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There are laws that govern the universe and our experience of  it. Humans have discovered these laws and collected them. They explain how things work and they work independent of whether we know them, understand them, believe in them, or appreciate them. It is just the way things are.

For example, there is the law or GRAVITY. We may like it or not,  we may believe in it or not, but we still are subject to it. I am not going into why there is gravity or the motion of the planets, that isn’t part of this discussion.

You know about gravity and how it affects us. If you are in a tree and fall out you fall down not up. No matter what we think about gravity that will be the case. Plain enough to understand, I hope.

There is the law of LIFT (See Newton’s Laws)  which allows us to overcome the effects of gravity so  a plane can take off. Lift depends on other factors, speed and resistance but when those conditions are right the plane can take off and fly, however, the plane is still always subject to the law of gravity. It will fall to the earth when there are certain conditions.  Again, simple enough I hope.

All of the material to make and fly a plane have always existed. Do you realize that? Everything has always been here.

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We live in a closed system and there is the principle that energy, hence matter, can neither be created or destroyed. All energy is transformed. Everything has always been and will always be, just perhaps, in a different form.

SO all the metals, the plastics, the rubber, the leather, the glass, other synthetics, we use all existed in their raw state eons ago. We could have made and flown planes thousands of years ago had we known how.

There has been nothing created during this time that did not exist previously. It has always been here. Nothing fell to earth from outside that contributed to our being able to build a plane and fly it. (Some do think differently about this, but I am not going there).

While it is true  that we combined elements to create new combinations of materials (transformations) that came about when we learned how to be able to do that, everything that is available today existed long, long ago in one form or another.

We have always had everything we have ever needed even when we didn’t recognize it or know how to utilize it. Sadly, it is true, that if you are not aware that certain things or conditions exist, then for all practical intents and purposes they don’t exist for you!

EVEN when in fact, they ARE present. It is only you, the human, that is not yet able to take advantage of them and they remain hidden. They remain hidden until the human becomes aware.

If  a rich relative died and left you the world’s classiest most expensive, desirable car but you didn’t know about it you wouldn’t act as the owner of that wonderful vehicle.

You would only act whatever you thought your current state was at the time. Even though it belongs to you and technically is in your possession, IF you don’t know about it you don’t act or utilize it as an owner.

You may even sit around hoping for a better car not knowing you are already in possession of the best car. You can be complaining about your financial condition while sitting on a potential heap of cash.

happiness depends on quality of your thoughts

We only can conceive of that which we able to perceive. If we don’t know it exists as a possibility, if we are unable to conceive of it, if we are unaware, then we function as if it doesn’t exit. Awareness determines how far we may go. Awareness determines our vision.

Electricity  has always been with us. Once we understood we could harness it’s power we began to utilize it and control it. Once we better understood gravity and lift we could work with them.

Once our ‘know how ‘changed we learned to do many things. It may be that it took time for our brains to evolve to be better equipped at thinking, still, the point remains, we must know about it to utilize it.

We could have always utilized gravity and electricity from the beginning of time, all the materials were available in one form or another, but we did not know we could so we did not know how to either.

As our knowledge changed and we learned and understood more we accomplished new things and we transformed our world. We improved conditions in many ways. We made changes in housing, travel, food, communication and improved our overall well fare.

Everything was always present we just didn’t know what to do with it. I understand some people may have to really think and investigate to grasp this concept more easily but DO think about this. Consider what it means.

if you can imagine it you can achieve it

For a long time we attempted to fly. We tried flapping our arms like birds do their wings, we dove off cliffs trying to soar, only to plummet due to gravity. Later, we discovered we could utilize lighter than air gases and rise into the clouds. Eventually we were able to build engines to give us enough power and combined that power with properly designed wings which gave us lift against the wind. We defeated gravity for a little while.

Actually, we didn’t defeat it we worked with it because without gravity there wouldn’t be lift. The plane rises against the resistance. Once we learned these principles and better understood them we were able to create and do things, we could have always made happen, but didn’t, until the time when we were able.

Consider this as much as possible. Everything we needed to fly has always been available to us. The materials, the laws that govern flight have been with us all along. From the earliest of times we always could have flown but we didn’t until we realized how to use principles and materials to our advantage! I find this amazing to think about!

We have harnessed water power, wind power, electrical power, nuclear power because we learned about the laws that govern us and how to use them to bring about changes.

Once you understand the laws you can master them!

Prior to this understanding we go about however we go about. True or actual change in our life occurs only when the change in our consciousness occurs. It begins with awareness, it begins with our thoughts.

life is what you create

We seek answers or solutions, we look to find the means to accomplish something and once we begin looking we are more apt to find. Some people just never look they merely accept whatever is.

Consider that eons before the chair came about anyone could have built a chair. At some point someone did. Somewhere in human consciousness someone decided, someone thought, there was another way to sit other than on the ground.

Sure, maybe at first they piled some stones, or some sticks, but somewhere along the way the idea evolved in someone’s mind and they actually pictured a chair. They designed it in their head and they made it with their hands.

It didn’t exist until someone thought it into existence. The thought preceded the physical reality.  People do and behave  only what they know and imagine as possible.  If you can’t conceive of a new reality you will never have that new reality or behave that new reality.

I’ll repeat that a bit differently. In order to exist in a new reality you must first be able to conceive of that new reality.

