“People complain the universe, god, or others, exert some power or control over them. What’s going on? Certainly, we can’t change the weather. If it is gray or sunny out that is just what it is. Right? Still, we can change something important. Do you know what that is?
We can change our reaction to the weather. That is our choice. We can accept it or refuse to accept it. We can make good out of a bad weather day, or a bad situation. It all depends on what we choose to focus on. Focus is within our control. What do you want to feel?
Where we put our attention matters. When circumstances occur, we may not change the circumstances but we can change how we respond to them. You can change it! Choose to respond differently. Because if you aren’t choosing your response, who is?
You Are Where Your Thoughts Have Brought You
What you experience is a reflection of who you are. You get back what you are, who you are, what you think, feel and behave. You don’t get back what you want to get back. Circumstances are what they are! Who you are responds and/or navigates circumstances.
It IS what it IS. Your reaction to circumstances is a mirror. If you suffer because of the circumstances that’s useful information telling you to change your focus. You need to think differently. Use the mirror to change your experience! Change your reaction.
You can see it all differently. You can take a different point of view. That is possible. That is what you can do to make a difference. You can feel differently. When you do you’ll begin to get different results. It IS what it IS but you can choose to respond differently!
You Will Be Where Your Thoughts Take You
You can choose to see everything as a blessing. When you do your suffering ceases. The only pain or suffering, or bad, there EVER is, is your reaction to what IS. Your thoughts about it, beliefs about what it is versus what you believe it should be, determines the outcome.
Your judgement about it creates your suffering or your joy. You, either make it good or bad by your thinking. Drop the thinking and all that remains IS. We make a good day bad or a bad day good by our thinking. It’s up to each of us. It’s up to you. Get it? Up to you!
You have choice where to put your attention. It begins as an act of will. As you keep doing it becomes a habit. Do it consistently, for long enough, and it becomes a reliable, automatic skill. You transform. It is the very same process you went through to suffer. Get it?
You Can’t Escape The Power Of Your Thoughts
The difference is this time you do it deliberately, with conscious awareness. You transform your thinking, feeling, behaving and the results you get by taking charge of the process instead of letting it happen to you. You stop being a victim and become a victor. Suffering, in most all cases, is a choice. When you realize this you can free yourself of suffering. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“I use a great little distraction tool whenever my mind is in fear about current situations, I focus on all the things and people I love and am grateful for. You will often find me in my kitchen saying thank you for this beautiful pot, spoon, knife, fork – you get the picture. In no time at all, I have reclaimed my mind and attitude ‘Mind Design’ style… Since doing Mind Design I lead a far more peaceful and happy life. Mind Designers take their glasses off and focus on what’s good and new
” Kathy Strong, consultant, UK
Enroll In Mind Design™ Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?
ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and start getting the results and the life you deserve! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!
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