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you can become anyone you want to be

“It’s time to do something for you too. Take some baby steps towards different things you can do that will make a big difference. Put into practice some tiny things that help improve your life over all. It is easy and simple to make your overall experience more delightful!

Read more inspirational material, stop using the smart phone so much. Simplify your life, downsize some things, get back to nature. De-stress, revive, and have some fun. Speak nicely to yourself and others! Treat everyone with respect and love.

Eat a little healthier; take the stairs; park further away and walk to your destination; get better sleep; treat yourself kindly; give yourself a treat now and then. Spend quality time with others. Count your blessings! Visualize and concentrate on your goals.

This year, this beginning time, find something you can cross off your bucket list. Make it a point to do one of your special wants this year. See if you can’t do it earlier rather than later.

Don’t use time as an excuse not to. Don’t say you don’t have time or money or know how. No excuses. Figure out how to make it happen. You will be thrilled as you accomplish something you have wanted to.

stop being victim start living strong

Life is too precious to waste. Sometimes we get caught up and loose sight of keeping it simple, beautiful and fun. We may need to remind ourselves from time to time to stop and smell the roses. Feel good, enjoy, put a smile on your lips.  Help put a smile on the lips of others.

This year keep it simple, keep it fun, keep it feeling as good as you can by implementing simple, small, easy, steps towards overall well being. Don’t miss out by putting things off, today is the only day you have. Now is the time. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Easy and simple is the way to go.

Celebrate everything! Look at everything you do and have to feel grateful about. Appreciate the people in your life that matter. Make the most of your moments together. Spend more time with family, friends and love ones. Meet some new people too!

Live, laugh, love and celebrate! Chose to think and feel your best. Realize you either affirm or deny. You either go with the flow or you resist. Stop resisting, stop denying and start affirming and flowing.

Recognize when you get stuck and unstick yourself without blame. Smile, sing, laugh, dance, play more. Take the opportunities to improve your life in tiny ways that make a big difference! You’ll feel better! You’ll think better!  You’ll recognize opportunities sooner! You’ll enjoy so much more! Live simply and live fully! ” Rex Sikes

Celebrate  today!

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