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horizons brilliance-phil-koch

“Your career is important. Job satisfaction makes a big difference. The relationships in your life truly important. Personal and professional. Personal wealth, these days, is a topic of concern for lots of people. There may be many areas of your life and mine that deserve attention and improvement.

Consider this: without your health the other areas are harder to nurture and improve. We think perhaps, that our relationships at least will take care of themselves, those who love us always will. That probably is true but for them and for us to enjoy the connection having good health helps a lot.

When you are healthy hopefully you are easier to get along with. When your body and mind works well it is just simpler. Many people have immense challenges with health so an area we should focus on is our bodies and minds and do what we can to help them serve us, as best we can. Instead, many of us fill them with junk and abuse them.

Smile Often

Without our health, our job and career don’t mean much. Our cars, and boats and big homes mean even less. None of theses can we take with us. We travel away carrying nothing with us, except perhaps, the memories of the moments we cherish with loved ones and the quality of relationships and life we lived.

Take time to take care for yourself. What can be more important than that statement? Take care of yourself and help take care of others. Nurture yourself.  Nurture others whenever you can. Do whatever you can to insure you enjoy the best health you regardless of challenges. Make this a priority.

Attitude affects health and health affects attitude. However, if your attitude is wonderful you are more apt to be healthier, at least that is what research tends to demonstrate. Plus, if you have a champion attitude first, if you encounter a health challenge, you are far better equipped to handle it positively than if your attitude is poor to start.

Laugh A Lot

If you need a reason to develop a Positive Mental Attitude this is a powerful one. Get your mind in order and it influences the body. If anything happens to the body, or for that matter your relationships, your career, your job, or your things you are better equipped to navigate those challenges. Research indicates this is true.

Feed your mind and your body properly. Give each the appropriate exercise. Give each enough rest and clean water. Take care of both. This is the true meaning of invest in yourself. Without your mind and body health what do you have? How long will you enjoy it without health? Especially, in America where health care costs are insane.

Exercise: As you read this, or any of my blogs, what are your thoughts? Where do you agree and disagree? Notice what you are thinking. Does your thinking support you and encourage you to be your best or not? Do you feel more or less motivated? It isn’t about the blog post, or my words, it is what goes on inside you.

Realize How Blessed You Are

I am not looking for agreement, although I would like to think it is important. What I hope, is that you find your ‘happy place’ that place where you do what is right for you to live the best life you are able. My hope is you hear yourself when your self-talk does not support you AND you hear it when it does support you.

I don’t care so much if you think the post is brilliant or not, as long as you find your own brilliance. That is the purpose of writing these. I hope you will discover your talents, your resources, and will utilize the gifts of your being, mind and body and the gift of time, as best you are able. I hope you discover how wonderful you are.

I hope you have the most incredible life of positive, good health, loving relationships, a fulfilling purpose expressed in your work and your leisure. Life, while alive, never isn’t happening. Yes, an obvious statement but frequently we miss LIFE because we get caught up. We don’t have to but we haven’t learned how not to. Now it’s time.

Be Inspired By Love And Guided By Knowledge

If we can be more loving  and caring of ourselves to nourish ourselves in positive, gentle and  comforting ways we will benefit much. If we can lessen our stress and think and feel happier more of the time, more of life becomes available. We are less on the inside running old negative programs and more available to enjoy what is.

Whatever IS is. Whatever is going on you can handle positively or differently than you might ever think you can or allow yourself to. It can be marvelously different and wonderful much more of the time no matter what the circumstances are. Whether you believe this or not determines whether or not you find it true. Listen. Listen well.

This is when and why it is important to discover what you think. Whether you think you can or you think you can’t. Listen each moment during your day and become more aware. Are your thoughts supporting you or not? Are they helping you become healthier and happier on not? Notice and change as necessary.

Make The Rest Of Your Life The Best Of Your Life

One of the reasons gratitude for whatever we encounter is so important is it takes the stress out. No matter what happens if we can find some aspect to appreciate about it, and we focus on that, we can enjoy more of life every moment. Our attitude of gratitude changes everything for the better. It is important to condition our mind and body. Take care of your health! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

What will you do to delight in this day?

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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