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“Let me ask you something: Are you truly happy with your life as it is today? Do you feel energized by your goals, or do you wake up dreading the day? If you’re not where you want to be, whether in your career, relationships, or personal fulfillment, it’s not because of your circumstances, upbringing, or luck. It all comes down to one simple, powerful fact: your attitude determines your altitude! 

Attitude is everything. If you’re dissatisfied with what you’re seeing in the world around you, it’s time to stop blaming external forces. The world outside is merely a reflection of the world within. You can’t change the outer world until you first transform the inner one. And that transformation starts with your mindset. The outer results you experience are directly connected to your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings.

Most people go through life on autopilot, repeating the same thoughts and behaviors day in and day out. They have an attitude shaped by fear, worry, or doubt. Yet, they wonder why their lives never improve. The answer is simple: Nothing changes on the outside until it changes on the inside. Change your mind and you change your life! Attitude determines your altitude! Your inner reality shapes your outer reality.


The way you think, the way you feel, and the beliefs you hold, whether empowering or disempowering, are creating your reality every single day. The thoughts you think today are creating your tomorrow. So, if you don’t like what you’re experiencing, change your thoughts, change your attitude, change your focus! Take control of your mind, and the world around you will follow suit. You create the world around you.

Think of your mind as a lens through which you see the world. When your lens is clouded by negativity, doubt, or frustration, that’s exactly what you’ll see in your life. You’ll attract and focus on problems, and the opportunities right in front of you will pass unnoticed. When your lens is clean and when it’s focused on positivity, gratitude, and possibility, you start to see the beauty and potential all around you.

You start to attract more of what you want, because you’re consciously focused on it. The truth is you don’t succeed despite your circumstances. You succeed because of your attitude. You are the creator of your own reality. Here are some examples I’ve mentioned previously. They understood that they were the creators of their own reality. Take the example of J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series.


Before her success, Rowling was a struggling single mother living on welfare. She faced rejection after rejection from publishers, but she didn’t let her circumstances define her. Rowling’s attitude of perseverance and faith in her abilities kept her going, and eventually, her work became a global phenomenon. Her books have inspired millions, and her story is a testament to the power of attitude.

NBA star LeBron James came from humble beginnings, growing up in a single-parent household in Akron with limited resources. Despite facing early challenges, including constant scrutiny and high expectations from a young age, James maintained a positive mindset and focused on his goals. He didn’t let his background or circumstances hold him back. I repeat, LeBron and these others didn’t let circumstances hold them back.

His attitude and resilience helped him rise to become one of the greatest basketball players of all time, winning multiple NBA championships and MVP awards, while also building a successful off-court career as a businessman and philanthropist. How about Howard Schultz, that guy behind Starbucks. Schultz grew up in a low-income family facing countless challenges. Despite that background he decided to better himself.


Instead of adopting a victim mentality, he chose to cultivate an attitude of optimism and persistence. He focused on what could be, not what was. With unwavering determination, Schultz transformed Starbucks from a small coffee chain into a global phenomenon. Today, he’s worth billions, not because of luck or privilege, but because of his ability to maintain a positive, forward-thinking attitude.

Oprah Winfrey grew up in poverty in Milwaukee. She faced significant adversity throughout her life. But instead of letting her circumstances break her spirit, she maintained an unwavering belief in herself and her vision. Oprah didn’t focus on her hardships. She focused on what she could create. Today, she’s a media mogul and one of the most influential people in the world, because of her attitude of resilience and self-belief.

They didn’t succeed despite their circumstances. They succeeded and continue to because of their attitude. Your attitude shapes your future! JUST look around at the people you admire, the ones who’ve achieved great things, whether it’s in business, art, or personal development. You’ll notice they all share one common trait: a powerful, positive attitude that drives them forward, no matter the obstacles. NO MATTER!


They’ve trained themselves to focus on what they want, instead of what they don’t want. This moment, you have a decision to make. What kind of attitude are you going to cultivate? Will you continue to allow negative thinking, doubts, and fears to shape your life? Or will you choose to adopt a new mindset—one of positivity, determination, and faith in your ability to create the life you desire?

You can either remain a victim of haphazard, wishy-washy, mostly negative thinking, or you can choose to become a powerhouse who goes after and gets your dreams. The choice is yours. AND that choice begins with your attitude. The truth is : What you focus on expands. If you focus on what’s not working in your life, you’ll get more of that. If you focus on fear and failure, that’s what you’ll attract.

But if you shift your focus to your dreams, your goals, and the life you want to create, you’ll start attracting the opportunities, people, and resources you need to succeed. That’s why your attitude is so important. It’s the foundation of everything. And once you’ve developed a powerful, positive, habitual mindset, you’ll start influencing the outer world in ways you never imagined. Act now and Rewire Your Mind for Success.


It’s time to stop waiting for things to change on their own. Take control of your mindset and start shaping your life. If you’re ready to transform your inner world, commit to doing the work. Begin by adopting an attitude of gratitude. Focus on what’s working in your life. Surround yourself with positivity, whether it’s through books, podcasts, or people who uplift and inspire you. Take charge and activate your attitude!

If you want to elevate your life, you must first elevate your thoughts. Make the decision to focus on your goals, your dreams, and the vision you have for your future. Start today. Start now. Decide that you’re no longer going to be a victim of negative thinking. Decide that you’re going to create your reality, just like the greats who came before you. That’s why I developed the Attitude Activator™ to help you.

