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“The key to success and happiness is to know what you want. Then to make it happen. Create and attract what you want. Don’t wait for it to come for you. BUT be open enough to allow the results of your efforts to unfold as they will. Trust  and know it will happen! Get it?

You make it happen. It begins with you. You persist until complete. Attraction happens because your mindset, feelings, and ‘vibes’ are high. You take right actions. Like minds and like people attract one another. You are open and available to opportunity. You’re positive.

So you might as well affirm it. Affirm, ‘My life is perfect’. Think it, believe it. How? Think and repeat it over and over long enough until you do! That is how. Why? Because when you believe it you will make it happen. You accept it, know it and operate from it.

You Go Where Your Thoughts Take You

If your life is perfect then all is good. Problems become lessons and blessings to grow from. You create more of what you want. You get what you focus on. You operate from your highest source and positive intentions. You make more good happen because of this.

What is the alternative? Think life sucks? Life is just, okay? Is that what you want to create more of. It is always, and only, up to whatever you think and declare it to be. Our minds are filters to what we allow ourselves to see and experience. So experience the best. Feel blessed. Feel positive. Be thankful. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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