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“This Law is one so many miss or refuse to accept. They are either ignorant of its power or they just refuse to embrace it. The Law of Responsibility states that you own and should accept that whatever happens in your life, happens because of you. It happens because of the choices you make. You need to own this. You are the driver of your own vehicle. Take responsibility for where you choose to go, how you get there and where you stay.

When you accept 100% responsibility for 100% of the choices you make and the results you occupy a place of power. Instead of whining, excusing, blaming and looking for reasons and rationalizations why, you can do something about it. You can decide again. You can correct mistakes. You can keep going. Instead of wallowing you make the best of not-so-good situations. You take charge. You recognize you are a creator not a victim.

The Law of Responsibility reminds us to look within for the cause. Stop looking outside at the effects. If you want to change the effects, look to the cause and do something about it. Your thoughts, feelings, words, behaviors and actions have consequences. Be accountable for what you think, feel, say and do. When you are and you fully assume responsibility things change because you change. ‘From within to without’ is where the power is.


It is a positive and powerful choice to be responsible and accountable. It gives you your decision power back to make changes. If you make mistakes, correct them. You are the cause of your life. Instead of reacting to life you live it more fully. You respond by making positive choices instead of reacting from old conditioning. You remember what happens around you is a mirror of what is happening within you. Your world reflects you.

Even if you don’t accept that as accurate or true, if you use it as a reframe you will discover so much good. When you take ownership of the good and the not-so-good you aren’t part of it. You are apart from it. You are the one who decides. You are the one who acts. You intend. You manage. You navigate. If you don’t yet understand the positive power in this yet, try it. ‘Be the change you want to see in the world.’ Be it by becoming it. By doing it.

Look to yourself as the cause instead of the effect of outside causes. It’s why Henry Ford said, ‘I never let what I cannot do prevent me from doing what I can.’ Even if you can’t control everything that happens to you, you can take responsibility for how you respond to them. That’s a big change and it will be a big change for you when you embrace it. Stop looking outside for reasons and excuses and look within. What happens is because of you.


OWN IT! You are the chooser. Whether you realize it or not. You are constantly choosing. People realize they choose what they eat, watch on TV, or what to buy at the store. Few realize they choose what to think, feel, say and do. Few realize they are choosing to create and respond to their circumstances. They aren’t aware these out-of-conscious-awareness choices are still being made by them every single millisecond. every moment.

The Law of Creation explains that we are the ones who create the world. You are a creator. You may not have hurled the planets into outer space, but you react or respond to everything. If you aren’t here now, alive and conscious of the world, yourself, others and circumstances there is no world, others, yourself or circumstances to you. You approach the world as a conscious entity, spirit being, whatever, through your nervous system.

Without a beating heart and brain, you don’t have a mind. Yes, according to science you exist as energy, but not as this present form of energy. Hence, you create the world and experience by your interaction with it. Because you are here you create it moment to moment. Realizing this is an immense opportunity and joy. It opens infinite possibilities and resources to you. You are a creator. The law of humility says stay humble.


Uncle Ben said, ‘With great power comes great responsibility.’ Don’t let it go to your head. Be courageous and honest enough to accept you create everything and humble enough to accept your mistakes. Your thoughts brought you here today. Today’s thoughts will take you someplace else tomorrow. What are you thinking? What are you choosing to think, feel, say and do right now? What do you want to be thinking …? It matters.

You can make things better for yourself and others when you take responsibility. If you don’t like something you can act to improve it. If you see someone hurt or an injustice, you can do something to help make it better. If you are hurting, you can be different. You can accept and stay with something or decide to move. No one is responsible for how you live your life. You are. Be responsible for how you treat yourself and others. Get this.

The difference you make IS the difference you make. Be the cause. Don’t be the effect. Be the victor, not the victim. Society would have you remain a victim of its conditioning. Live in the world but don’t be owned by it. ‘Be in the world but not of it. Transform yourself by the renewing of your mind.’ The Amplified Bible puts Romans 12:2 this way ‘And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes]…’  You are responsible. Own it. Celebrate it. When you do, success, happiness and all good things come much more easily. Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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