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“Who are you? What do you want more than anything else in the world? What price would you pay to have legally and legitimately get what you want? Do you think of yourself as a person who can accomplish anything you want? These questions should be easy to answer for each of us but for too many these are difficult questions. Can you answer each? Did you answer each? If not, do it

The answers you give are important. They can determine how far you get and how easy it will be. The clearer you are, the greater clarity you have, and the better you answer each of these the more easily you can make your goals and dreams come true. You have an opportunity to look at your inner resources and recognize that you are the one who has the power to make your dreams come true.

Decide you can work by yourself and cooperatively with others to make it happen. You must put yourself in charge of yourself. If you don’t know how or feel yourself resourceful enough at this moment you can learn to. You are capable, positive and powerful. If you don’t already know this, it’s time you discover it. You can learn to make any change you want, so take the opportunity.

Make it a priority. We become what we think about all day long. Make certain that what you think about is worthwhile and positive. Too many waste their time occupied with unimportant tasks or behaviors that don’t get them anywhere. They fill their minds with thoughts of impostor syndrome, performance anxiety, negativity, self-doubt, low self-esteem and a poor self-image. STOP IT!

Stop focusing on what you thought was wrong in your past EVEN IF that post is seconds ago. DECIDE to think differently about yourself! Decide what you want in clear, compelling detail. If you know what you don’t want, you also know what you do want. CHOOSE to focus on what you do want and let go of what you don’t. Shift the attention from the negative to the positive. Keep it positive!

Those who succeed most readily are driven by what they want most and need to accomplish. They know precisely what their dream is and what they’d pay to make it happen. In researching 500 of the wealthiest doers in America Napoleon Hill stated you can attain your Dominant Chief Aim when it’s backed up by a passionate white-hot burning desire and kept in your mind day and night.

Hill stated you must devote yourself to making it happen and believe, have faith, and expect to create it without giving up. He found those who anticipate success are far more likely to attain it. They persist despite the odds. They understood success exacted a high price and only those willing to pay it were ultimately successful.They didn’t lose sight of their destination when things got tough.

They changed their plans as necessary, but not their goals. They kept going! What they did stemmed from the kind of person they were. People who succeeded were positive, optimistic and unstoppable. They believed in themselves, had the right attitude and were convinced they would succeed. This is such an important part of success. The belief, the certainty, that YOU will succeed. You will do it1

They focused on what they wanted, not obstacles. They were leaders leading themselves forward. They accepted 100% responsibility. They were flexible. They were learners. They kept going forward toward their goal. Were they always like this? Hell no! They developed the willpower, the where-with-all, the mindset, the attitude, the backbone, the positivity. They learned it. You must too! Get this.

They programmed their mind through autosuggestion and from going through adversity. They fell and got back up. They dusted off and tried it again. They kept at it until they succeeded because they developed the right mindset and attitude BECAUSE of their white-hot obsession with their Definite Chief Aim. They were clear on what they wanted and knew it was up to them to make it so!

Most people wish rather than plan. They hope for better days instead of intending to have them. We don’t have the ability to wish things into being, but we are able to command them. Hill pointed out that most of our success stemmed from 99% what we did in our heads and 1% from the actions we took. Most people and self-help gurus have it the other way around and they are wrong. Get this!

If your mental attitude and beliefs are aligned, then your actions will be too. THEN you’ll do the right things to bring about success. It’s an inner game NOT an outer game. Most people attempt to change others, events and circumstances. They want to find the right method, technique, strategy to change the outside. IT DOESN’T WORK WELL THIS WAY. You must first be it to do it to have it.

Many work hard, efforting a lot, but their minds are not prepared for success. Success favors the prepared mind1 Most people’s attitudes are defeatist, so they end up spinning their wheels. They don’t get far. They whine, blame circumstances, and hope to get ahead instead of taking 100% responsibility and intending to get ahead come what may. Challenges are part of the process.

They quit because they haven’t an unstoppable attitude. If you’re focused on fixing things, you will always miss. There’s a reason why Hill titled his book THINK And Grow Rich. He did not call it Work Hard and Grow Rich. People have it backwards. THINK right and you do the RIGHT hard work AND that makes all the difference. Think wrong and you spend your life on the hamster treadmill.

It isn’t the amount of effort that makes a difference, it is knowing and taking the RIGHT effort. It isn’t about massive action and 10Xing everything. That is wrong, wrong, wrong. It’s a great way to burn out and the gurus know this. YOU work smarter NOT harder. If your thoughts and feelings are aligned, you won’t consider anything you do that is necessary for the result as work. You’ll enjoy it.

Your dream must be more important than anything else! You must think about it day and night and believe in YOUR ability to make it happen. You must devote yourself to becoming the kind of person who can accomplish what you set your heart to accomplish. You must drop silly notions! You must leave impostor syndrome, performance anxiety, self-doubt, low self-esteem and poor self-image behind. Stop it! Stop it! Stop recreating the old you and create the new. Reprogram yourself! Do it.

You transform yourself into the person who is good at making your dreams come true. When you think right you feel right. When you feel right you speak and behave right. When you speak and behave right you get the right results. Why? Because you transformed yourself by the renewing of your mind. You developed the certainty that YOU can and will do it and YOU DO IT! Get it?

It isn’t about working hard; it’s about trusting yourself. It’s about following your gut, your intuition and relying on it to see you through. When your thinking and feelings are aligned your gut will be too. When it’s out of alignment you can’t pay attention to your intuition. That still, small voice is drowned out by too much noise. Worry, doubt, fear and frustration makes it impossible to hear.

That’s why you need to take charge of yourself and change your thinking first and not try to fix the outer problems first. Get the order correct and like dominos everything follows. The reason you haven’t got what you want yet is you AREN’T doing this yet. You’re not vibrating high enough or you’re blocking that which is coming to you. You’re broadcasting crap and not receiving the good.

That’s it! You may not want to hear that but it’s true. You’re distracted. You are looking for a hack, a technique or quick fix. You are wishing, worrying and doubting. Your vibe is low, and you are shutting off your own intuition and all the good from elsewhere. STOP IT. Get on track. When you seek to learn how and to help others get ahead while you get ahead you can have anything you desire!

There is a formula to make it all work. Those who become successful aren’t only those born to it. Those who succeed in life first succeed in learning how to transform themselves into becoming the kind of person who can make their dreams come true. How we succeed is by becoming the type of person WHO succeeds. So, you must first learn how to think right to create the success you desire. You must manage your thoughts, feelings and behaviors. You can do this! I am here showing you how. I am telling you how. Hopefully, the blind will see, and the deaf will hear. Get it? Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


If you’d like some valuable help to live Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want get your copy today!  It is a life changer!

“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

Get the book. Change your life using the principles and practices. Check it out now. Read it, enjoy it, and transform. Transform yourself and how you think, feel and behave to get Celebrate!

“Rex’s background as change agent, actor, magician, mentalist, communicator, performer, and survivor, makes him well practiced in the art of knowing the inner landscape of the human mind. In this book, he hands you the keys to unlock the magical kingdom within you. Not only do you receive the keys, codes, and passwords, you also get the full behind-the-scenes tour to know how to use them. You can now take charge of your own thinking and enjoy the abundant riches you are uniquely qualified to produce as you live life on your own terms.” – Paul R. Scheele, Ph.D


©2020 Book Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC


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