For humans to have a chair or an airplane they first had to conceive of it in their minds. The idea had to be there. They had to discover and recognize certain principles and ideas in order to bring in to being the desired outcomes. If they don’t think or know something is possible or potentially available they will never strive to bring it about.

In order for new things to be brought into existence we must FIRST be able to conceive of them. All human creations begin with thought.

thoughts become things

Yes, it is accurate to state that some things are brought about accidentally while looking for or to do something else. There are surprise discoveries. (White Out, Velcro and other innovations apparently occurred accidentally while people were searching for something else).

For us to benefit from these amazing moments when there have been surprise discoveries people still need to be able to recognize  the opportunity that has just been given them. They need to recognize and SEIZE the opportunity.

If they discarded the different (accidental) results because it was not what they intended, without considering other possible uses for it, then the new innovation would never have occurred. This probably happens more frequently than it does not.

Sometimes discoveries have laid dormant until another time when we evolved more, learned more, and our information changed.  Then we were (finally) able to recognize ‘that something’ (that had been there all that while but remained under utilized) as an opportunity or a new benefit.  Until that ‘aha’ moment it existed in an unused form.

Until that ‘aha’ moment even though it all existed we were blind to it. We couldn’t see it or recognize it UNTIL the moment when we could. In that moment, the opportunity for transformation arrived!

act as if you already have it

We are only aware of what we are aware of at any given time. This is why some people never seem to get ahead while others rocket past them.

Those who succeed in life or career are able to recognize and utilize the opportunities, the materials, the information that others are still blind to. Everyone has access equally but only some are aware of it. It exists for all but only a few utilize it.

Notice it is the ability to recognize and UTILIZE the opportunities.

The First point is to be able to conceive of it. You must have the originating thoughts. The second point that is critical is we must act on this information. (I’ll discuss this further in upcoming posts).

Some people know they want a better future and hope or wish for it. They know what they could or should do to make things better but they just don’t do anything. In order to get the success and the results you want YOU must be ACTIVE in bringing it about.

Napoleon Hill said very accurately, ‘Whatever the mind can conceive and you can believe, you can achieve’. I find this a remarkable, beautiful, simple and and complex concept all at once.

In order for us to achieve something we must first be able to conceive of it.

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If we can think it, see it in our mind’s eye and speak it, we can have it.

What we can hold in our head we can hold in our hand. The picture first exists in the artist’s head prior to the canvas.

This is so true! Architects, engineers and others know that they create in the inner space, put it on paper and then countless others work to make it a reality in the physical environment. It ALL begins on the inside.

Those who succeed understand this. Those who don’t think it originates outside of them. They think circumstances or others dictate how life is for them. They don’t run their minds or their lives they let others run those.

This is the difference between someone who is a victor and one who is a  victim. It is the mind set or one’s own thinking that determines which they will be. . This can be the difference between you and someone who is a great success. It sure was for me.

In order to succeed we have to be self determining. We need to use what we have available to make what we want happen. It all begins inside of us. The successful either know this or have had that accidental discovery.

If we aren’t able to conceive of it then how on earth might we achieve it? We won’t unless we accidentally do it just as our other accidental discoveries. Even then,  we must recognize the opportunity OR we will still miss it.

whatever we plant in our subconscious

We  must be able to conceive of it to achieve it. Then, we must be able to act on it or it will just remain a piece of information. It will be an awareness with no action behind it.

We think it into being  but not as in science fiction or fantasy tales. We don’t rub a lamp or hope that it will happen for us.

We think it and then we work to accomplish it.

The successful people know and apply the laws of success. The successful people get the laws working for them. This is the big difference between those who accomplish much and those who accomplish little.

It all begins first with our thoughts. This is one of the reasons Henry Ford said, ‘If you think you can or you think you can’t you are right.’

For you to get a different result or outcome you need to FIRST be able to conceive of that different future result.

For you to get a different life in the future you must first be able to conceive of that different better future life. You need to take the FIRST step toward creating the future you want.

You must FIRST create it on the inside in order to have it on the outside. You create it on the inside now to have it on the outside at another date in the future because, honestly, things just take some time. Successful people never use time as an excuse for not making things happen.

If you want you life to change you have to change some things in your life. . If you want a kick ass successful future YOU have to conceive it, create it, bring it to life inside you right NOW in order to accomplish it or bring it about in the future. That is just how it is.

Those who enjoy enduring success travel a little bit in advance of the world. They see it in their mind’s eye, they plan ahead, knowing that it will be a reality sometime soon.


They understand that they have the power to create. They realize it begins with their dominant thoughts and that what they focus on most of the time is critical to their success. They don’t waste their thoughts or their time.

They know they must be positive and precise to create the same kind of results. They know if they are wishy washy they will get wishy washy results.

They take being a creator very seriously and understand the incredible opportunity and responsibility one has as a creator. They live as the captain of their ship, they live life victoriously. Others may not embrace these notions but people who are succeeding most definitely do.

Okay we’ll end here for today. More in Part 2 tomorrow. There is much more incredible material to cover and I’ll continue to share great ways to begin creating what you want.

Don’t miss out. Stick with reading the blog and putting into practice the ideas shared. You can get outstanding results! You can create an amazing life and future for yourself. ” Rex Sikes

Have an incredible day. Put a smile on your lips and help those around you too.

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