That’s why I do the programs I’ve done for 50 years and continue to make them available and create new ones. To add value to you and help you through the tough times. BUT not only the tough times but to make your life smoother, easier and much more enjoyable than it could otherwise be. Act now. It’s time to take charge of your attitude, and, in doing so, take charge of your future. Remember: Your attitude determines your altitude. Make it count! Your future is waiting. Celebrate Everything!” Rex Sikes

Positively program your mind for health, wealth, happiness, love and success! The Attitude Activator™ Is a powerful tool to move you steadily in the direction of your dreams with more ease, joy, positivity and delight. Stop negativity, unwanted habits and old programming. Activate your attitude. I’ve designed the Attitude Activator™ to help you do this right now.  Make meaningful changes in your life. Take control of your mindset.

I invite you to take two powerful actions today: Get the Attitude Activator™.

Join me in the Outwitting The Devil Book Study and These programs are designed to help you achieve more than you can on your own. You’ll be proud of the progress you make!

Get and Start Using the Attitude Activator™ Today!

Using the Attitude Activator™ can propel you miles ahead of where you are now. It’s a unique self-guided hypnotic process designed to reprogram your mind for unshakable confidence, help you get unstuck, and create more abundance in your life.

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“Powerful program! It has positively transformed my mind. I am powerful, resourceful, and abundant! Click the link and do it now!” —Sandra J. Horton, Entrepreneur, Author, Podcast Host, Vancouver

“I am HUGELY enjoying my Attitude Activator! I’ve been using it 4-5 times a week at night just before bed, and occasionally during the day instead of a lunch break. Wow! It really shifts the attitude around and I feel I can tackle anything afterward; I am usually able to see particularly vexing issues in a new light soon afterward. Attitude is everything — yes it’s nearly a cliched term and none the less true regardless – and your audio program provides the perfect shift for the only thing that determines everything.” – Walter Terry, Seattle

“The most powerful mindset and attitude tool I’ve ever experienced. Words can’t describe how unique and life-changing this program is. In the first year of owning it, I listened to it over 100 times. I recommend it to anyone who wants an unstoppable attitude of success.” —Joe Soto, Marketing Consultant, Entrepreneur, Waterford, VA


Join the Outwitting The Devil Book Study Today!   Powerful, Positive and a must do program!

In this powerful book study intensive, you’ll discover essential principles and practices to transform your life. I share insights on Napoleon Hill’s work, along with exclusive material no one else has discussed. This experience is designed to benefit you in countless ways.

What People Are Saying:

“Rex, you speak the truth. So few will, but you speak the truth.” —Satish Verma, CEO Think and Grow Rich Institute, Toronto

“You run the best book clubs, Rex! So wonderfully insightful! Total truth!” —Joy Cooper Willet, NLP Trainer, Vancouver

“Beyond grateful for you, Rex Sikes, and the transformational teachings and reminders I’ve received.” —Ava Manuel, Las Vegas

Transform your life with the tools and insights you need to succeed. Don’t miss this opportunity to take charge and live your best life!

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Get the complete book study plus much more in this powerful intensive online training. Discover important principles and practices to transform your life. I’ll discuss and reflect on this essential work, along with ‘Laws Of Success’ and ‘Think and Grow Rich,’ among other influential materials, including my own innovations.

My goal is to help you apply Dr. Hill’s principles in your life and share what most people and instructors have missed about Hill’s work. I provide exclusive insights and actionable advice that you won’t find anywhere else.

What People Are Saying:

“Rex’s profound expertise in personal development and his deep understanding of human dynamics make him a standout in both public and corporate settings. Rex is not only a dedicated professional but also a compassionate mentor and a very kind friend.” —Laura Ibarra, LDG, MBA CEO 3 Wins, Torreon, Mexico

“His deep and nuanced understanding of how the mind processes information and how real transformation is accomplished is beyond words. I was privileged to invest 10 hours a day for three weeks with him over 25 years ago. That information has infused the next few decades of decision-making and career success. He is a total gem in the world of teachers and trainers. My internal dialogue, my ability to manage my states, and my ability to train and coach students were forever improved. – Bart Baggett, Speaker, Author, Forensic Document Examiner, L.A. CA

“Rex is an incredible coach, author, speaker, and world-renowned. I use his book weekly and highly recommend it. If you are looking for a master coach and NLP top-notch instructor, Rex is your guy.” —Kamal el-Rassi, MBA, CEO El-Rassi Enterprise, Cincinnati, OH

“Rex possesses a remarkable ability to engage and captivate an audience, drawing on his deep well of knowledge and expertise to deliver transformative experiences. His brilliance lies in his unique capacity to extract core issues from complex situations and address them in ways that are understandable and actionable. Rex’s sessions are a masterclass in empowerment; he guides his audience through their challenges with empathy and insight, helping them achieve the breakthroughs they’ve long sought.” —Carlos Siqueira, CEO Disruptors LLC, San Francisco

“What truly sets Rex apart is his unrivaled knowledge on personal development. He possesses a wealth of insights and strategies that will blow you away. Rex’s teaching style is powerful, effective, and unique. He has a remarkable ability to simplify complex concepts, making them easy to understand and, most importantly, actionable. Spending time with Rex is an investment well worth making. Not only will you gain invaluable wisdom and guidance, but you’ll also witness the profound impact it has on your life. Rex’s teachings have the potential to transform your mindset, unlock your potential, and propel you towards unparalleled success.” Rita Montalto, CEO 4 Pillars of Wealth, AU

10 powerful videos. Sessions and Q & A. 20 detailed workbooks to assist you in transforming AND more.

Join me today! Get the Attitude Activator™ and the Outwitting The Devil Book Study, and transform your life.

Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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