“I couldn’t believe how one bad thing after another kept happening. It felt like life had me in its grip, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t seem to catch a break. At one point, I finally woke up. I realized that if I kept doing the same things, thinking the same way, and expecting something different, I would never escape this cycle. It wasn’t going to get better on its own. I had to change something.

More importantly, I had to change something. I had to take responsibility for my circumstances instead of feeling like a victim of them. That was a hard truth to accept. It’s easier to blame circumstances, bad luck, or other people. But I realized that my mindset and my attitude were at the heart of my difficulties. My thinking, what I focused on, expected, and believed, was shaping my reality.

I wasn’t just experiencing bad events; I was perpetuating them by the way I processed them. Neuroscientists call this the self-fulfilling prophecy effect. Our thoughts and expectations influence our actions, which in turn shape our outcomes. Research in cognitive psychology confirms this; when we expect negative outcomes, we subconsciously make choices that lead to those outcomes. We do what we know and are wired to do.


The reverse is also true, by changing our thoughts, we change our actions, and ultimately, our results. Whether or not my mindset was entirely to blame for my struggles didn’t matter. What mattered was that I had something to work with. I had control over my thoughts, and that meant I had the power to change my life. I made a vow to return to the lessons I had learned in my youth, to truly master them.

I decided to start making good things happen instead of passively letting life happen to me. I was determined to get what I wanted instead of settling for what I didn’t want. At the same time, I wasn’t interested in anything that felt impractical or mystical. I didn’t want to rely on rituals, lucky charms, or wishful thinking. I wasn’t looking to meditate on a mountaintop all day while my real-life struggles remained unchanged.

I wanted something real, something grounded in results-driven action. I needed a way to shift my mind in a way that would make a tangible difference. That’s when I made a simple but powerful decision: I started reading daily. Not just anything, but material that would reprogram my mind for success. I committed to reading at least one chapter a day from Napoleon Hill, Wallace Wattles, and other legendary success authors.


I started by committing for 30 days. I figured if I could fill my mind with empowering material consistently, it would start influencing my thoughts. What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was tapping into one of the most effective brain-training techniques ever discovered. Neuroscientists have proven that our brains are neuroplastic, meaning they can be rewired based on repeated thoughts and experiences.

When we expose ourselves to positive, success-oriented ideas, we strengthen the neural pathways that lead to confidence, motivation, and action-taking. Research from Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck shows that people with a growth mindset, those who believe they can improve through effort, achieve more than those with a fixed mindset who believe their abilities are set in stone.

By immersing myself in empowering material, I was training my brain to think differently, and as a result, I started seeing different outcomes in my life. This decision to control my mental diet turned out to be one of the best choices I have ever made—second only to choosing to have children. My life began to shift in extraordinary ways. Instead of seeing obstacles everywhere, I started seeing opportunities.


Instead of reacting to problems with frustration, I started responding with solutions. Instead of feeling stuck, I felt empowered. My external circumstances didn’t change overnight, but my experience of them did. And as I continued this path, the external reality eventually caught up with my internal transformation. This is why mastering the mind is everything.

The most successful and brilliant people throughout history, Einstein, Tesla, Da Vinci, Edison, all understood this principle. They didn’t simply react to the world; they shaped it with their thinking. They trained their minds to see what others missed, to think in ways that defied conventional limitations. That’s why they were able to create breakthroughs that changed the world.

And that’s precisely what I teach in my Create Your Best Life Using Einstein and Tesla’s Genius™ Course. This isn’t about wishful thinking or blind positivity. It’s about rewiring your brain for real results. In this course, I will teach you: How to take control of your thoughts and use them to shape your reality. The mental methods that geniuses use to unlock limitless creativity. How to develop unstoppable confidence and resilience.


The neuroscience behind success and how to use it to your advantage. The daily mental habits that lead to breakthroughs in any area of life: The best part? These are not just theories. They are practical strategies based on the science of how the brain works and the success principles that the world’s greatest minds have used for centuries. Right now, you have two choices.

You can keep thinking the way you’ve always thought and getting the same results. Or you can take control of your mind, train it for success, and start creating the life you truly want. The greats didn’t wait. They acted. They trained their minds. They mastered their thinking. Now it’s your turn. I put the invitation to you to come join me on a worthwhile journey of personal transformation, happiness and success. Will you accept? Click the link below. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Act Now! Go to rexsikes.com

I’m here to help you awaken so you can experience more joy, more success, better health and more loving relationships. Stop doing it alone. Empty your cup so new goodness can be added to you.

Join me and others. Are you ready to act now? Decide now and click the link below to join me. This amazing program helps you focus your mind, shift to the positive, overcome obstacles and limitations, solve problems more easily, eliminate stress, relax, become more creative, intuitive and connected to higher source to think, feel and act better to get the results you desire. You’ll love it!

Create Your Best Life Using Einstein & Tesla’s Genius™ Course by Rex Sikes: One-of-a-Kind Experience –  Don’t miss out. Act now.

This isn’t just a dream – this is your reality waiting to happen. This is the program that can have you moving forward today!

My groundbreaking Einstein & Tesla’s Genius™ Course, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break free from limitations, tap into your own untapped genius, and transform your life. This IS for YOU! Click To Learn More!

Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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