Provides Inspiration Principles & Practices To Transform Your Life!
Spread the love “What we look for, we find. This is not just a nice sentiment; it is a scientific reality backed by decades of psychological and neurological research. The brain is a pattern-recognition machine, constantly scanning the environment for information that confirms our existing beliefs and expectations. This is known as confirmation bias, a cognitive […]
Spread the love “What so many miss today is first lead yourself. So many people want to lead without being qualified and many endorse that practice by encouraging them to lead or teach without mastering themselves or the subject first. That’s just shameful. If you aren’t qualified, you should try to get your experience on […]
Spread the love “The world conforms to what I think and say it is. Some would say it’s unrealistic and optimism is not always a good thing. I say, if I have a choice I am going to choose. If I can be happy, why would I choose to be unhappy? Some have reasons why […]
Spread the love “Mastering your mind is the key to unlocking your unlimited potential. You might say it’s a hidden key since most people try to change circumstances instead of adopting the mindset that helps them through circumstances. Research has repeatedly shown that our beliefs and attitudes determine what we see and experience in the […]