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be master of your fate not slave of your problems

“For you to get a different life in the future you must first be able to conceive of that different better future life. You need to take this important  step toward creating all that you want.

You must FIRST create it on the inside in order to have it on the outside. You create it on the inside now to have it on the outside at another date in the future because, honestly, things just take some time. There is a season for everything.

Shortly, I will discuss exactly how this works, how to create what you want on the inside and what you must do to bring it about in reality

If you want you life to change you have to change some things in your life. If you want a kick ass successful future YOU have to conceive it, create it, bring it to life inside you right NOW in order to accomplish it or bring it about in the future. That is just how it is…

Part 2  Continued from Successful People Know These Laws Why Don’t You

That means you must know what you want. You must be able to imagine that. You must have a purpose, a target, an incredible desire that you want to go after and create.

You have to set your mental machinery in motion and aim it at your future goals. IF you do not know what you want you will drift. You will live without purpose. You will succeed at not succeeding.

Having a definite and major purpose is crucial to your success. Successful people are driven to fulfill their purpose, their reason for being on the planet.  You must know what you are meant to do.

Further more,  Napoleon Hill said, ‘you must believe it’ in order to achieve it. Not only must you be able to conceive your future happening and imagine it as you want it but you must believe that you will be able to bring it into being. That it is yours and that it belongs to you. This future IS your destiny.

If you don’t think something is likely or possible you are not even going to try. So you must believe and know that what you want IS something you can have and will bring about.

visualize and believe

You must believe it is yours. You must see it in your mind and believe you will have it. You must expect it to come to pass. Those who enjoy great success never give in to doubt but know they can have anything and everything they want. It is conviction, and a determined attitude.

Will Smith is alleged to have said, “I was always an A-list movie star in my head. You just didn’t know it’. This is precisely what Napoleon Hill meant. The future you want must first exist inside you and you must know it is meant for you and that you will have it, for you to eventually enjoy it.

Those who succeed have this kind of mind set. Whether they were brought up with it or they acquired it on their own through life experience most of those who win definitely expect to win. Their belief in themselves and their abilities to have what they want IS a major reason for their success.

They stay focused on what they want and they do not let challenges or obstacles distract them from making it happen. They keep on going until they get what they seek. They do not quit.

All through my blog I have been discussing how we go about creating this mind set and these behaviors for ourselves. I will continue to give precise steps, procedures, exercises you can do to develop these attributes and characteristics as we proceed in the blog.

There are principles and laws we have to employ in order to become the people we want to become and for us to have what we want in the future.

when u want to succeed as much as you want to breath

The successful people are just like you and me but their attitude may be significantly different. We think you must work hard to get ahead. They understand it is not hard work that gets them ahead but working smarter.  Clearly, no one is suggesting that you don’t work toward getting what you want, you must, but it isn’t the work that makes it happen as much as it is what you think and how you think.

Napoleon Hill named his book, Think and Grow Rich because that is what happens. He did not mean you meditate in your room and money will pour from the heavens. He meant the way you use your brain, your mind, you imagination determines your attitudes and feelings, your faith and the opportunities you create. He knew that when you want something passionately and will not stop where most people would, but keep going that ultimately you will prevail.

You literally think yourself to success since everything begins with thought and since we become what we think about most of the time.

How well one uses their mind determines the success one can attain.

So you decide on what you want.

You create it now in order to have it then. You picture it for yourself, you write down your future story that you want told, you create it, tailor it, enhance it, see it, live it inside your head day and night, you spend the bulk of your time there creating what it is you desire the most (while enjoying this present as I have mentioned many times).

Know you purpose!

Understand your responsibility!

whatever we plant in our subconscious

You need to understand that you are ALREADY a creator. You have been doing it all along whether or not you have been getting results you intended. You either create what you want, what you don’t want or you create the drifting.

There is no escaping our responsibility in how our lives turn out from moment to moment. People try to shift the responsibility or the blame onto others and circumstances but what we have and don’t have is completely and solely up to each of us alone.

What we need to know and do to get what we want is to shoulder that responsibility and become 100% accountable for what we have or don’t. No more escaping, blaming or accusing. We accept it all without judgement. This is the starting place.

We need to understand that the creative act utilizes all of our mind. The conscious mind sets the course, determines the destination and chooses the end results you want to have. We figure out our purpose and what we want with our conscious mind. We use our conscious mind to instruct and inform the unconscious mind.

Our unconscious mind carries it out.  The unconscious mind is the servo mechanism that runs day and night while you sleep. Consciously, you determine what you want to create. Unconsciously, you manifest it.

I am

Both parts of the mind work together. The conscious mind is like you as the captain of a ship at the wheel. You are in charge. You decide where you want to go.

The unconscious mind is like the rudder, the ship and the power source. You consciously determine where you want to go and steer the ship in that direction using the wheel. The wheel is connected to the the rudder which turns the boat in the direction you want.

The unconscious mind is the vehicle you use to take you there. It works on and on without stopping, it operates under it’s own power. It runs on automatic, it makes the habits and produces the results you want BUT it needs to be told what to do.

