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“Continuing this series of blogs. If you missed the 1st one you can read it here now and then proceed to this one. Subsequent articles will follow. Bite by bite we’ll cover these areas of concern to so many.  It is far easier to resolve than many people think. Why is that? Because thinking makes it so. They think it is hard and it seems to be. They feel anxiety or as an imposter and think supporting thoughts.

If you want something to be different you must learn to think differently. Then you’ll feel, speak and act differently. There is a sequence. There are other ways to resolve this as well. I’ll share as we go along. Here is the link to the previous blog article: End Imposter Syndrome: How To Perform Your Best. Enjoy reading the article and return here. I encourage you to read and reread blogs.

I’m asked through the years how to rid yourself of anxiety and bring your best to the moment as needed. How does one overcome performance anxiety? Let’s consider why someone might feel like an imposter or have anxiety about performing especially if they are good at what they do. If they are not good at the tasks, mental, emotional and physical, a little uncertainty is normal. Not just normal.

You want to be in learner mode which ideally means you become certain you can learn something new, but you are full of yourself that you are the best now, especially if you’ve never done it. Confidence should accompany competence. As your skill or talent or ability increases so should your confidence in it. Please understand this difference. Be sure you can learn it. That’s the first step!

That means recognizing everything you think, feel, say and do is learned at some time in your life. You’ve learned some great habits and bad habits and silly or not-very-useful habits. Since you have learned everything already you are a learner. You may have learned to be a great learner with supporting great learning habits or to be a poor learner with poor learning habits. Get this.

First become a good learner. That means be curious. Be willing to explore. Be willing to find out. Be willing to stay open. Staying open, available, receptive and teachable is crucial. People get in their own way because they make quick assumptions about themselves, their abilities, the material they’re learning, the ease or difficulty, the time it takes and many other areas.

Doing this can serve you well or not. Again, it comes back to what kind of learner you are. Transform yourself into a wonderful learner and many of the issues one has with syndrome and anxiety will vanish. Why? Because you take the first steps toward becoming your best. You take the first steps to become a competent learner who learns the process of acquiring skills, confidence and mastery.

Instead of deceiving oneself, one gets real about the acquisition and performance process. Also understand it’s okay to be nervous. Nervousness is really just having more energy than you did a moment ago. The difference between nervousness and eagerness is the thoughts you are entertaining. What you consider makes the difference. Thinking is becoming. Your brain makes it so.

If you are thinking thoughts that promote worry, anxiety, nervousness you are suiting brain chemicals and hormones and your body responds with physical sensations and emotions. What you feel is a result of what you’re thinking consciously or unconsciously. It’s the result of habits of thought. HABITS. That means you have been conditioned and anchored to react the same way all the time.

Circumstances may differ but you tend to feel the same or similar because it’s what your brain and body has learned to do, automatically and reliably. It seems to be out of your control, and it is until you decide to change it by managing the process. You must re-condition yourself to react differently. You train yourself and anchor yourself, brain and body to react how you want it to instead. Get it?

I teach something called the Mastery Loop™ which is how you learn naturally and through education and how to do it most easily, swiftly and easily because it’s how the brain works. I am giving this online training away as a bonus to those who purchase my book Life On Your Terms from amazon. Here’s how you can get both. CLICK: Get Life On Your Terms & Bonus Training on Mastery

I also share it and give people the experience and exercises and practice in mastering their thoughts, feelings, behaviors in my powerful and positive in person and online programs. If you want to dive deep, I encourage you to enroll and join me. I also share much of it in these blogs through the years and you can make a study of this by reviewing and rereading these blog posts. Dedicate yourself.

In subsequent blogs I’ll share some principles and practices to alleviate your mental, emotional and physical reactions so you can get the relief you seek and move forward in positive ways. You want to be able to get different results, don’t you? Then you must do some things differently. You can’t keep doing the same thing repeatedly and get different results. To do different become different.

If you want your life to change you must change some things in your life. Change your thoughts, what and how you are thinking, and you can transform your life. The first step you might want to learn is reframing. There are others but this is useful. Stop labeling your feelings as nervousness and start calling it something different. Call it eagerness or excitement. For example, ‘I feel nervous.’

Think and say, ‘I am excited.’ ‘I am eager.’ While it sounds simple it can be very profound. It can also be very subtle. To get good at it you must do it correctly, consistently, repeatedly for long enough to make it a reliable and automatic habit. You can also put it in the past. ‘I would have said I was nervous, but I am really excited.’ ‘I would have said I am angry, but really I’m just frustrated.’

Or you might say, ‘annoyed, concerned, committed’ or something else. We are meaning makers and we are anchored to the meanings we give things. We’ve given our sensations and thoughts and behaviors assigned meanings that might not serve us as well as other meanings we could assign instead. Instead of remaining a victim of self-labeling LEARN to succeed at relabeling! Get it?

Reframe your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, experiences and circumstances, even the behaviors of other people to better, more positively, serve you. Stop doing the same things wanting it to be different and be different and you’d do and experience the difference. Know this. If it is to be different it is up to you to think different. Rename your difficulties. You can do this.

Rename them as temporary. Stop thinking things must be permanent because that is all you know. This too will pass. You can learn new things. You can be different. You can make positive changes. Understand this. Stop thinking things must be hard because you’ve not done it before successfully. New things may take some time. New things may seem awkward at first. This too will pass.

Get it? Mindset matters. Attitude is the number one predictor for success in all areas of your life. What you think and call it seems to make it permanent in your mind. It is changeable in reality but you must change it. You retrain your brain. You recondition your mind, feelings, speech and behaviors to serve you automatically and reliably. Then you get the relief and results you desire!

IF you do nothing, everything remains the same. Nothing changes because your brain is consistent AND thank goodness it is. Life would be a mess if it was random. Do you understand this? More is coming. For now, consider changing what you call things. Reframe. Learn how to reassign a better meaning that produces better, wanted feelings instead of what you’ve been getting.

You’ve heard the saying your past does not equal your future. You can experience a whole new way of living when you transform yourself by the renewing of your mind. Correct, consistent, repeated practice makes the difference. Get it. Be it, do it and you can have it. Take the time, whatever time it takes to learn to THINK, and as a result of new improved thinking, DO new things differently to get the RESULTS you want most. Practice. Rehearse. Commit and you’ll change. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


If you’d like some valuable help to live Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want get your copy today!  It is a life changer!

“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

Get the book. Change your life using the principles and practices. Check it out now. Read it, enjoy it, and transform. Transform yourself and how you think, feel and behave to get Celebrate!

“Rex’s background as change agent, actor, magician, mentalist, communicator, performer, and survivor, makes him well practiced in the art of knowing the inner landscape of the human mind. In this book, he hands you the keys to unlock the magical kingdom within you. Not only do you receive the keys, codes, and passwords, you also get the full behind-the-scenes tour to know how to use them. You can now take charge of your own thinking and enjoy the abundant riches you are uniquely qualified to produce as you live life on your own terms.” – Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D


©2020 Book Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC



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