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‘It would be wonderful if all people became aware of the Infinite Healing Presence within them and then realized that their faith in the response of this Healing Presence would work wonders in their lives. They could use their imagination wisely and knowingly, realizing that as they imagined themselves doing all of the things they would do were they whole, their subconscious would respond.’ Jospeh Murphy

So healing prayer is imagining yourself totally well. Imagine doing all the things you would be doing if you were totally well. Imagining and visualizing that frequently during the day and not thinking about being sick or saying ‘I’m sick’ but focusing on healing and health.

It is acting as if you are ALREADY healed, not waiting for it in the future and asking to be healed BUT being thankful for already being healed. This is how to use imagination. You give your subconscious mind the images you wanted it to have.

Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life

You impress upon your subconscious mind by vividly imagining with positive emotion. Then your subconscious, once it has a clear picture of what you want,  works to make those images real inside your body, your mind, and your behavior and reality.

You don’t pray for rain. You imagine already what it’s like being in the rain. See, hear, feel, taste and smell the rain. Get it? This is how we use our mind. This is how we are meant to pray. Pray, ask, believing you have received and you will receive.

Get this. This IS how we are meant to pray. We are not to beg for things. Instead, imagine you already have what you want. Celebrate having it. How does it feel? Wonderful right? Be glad and enjoy it. Feel it. Be thankful for it. Make noise about having it right now!

Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life

Imagine having the good health that you want to have in this moment, not in the future. Imagine you have it now even if it doesn’t seem like you have it. Stay focused on having it now. Don’t let the outer experience control the inner experience.

Make the inner experience dictate the outer experience. Fill yourself with love, appreciation, peace and all good things. This is important. That is why I built courses to help you not only learn this but to do this.

If you are tired of not having what you want, enroll in one of my programs. Then you’ll learn to do what is necessary to transform yourself and your life. When you consider everything a blessing, then everything becomes a blessing. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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“‘Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune

©2021 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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