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“Between your ears and throughout your cells you have an intelligence that enables you to live all your dreams. You have destiny fulfilling neurology. The only issue is whether or not you tap into it or not. Most people don’t but you can. You truly can!

Become aware that you are infinitely resourceful. You already have all the resources within you to make any change. Most people just don’t believe this. Even if you didn’t you can easily find them, cultivate them and begin making things happen. It is all within you!

It is all within your power. You just never thought of it this way because of the mixed messages we get all during our formative years. ‘You can do anything’. ‘Go to school, work hard and if you are lucky you might catch a break’. We get all sorts of messages.

Tenacity Isn’t Just The Most Important Thing It Is The Only Thing

These form the foundation of our beliefs. Still, regardless of what we incorporated as our own we have had a myriad of experiences, and each, whether successful or not is, laid down within your cells, you neural pathways and memory banks. All you have to do is remember.

You can remember and access these. If not you can make them up for real. You can create resources and combine resources to make new ones you never thought you’d have. We are amazing creatures we humans but many of us have lost site of that. We live ho-hum.

We don’t have to. You can accomplish and do anything within natural laws. Nothing can stop you if you resolve to do it. You will always find or create away around any obstacle or hardship. You simply have to decide on what you want and then believe you can get it.

When There Is Will – There Is The Way – Go For It – Never Give Up

If you don’t believe it you never will. If you aren’t inspired and motivated to make your like work on all levels you never will. You will eek out your ho-hum existence instead of living life on your terms. Live as a champion, a victor, a wealthy, benevolent leader.

Stop being less than and start being more than. Start being the you you were born to be. Believe and you can accomplish anything you conceive, said Napoleon Hill. His book ‘Think And Grow Rich’ is responsible for more people becoming millionaires than any other.

Don’t wish! Don’t wait! Don’t expect others to do it! You do it! You make it happen. If you really want to you will find or create a way! You will keep going until you do if you want it badly enough. Less than that don’t expect much. Give up or get going. It’s your choice.

Stop Sniveling Start Living – Live As A Champion Live As A Victor

If you don’t go after it nonstop who is going to do that for you? Do it yourself! What are you waiting for? The only time there is to act on your own behalf is now! Do it and make the difference. If you fall get back up. If you ‘fail’ learn from it and go on. Don’t stop! Keep going!

Make it happen. Make it happen or stop whining and complaining and blaming others. Tough love here. YOU can do this! You can live an incredible life. Start now. If you don’t believe it decide you will. I and others have told you how to develop new beliefs so do it.

No excuses and no BS. Take action. You don’t need massive action you just need to take the first step and then follow through with each successive step. Get it? If you aren’t motivated do it anyway. I and others have told you how. Start doing and stop missing out.

If You Don’t Do It For Yourself No One Else Will – You Just Lose Out

As you move forward keep a journal of the insights, the lessons, the goals, the plans, the intuitions, the learning and the things you are grateful for along the way. Everyday do something small or large to move you forward. Start appreciating who you are. Make your dreams come true and start to celebrate everything!”

Don’t just dream. Make your dreams come true!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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