What You Focus On

The Law Of Attraction is always working. It isn’t haphazard. Whatever you are focused on most of the time is what you are creating and attracting back. You must realize the mirror reflects back WHO you are! Not who you want to be. Get it? Go First!

The results you have are the results you have created and attracted from your past thoughts, feelings and actions. Understand this. Get it!  If you want different results you have to shift what you are paying attention to and focus on the good you already have.

You must be it first to do it and have it. Focus on what makes you happy and delighted. Focus on abundance, love and fulfillment. Focus on peace and joy and vibrant health. When you throw a boomerang, a boomerang comes back to you. Not a tea cup. Get it? Go first and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS If you are having difficulty living the life or your dreams you might consider my program looking into my marvelous program How To Change Your Thoughts & Transform  Your Life: Dynamic Secrets To Making The Law Of Attraction Work For You! 

NEED HELP? Stop Trying To Do It Alone. Doing it all alone is difficult. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel. Get some help!  Get a mentor. Get the right help! I will help you develop your inner power!

Let me show you how to manifest your desires! Skyrocket your  abundance! Enroll in How To Change Your Thoughts & Transform Your Life  Join my students and me. Together, we’ll help you create your best life ever! Learn how to really live.

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Life is easier and more enjoyable than you ever realized. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Infographic ©2019 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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