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“The main take-away from NLP, and related studies, ought to be to learn how to be flexible and adapt to changing circumstances. If we can’t adjust, why should we expect students, clients or customers, much less family and friends to do as much. They won’t, if we don’t.

I encourage people to GO FIRST. Demonstrate, model, give what you want to get in return, first. Give love to get love. Give attention and respect to have it returned. Listen to understand, if you want to be understood and listened to. Is it guaranteed it will return? Nope!

That is such a good thing. There is no guarantee. This means you do it, to do it. You give to give and not to get. This means you really are going first and you’re acting with integrity and compassion, without demanding anything back. Yet, sometimes it’s returned. Yay!

Life Is So Much Better When You Go First – Everything Transforms

The Rule Of Reciprocity suggests that people are likely to return your kindness. You buy dinner. They want to buy the next one. As I point out in How To Get People To Do What You Want Without Begging, Pleading, Guilt-tripping or Nagging’ people will say ‘yes.’

They say ‘yes’ to people they like. They say ‘yes’ to people who are similar to them. All things being equal, but you like one salesperson versus another one, who do you buy from? The one you like. The one who adds value. The one who pays attention. Get it? Go First!

Things change. Not everything will be the same tomorrow as today. Today will differ from yesterday but that doesn’t mean it’s inferior. There are online opportunities that can be superior to what was. There is much discussion about in-school learning nowadays.

Everything Gets Better The More Flexible You Can Become

There are benefits to in-room, live education and training. Some aspects don’t compare to what can be gained online. Both have superior and inferior aspects. It’s what you do with what you have that matters most. Make, and be, the best with what you have.

Most people resist change just because it IS different. It’s outside their current comfort zone. Would you like to become more comfortable with more things? Then get exposed to more new and different things you normally wouldn’t be exposed to,

Practice being flexible. The more we do, the more we become capable of doing. We can learn to be more flexible, adaptable and comfortable by diving into it changes. We won’t if we avoid it. What we resist persists. We live more successfully by becoming flexible.

Would You Like To Get Along Better With Others And Feel Great

We communicate better with others when we GO FIRST, pay attention, give respect, listen to learn and not just to speak and render an opinion. We win more bears with honey than with vinegar. You’ll gain more friends and influence if you do this. Pave the way!

I’ll share more in upcoming blogs but for right now consider what you can do differently that adds value to you and others. How can you transform yourself to better get along with others, navigate the turbulence in life, AND enjoy all the good times even more? Hmmm

We’ll explore this as we go along in case you can’t think of anything, yet. I encourage you to think about it often. Asking of yourself in a positive way can open doors you didn’t know existed. Exploration is the doorway to adventure. Curiosity the key. Awareness transforms.

Stretch Yourself Into A New Way Of Being Doing And Having More

Become truly curious. Explore how you can stretch outside your comfort zone. Oliver Wendall Holmes pointed out, ‘A mind stetted to a new idea can never return to its original dimension.’ Stretch, and become more flexible. Life gets so much better when you do. This is why I always remind you to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I share much, much more in Life On Your Terms 

“Rex’s understanding of how the mind works and mindset is second to none. He wrote a book called Life On Your Terms. He’s really good. You can’t read this book and not think better, not think more productively, not think more efficiently, and not think with a lot more directed happiness in your life because he shows you how to do it in the book. I’m really glad he put out this book. I encourage you to buy it. It’s really good!’ Joe Soto, Int’l Marketing Mentor


Book and Kindle available at Amazon. Gift a loved one!

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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