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“People make positive and negative statements. It’s human. What is a negative statement? Usually, it is an assertion or declaration regarding something you don’t want, or want to exclude or eliminate. “I don’t like that.” “I don’t want that.” It could be a derogatory comment, as in ‘I’m fat.’ or ‘I’m do stupid.’ ‘Nothing good ever happens for me.’ ‘Everything sucks.’ Do you feel better thinking these thoughts?

Most would say no. What is a positive statement? How about we say it is the opposite and leave it at that. You’re smart. You know what it is. So, consider this. If you feel worse saying and thinking negatively, why would you ever do it? Habit, you might answer. That surely is the case. Okay, then.

Stop it. ‘Oh, easier said than done.’ You say. One might think that too is a negative comment. It suggests doing it is hard or unlikely. Okay, so it is easier said than done, SO WHAT? How about you just stop doing it no matter how difficult it could be. Hmmm, now where did you go with that? If you feel less-than-gloriously thinking and speaking negatively simply stop doing it to feel better.

Well, okay you stop it but then what? What do you do instead? Okay, well again you are smart you know what to do. You start emphasizing the positive. You eliminate the negative. As you do you begin to feel better. You have the power to change the way you think and speak. You are the thinker. You are the speaker. Don’t you think you should decide what you think and speak? Aren’t you responsible?

How about making a promise to yourself to never finish or complete a negative statement you think or say? Decide to speak only to bless, edify, heal, inspire, prosper, transform and uplift. Put a watch dog before your lips and your head. When you hear yourself starting to say something negative, stop yourself. Pause! Take a break. That’s what the old you might have said. What does the new you say?

Reframe it. Phrase it differently. Say the opposite. Make it positive and productive. Does it inspire you? Does it motivate you? Does what you were about to say make you feel better? Does it bless you or uplift you? Does it prosper or heal you? Do you feel positively transformed? If not, don’t say it. Does it bless, edify, heal, inspire, prosper, transform and uplift others? If not, don’t say it. Don’t gossip either.

Stop thinking it. When you catch yourself about to make a negative assertion stop and think and say the opposite. Stop thinking negative thoughts and speaking negatively about yourself, others, events and circumstances. If you want to feel better, more optimistic and positive start thinking and speaking more optimistically and positive. Nurture what you want. Stop what you don’t want. Easier said…

If you think you can or you can’t, you are correct. What you say is what you get. Get it? You are the thinker and speaker. Your thinking and speaking makes it true for you. Whether it’s true for anyone else is not the issue. You made it true for you. You said it. You thought it. Own up to the fact that you, YOU, create your own reality. You, how you react, what you say, reinforces the issues you think you have.

Stop putting energy into what you don’t want and begin putting energy into what you want instead. Notice what you are doing. Bring awareness to your self-talk and your talk with others and you will notice you’re thinking much more easily too. Awareness and stopping and shifting your words will help you become more mindful of the thoughts and language you have and use. Notice it. Own it. Get it?

Notice what you do that doesn’t serve you and change it. It may take some time to get used to doing this but eventually it will get easier, and you’ll develop a new positive habit. When you are more positive and optimistic you create and attract good things more easily and readily. Energy goes where your attention goes. When your attitude is positive your world is more positive. Even if it isn’t.

Even if the world doesn’t change, if your attitude changes, you change. If you are different you move through the world differently. Even if you travel the same highways and byways your journey is different because you are. Get it. When you are more positive and optimistic you are more resourceful and can notice possibilities and opportunities more readily because your energy can go there.

It’s not restricted by negativity. When you are more positive and optimistic you are gentler, kinder, more patient and loving towards yourself and others. That means more good is available for you and them and so your world does change, EVEN, if it doesn’t. You get this, right? You have the power and ability to change yourself and the world around you, your environment so use it. Don’t waste it. Use it. Find the good. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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