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“The president and others have tested positive for Covid and many people aren’t sure what to believe. That, sadly, is due to the way the administration treated press, conferences and the willingness to spread disinformation, misinformation and lies. He’s off to hospital.

Similar to ‘the boy who cried wolf’ people aren’t sure any more what is accurate and what isn’t. This is understandable. It means each of us have the opportunity to come to terms with the conclusions we draw and why we draw them. We need to attempt to vet info.

These are confusing times. Some research suggests that most misinformation about health, Covid and what to do about it originated from Potus and the administration. Not the press. That people are confused is directly attributable to the Potus and players.

Find The Good – Focus On The Good – Let Go Of Negativity

Sadly, some people are happy Potus and others may have the virus. They feel vindicated. They have hostile feelings toward Potus, those in his family and the administration. This too is understandable but not  a healthy or wise response. Natural, no doubt. Rise above!

Hoping the virus harms someone does less harm to the target person than to the person harboring those negative feelings. It isn’t about him or them, it’s about what each of us holds in our heart that determines our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health.

Hence the statement about drinking poison hoping it hurts someone else. It hurts the person who drinks the poison obviously. What is less obvious, but just the harmful, is those negative thoughts we direct at others. The thoughts damage the thinker not the target.

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Yes, it is human for people to be glad, sad or angry for any variety of reasons. The ultimate concern is who suffers the consequences of those feelings more?  Let’s not celebrate anyone else’s downfall. Let’s rise higher and hope all do better.

Let’s work for fairness, balance, good health for all and not become another part of a difficult problem. Rise higher. Let go of negative feelings. Wish everyone well. If it’s true or if it’s a ruse, still rise higher. We ought not get sucked into negativity. Wish everyone better health, and  a swift, complete recovery. Stay safe, happy and healthy. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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“Rex wants you to live the life of your dreams. His book is the road map to successfully and fully chase the excellence you desire and deserve. Happy reading.” – Mark Victor Hansen Author Chicken Soup For The Soul


Meet Sonny.  He’s an all around good guy and  works in film as an actor. Sonny says, “Love Rex and this book which is helping day by day to change my life for the better. Thanks so much my friend.”

©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2019 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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