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“When things don’t work out as you had hoped take a deep breath. Find your center. Let go. Breath some more. Accept that it didn’t turn out the way you had hoped. It is as it is. Accept it. Yes, it may seem tough at first but it gets easier. Breath and let go. Accept.

Now determine what you do want. Decide to work to make it happen. Work for the change you want in the world. Work for the change you want in yourself. Make corrections and continue on. Adapt and adjust. Aim your ship at where you want to go.

If you can’t change what occurred work for the changes you can make happen. Step by step, bit by bit. Never lose hope because things didn’t work out as you had planned. Expect positive good to continue to come to you for the future. Allow for it. Receive it.

Disappointment Is God Saying I’ve Got Something Better For You

Attitude IS the edge that makes the difference. If you think you can or you think you can’t you are right. Keep the faith. Learn that challenges can be good. They help build character. One can discover inner resources not previously realized. Anything is possible.

Challenge is good. Opposition makes muscles grow. It is difficult to move outside one’s comfort zone sometimes agitation is required. There may be a greater good in your disappointment than you would ever realize had you easily gotten your way. Anything IS possible.

Never give up. If you quit you are done. If you attempt again you are in the process. You decide its worth. You determine the value. If it is important then keep going after it. There is nothing wrong with not getting the results you want. Work with the results you do get.

Holding Onto Anger – Drinking Poison Expecting The Other To Die

If you won’t do that then continue to pursue the results you want. Do it without blaming anything or anyone else. Don’t make excuses. Just do it. Make what you want to happen and be glad that you can. You will discover opportunities you never knew were there.

In struggle if you accept it you will find joy. Find the silver lining and focus on it. A master chess player wants a tougher opponent. Otherwise, the game is boring; the results are certain. Develop a ‘bring it on’ attitude and welcome challenge. You will accelerate your personal evolution. Especially if you celebrate everything!”

Live fully and enjoy your day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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