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“It doesn’t matter where you begin. Many have begun with less than you have. What matters most is where you are going. What direction are you focused on? Someone once said the future is most important because that is where we will spend most of our time.

Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t have. Focus on where you want to end up, not on where you started, not even where you are right now. Focus on making good happen. Focus your attention and resources on creating the you, you want most.

Enjoy the present as a means to tomorrow. Embrace right now, where you are on the journey, and take the next step toward your destination. Now becomes the next moment. When you live fully this moment you take it into the next moment. You get more back.

Focus On What Matters – What You Focus On Expands

Determine your Definite Chief Purpose or Aim. Dream big. Set the destination you know you will arrive at. NOW, concentrate on the first step that takes you there. Create the mindset, the feelings and the right actions that lead you to the next step. Step by step!

Step by step you close in on your destination. These steps should be small enough and simple enough you believe you can achieve them, and do so. They should be challenging enough, it holds your interest. If too small, and meaningless, they won’t hold your attention.

If too large you may not believe, or you may be too overwhelmed. Find the sweet spot where the goal, you currently pursue, is just the right size, and leads you to your larger destination. The most important ingredient in making things happen is to feel good.

If You Want Good In Your Future Put It Into Your Present Now

Feel ecstatic you are making things happen. Have fun. Enjoy the process. As I pointed out in my earlier blogs, keep winning along the way. Success breeds confidence. The more you do, the more you can do. You get better at making things happen. Momentum picks up.

Soon, you are making all sorts of wonderful things happen. You have moved from creating what you don’t want, to creating what you do want! You determine what happens. You design your life and live it on your terms. It all begins, now, with being positive and grateful.

It is in this moment, right now. Feel good. Delight. Help and support others. Be enthusiastic. Live, love and laugh, lots! Express your gratitude for where you are, where you have been and where you are going.  Live fully. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


Now leads to then. Enjoy now!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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