“Small acts of kindness done consistently can make an incredible difference in spite of large acts of harm going on around it. A tiny drip can become a raging river because it’s consistent and persistent. Small at the beginning, but it creates its own momentum eventually. For unwelcome circumstances to prevail, it only requires that people do nothing. If you want things to be different then you must learn to think, feel, speak and act differently.
If you do the same thing repeatedly, it’s silly to think the results will be different. BUT if you get your thinking, your head and heart in the right place, the speaking and right actions will follow. BUT you must act first to correct your thinking. ‘As a man thinketh, so he is.’ Your thoughts determine your self-image and esteem. They determine whether you love yourself and others or not. What you think matters. What you do, comes from your thinking.
If you want more love, love yourself first. If you want more understanding. Learn to be understanding of yourself and others. Be patient, kind, and caring. To act compassionately with empathy and kindness, understanding, peace, acceptance and love TO help another person CAN heal all sorts of injury and illness, and right all sorts of wrongs. Love ought to be the answer but for some it’s just hit harder and hurt more.
Stop resisting, fighting, harming and hurting yourself and others. Love yourself. Love others. We can help those around us to have better lives. If we want a better world, we ought to BE the change we want to see in the world as Gandhi encouraged. Many people prescribe what to do but they themselves don’t do it. You and I must act differently and learn to walk our talk. Talk is cheap when it isn’t followed by right actions.
Since words and actions can hurt, be sensitive. Notice what you can do to help others, and you will also be helping yourself. Most importantly live from love, not necessarily logic, religion, politics or rumors and opinion. Live from love. Accept love. Show love. Give love. Be love. Uplift and edify. Help right the wrongs. Help bring people together. Let’s collaborate and cooperate and together make great, wonderful, positive things happen that we ALL can enjoy and benefit from. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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