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“William Penn wrote, ‘Patience and diligence, like faith, remove mountains.’ What a wonderful quote. Most of us are familiar with the biblical quote ‘if you had but the faith of a mustard seed you could say to this mountain be removed and the mountain would be removed.’ The mustard seed is incredibly small and yet with even such tininess you could accomplish great things. I prefer exchanging certainty for the word faith.

Most people expect a miracle. They want the mountain to become suddenly invisible. I accept it as an analogy for difficulties and for our ability to accomplish dreams. You can do anything given enough time. You must believe it’s possible to achieve or you might never pursue it. You must believe it is possible for you to get it and you’ll get it no matter what. It won’t help you to doubt it’s possible and do nothing.

You must believe you will accomplish your dreams so that you don’t give up when you encounter difficulty. Some people are all in until it gets tough. Oh sure, they’re fine with the easy way but when difficulty arises, they whine, blame, make excuses and quit. You need to believe in yourself and your abilities to make things happen. Then you must make them happen. Some people expect something to make it happen for them.


When you’ve faith you find we can accomplish great things and overcome any difficulty. Attitude determines your altitude. What you believe you eventually come to see. Mindset is the first step in getting what you want. Without it you may not make it. Faith makes it happen! That’s why patience and diligence matter. It takes whatever time it takes to cook a steak, grow a flower or vegetable, or learn to walk, read and write.

Be patient. Be diligent. The time spent is time gaining experience and learning. The process of getting your outcome could be more important than getting the result. For some people all that matters is the destination and they miss the joy of the journey. Patience and diligence move mountains. Samuel Johnson said, ‘what we hope ever to do with ease we must first do with diligence.’ Energetic and with care. Steady and earnest.

That’s how diligence is defined. Diligence is taking care. Carefulness and painstaking devotion. Persevering application and the opposite of negligence. Some think they can do nothing and still get it. Some expect others to do it for them. Good thing you didn’t have to read a book to learn to walk. You just did it. You kept doing it until you could. For the most part, you couldn’t speak to complain about it. You just did it.


That’s how things get done. Just do what is necessary and if you’re smart and wise you’ll learn to enjoy the process. With the right attitude it’s far more enjoyable. Make what you want happen. When you are loving life and having fun time seems to pass more swiftly. It would then make sense that if you want to make things happen more quickly, you’d learn to enjoy making them happen. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes.

Moe Rock, CEO The Los Angeles Tribune says, “One of the best books in personal development published in the last 25 years.” 

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@2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2024 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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