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“Things don’t always work out when we hope they will. Isn’t that right? Have you noticed? They still work out but not according to your time line. Well, perhaps, sometimes, but mostly, not. Guess what, you might as well get used to it and develop some patience.

After all, you aren’t in charge of the timelines. Okay, yes, you think you are, if you are like most people. You really aren’t though and I hate to have to be the one to break that news to you. BUT I will be sinse it is best for you to realize that. See, it isn’t what you know.

It is what you don’t know. AND you don’t know what you don’t know. You can’t know everything. SO let it go. Relax, trust and allow while you continue to create and attract. You plant the seed then nature takes over. You do what you can and you allow it to unfold.

There Is A Season For Everything – Drop By Drop The Tub Fills

Get it? You will have everything when you need it in its perfect time. It will unfold as it will. Your job is to do what you do and to trust. Expect. Don’t push it or rush it. You put your order in with the cosmic waiter, now the kitchen prepares it, and will deliver soon.

When it is ready you will get it! How you wait for it is how you spend your life. You determine the quality of now by what you do. Enjoy. Expect. If you notice how long it takes, and that bothers you, you are creating more distance, time and lack. Stop noticing not having it.

When you notice you don’t have it, it takes longer. What you focus on, give your attention to, is what you create and get back. If you don’t have it and you feel ‘bad or ‘negative’ you actually push it away. If you don’t allow it, you resist it. That too, pushes it off more.

Make It Your Habit Not To Be Critical Of Small Things Or All Things

You attract what you are. If you are fun loving, carefree, having a great time, no matter what, that is what you get back. Like attracts like. You get back what you focus on. You become what you think about. If you think it isn’t here yet, and it sucks, guess what?

Consider, what you are creating each moment, and ask yourself, ‘is this what I want?’ If it isn’t, shift your thinking to think about what you do want. Shift your feelings and behaviors and activities to what you do want. Create more of what you do want. Get it? GET IT?

Feel  the best you can. If you think, ‘I can’t feel good, it ain’t here yet’. Guess what you are creating? Guess how you get to live. STOP IT! Change it. Breathe, Take a walk. Move around. DO whatever positive actions you must to shift your thinking to the positive. SHIFT!

Whether You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You’re Right

While it is coming to you, trust. Believe. Live the best life ever! Enjoy each moment. Feel grateful. Say thanks. Feel great. How you feel is how you are vibrating. Your vibes are your feelings! Feel  the best you can. It is coming. Be patient. Celebrate everything.” Rex SIkes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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