For most people, the situation is like this. Most people have been informing their unconscious mind all along what to do without realizing their responsibility in the process. They get unwanted and unintended results and cannot figure out why. They are frustrated, and unhappy a good deal of time, or life is okay but not as good as it could be. For some it is downright unpleasant. The sad fact is that these people do not realize they are making it all happen that way. They don’t realize they are the source of their displeasure. They would change it if they knew how but they don’t.

We bring about the results in our life by our thinking and what we think about most of the time through the day, each day, for weeks and months and years. What we hold in our mind, in our attention, what we focus on is what we get and become whether we realize it or not and whether we wan’t it or don’t.

dont be afraid

We become what we think about. The truth is we are always creating because the energy flows where our attention goes.

If we are focused on lack, difficulty, fears and worry we create or we attract more of the same. This is why positive thinking is a critical skill to develop. This is why it is important to understand the laws and principles that govern the process and our part it in all of it.

When we recognize the important role we play in determining how our life goes we can then seek to make it how we want it to be instead of settling for what we caused in the past.

This is important to understand. It is important to act on this information if you want your life to change for the better.

In order to get the results you desire you must communicate clearly and with precision to your unconscious mind so that your unconscious mind knows exactly what to do to bring it about.

You put an end to haphazard and unintended results when you are able to do this.

I will paraphrase the biblical parable of sowing seeds. Some seeds fall on rock and die from the sun, some on harder earth and are eaten by birds and insects, while others fall in fertile, prepared soil and take root and grow.

While seeds can grow without humans it takes the right conditions for some to sprout.  Many die. When humans plant seeds we work to insure the conditions are maximal for optimal growth. There are things we do to bring about the right conditions.

all that we are arises with our thoughts

When we plant seeds of creation in our unconscious minds, because the unconscious mind could care less what it grows, we must make sure certain positive conditions are met in order to meet with success and get the results we intend to get. The unconscious mind will grow positive or negative seeds because it doesn’t care. SO we must TAKE CARE to plant ONLY positive seeds if that is what we want returned.

We have to take care and actually do things to make it work for us the way we want. We need to instruct the unconscious mind deliberately and with precision. I have been and will keep returning to this very critical point.

As discussed in previous posts, drifting means not knowing where one is going or changing direction continuously. It means not having a firm fixed destination and a plan for getting there.

Since your unconscious works by precise laws it is important that you give it the precise information you want it to carry out. Plus, you need to provide this information in the manner the unconscious mind is accustomed to getting it.

You need to learn to speak the language of the unconscious mind. For example,  as a native speaker of the language you speak you may have misunderstanding even when communicating with someone who speaks your same language.

BUT you will have no idea what someone is communicating to you if they speak a different language than yours and that is all they use to communicate with you. So speaking the same language is critical.

big goals get beig results

The same applies to creating what you want and getting those results. You must communicate with your unconscious mind in the language it uses so it can be clear about your instructions and then carry them out.

Poor instructions, misunderstood instructions or no instructions gets you different results than those you intend. Perhaps, this is already the case for you. Now would be the time to change  it don’t you think? If you do not like what you have been creating so far you can change this. Now it is time to create what you want.

Creation is governed by laws on the inside just as we are governed by laws on the outside. As we learn and understand these laws we are able to do incredible things for ourselves.

In nearly all of my posts I have attempted to reinforce this very important fact that we need to know in order to get what we want.

REMEMBER: Our unconscious mind does not make a distinction between wanted or unwanted, good or bad, or right or wrong for you, it just goes where your energy consistently flows. What you focus on is what it attracts and creates.

Whatever you think about most, day and night is what you bring about. If you drift you get certain results. If you are negative mostly, you get certain results. If you are half negative and half positive you get certain results. If you are positive you get certain results.

If you focus on lack or poverty or how things are difficult or impossible, if you are filled with worry or fear you get certain results. Your unconscious mind doesn’t care! It gives you back what you fill it with. Wanted or unwanted is what it returns.

THAT is precisely what a servo mechanism does. It returns to you whatever you program it to do without a consideration for you or judgement. IT simply does what it does.

your mind is a garden grow flowers or weeds

You may, or may not, want to hear this but the bottom line IS whatever results you are experiencing right now in your life IS because of what you have been feeding your unconscious mind. It is not up to anyone else nor is it up to circumstances it is all up to you.

THAT can suck or it can be incredible news!!! When I recognized this and accepted it IT was an incredible moment. AT the very moment when you finally get that you are creating everything good and bad it means that you can NOW, in that instant, begin to take charge and get the results you have always wanted to have.

When you recognize your role as creator you then step into your power you can change and transform things.

This is the very first step. Recognize your power.

Once you recognize there is a power  such as gravity or electricity, you can then harness it and master it. You can harness and master your creative abilities to have anything you want within reason. This is not magic or fantasy.

You can create the positive you you have always wanted to become. You can feel better and do wonderful things with your life. You can have everything you want and deserve.

Remember these phrases and repeat it to yourself:  ‘If it is to be it is up to me. We get what we think about most of the time.’ Repeat it over and over and think about it. Think deeply about it. Realize you need to take charge of your thinking process if it is to be…,” Rex Sikes

More next time. Today have an incredible one!

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