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Horizons hope-is-never-lost-phil-koch

“I don’t want not having immediately be the basis for not having forever. I want to burn my ships and leave no way out but forward to success. I want to remain dedicated, passionate, faithful, convinced, expectant even when there is no evidence of progress. When it seems the tides are against me and nothing is working I want to remain true.

I want to intensify my desire for making my dreams come true while waiting. I want to make a little progress every day and never waver in knowing I will prevail. Even if I don’t succeed, as much as I want, I will have done so much more than if I do nothing to make it happen. Even if I miss the mark I made more progress during the journey.

I want my thoughts and my feelings to be aligned, congruent; my concentration, my focus, my energy, to be singular on my purpose. I want being and doing and having what I want to be dominant in my conscious and unconscious mind. I want to learn from each second how to be more positive, powerful, purposeful and accepting, allowing and receptive.

What You Say Is What You Get

I want to go after what I want fully. No way out. No excuses. No doubts or fears, but positive in every atom, ever cell, every fiber of my being. I want to believe in myself and discover that I am truly an emperor inside and out. I am a winner and a champion. I am a victor. I will never allow myself to be a victim of others, circumstances, events, or my own thinking.

I will be triumphant. I will win, conquer and evolve. I will succeed in ways currently beyond the limits of my imagination and discover myself delighted along the way.  I will celebrate and be grateful for everything always. Whatever IS is! I will look at the good within, and find it. I will celebrate because that IS what is in the moment.

What I can not yet see is all the unexpected good coming my way. Goodness comes to me. I always land on my feet. I always win even in ways I don’t completely understand. Adversity has always been my friend even when I didn’t embrace it. There is always something marvelous to find. Seek and you will find it. Knock and it will be opened. I do and it is! I will keep an open mind and an open heart.

 Affirm Yourself – Declare What Is – Make It Happen – And So It Is

I will ask, I will seek and I will continue to knock until I have the response from the universe I seek. I put in my order and I claim it. I wait for it as I do a meal in a cafe. Behind the scenes everything is being prepared. They are making a dish from my orders. They will deliver it. I only need to enjoy the time waiting. It is coming! It is mine!” Rex Sikes

Today is my day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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