“There are no laws of the universe. There is only universe. We understand the universe by dividing it by describing it by categorizing it, classifying it but it is what it is in its entirety in its wholeness, and we look at pieces and parts of it in order to be able to understand, appreciate and describe or talk about it. Humans describe what humans consider laws. Understand this.
It can’t be named. It can’t be described any more than you can describe the taste of an orange. What’s occurring is that humans have the capacity to analyze and to examine and to judge and to describe and to label and to criticize and to classify and to categorize in many ways and that’s what we do. In the universe there is no gravity.
There is no law of gravity. There is whatever it is. We call it gravity. We describe it as a law because it is consistent and it works, but it’s our observation, it’s our assessment of what it is. It’s our understanding of what it is. That doesn’t mean that it’s less than that, it simply means that it’s far far far far more than our understanding of it.
In the universe there’s no such thing as mathematics. But we look at the universe and we say it operates mathematically. We find patterns. We find recurrences. We find similarities. We find sameness. We find differences and we analyze and describe and examine so that we can better understand what is going on but what is going on is not our description.
What is going on is far far far far far more than our best description. The laws of the universe like the law of attraction, the law of vibration, the law of polarity, the law of cause and effect, the law of… all of these are our descriptions of what’s going on. But what’s going on is all ONE thing and we divide it and categorize and classify it so that we can better appreciate it.
So we can understand it, talk about it, and apply it, but our understanding and our application of it is far less than what it is because it is far far far far far more than we can ever appreciate at one time. So we must dissect it. We must carve it up into manageable bite-sized pieces so we can understand it and make sense of it.
We’ve done this since almost the dawn of humankind. We made days and weeks and months and years and decades and centuries in order to divide time. We divide space in terms of millimeters and meters and inches and miles. We divide weight. We divide everything. We divide people into different kinds of colors and races and religions and politics and sexes.
And everything. We classify and categorize all insects and animals to get an understanding of what’s going on around us and how they behave similarly or different from one another. What their habits and their patterns are. What their lifestyle is. There’s the length of their lifestyle. What they eat. What they do. Humans analyze and humans take notes.
But everything is beyond the note taking and it’s beyond the understanding. Now, we know that mathematics is reliable, and we can prove that to our satisfaction. We know gravity is reliable and we prove that to our satisfaction. That is what we do until a new and better theory or hypothesis comes along that proposes something different is occurring.
For now, we appreciate mathematics. We appreciate gravity and other things religion and philosophy and science have brought us. And let’s not forget the arts. We can reliably use the laws of the universe by understanding how they are all ONE. How they all work together. It isn’t that there’s one versus the other. We have difficulty with concepts like this.
We can’t understand infinity; how there could never be a beginning or end. We can’t fathom timelessness, or the notions attributed to god. Omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscient, all-knowing, always was and forever will be, always here and now, all-powerful, but it’s a way of understanding everything in the same way that you say what a burrito is made of.
Well, there’s a flour tortilla, which is made from these particular ingredients and then inside the burrito are these other ingredients, beans and vegetables or cheese or meat. We use categorizing and classifying so that we can replicate it. We can make another burrito. Then we use classified cooking information to make the tortilla and the ingredients etc.
We use the laws to be able to replicate what the laws point to. They point to creation and to our existence as UNIVERSE. They point to creating abundance or lack, goodness or evil, happiness or horror. It points to creation in and of itself. We are creators. We are attractors. What is IS and What IS is. What we get is what is. What we make is what is. What we accept.
Get it? We are universe. I don’t say the universe because there is no article before universe. It just is. And you and I are universe as much as the stars and the empty space and the planets and the galaxies. We are energy because that’s all there is is energy, which cannot be created or destroyed but only transformed. It is all one. We describe it as the and there and then…
We are Universe. We are Energy. Which IS all there is. Which means your lack energy can be transformed to abundance energy or prosperity energy. Your lonely energy can be transformed into relationship energy. Your sad energy can be transformed into your happy energy. Your unhalth can be transformed into your healthy energy. We can transform ourselves.
And as we do we transform universe around us and in us and beside us and what we are transforms. Nothing is lost. There are no words to describe this ‘whatever it is’ in the English language, or any language, because all our words are words like here and there and over there, further away or now or then or in the future. They describe things.
They measure things which we cannot do when it comes to the entirety of universe. It’s a concept that the conscious mind cannot grasp in its entirety. It must be experienced. It can’t be thought about and talked about it can only be experienced. That glimpse, that satori, that ability to transcend the moment can give way to samadhi and we can be liberated.
We can be liberated from our conditioned reactions; from the training we received growing up. We can experience moksha, awareness and enjoyment and delight and bliss. We can discover all things truly work together for good when you are that understanding. That there is a peace that passes all understanding when YOU are that understanding. YOU BE it. Are it.
When you are the understanding that abundance can be yours pressed down, shaken together and overflowing you will experience it. YOU are Universe. YOU determine what is. This is why celebrating everything is so important because you’re celebrating the entirety, you’re not divided, you’re not resisting. You’re not focused on some aspect of any one thing.
You are celebrating that all the goodness and all the abundance and all of the love and all of the compassion of the universe exists inside each and every person and in any and all situations. The human consciousness perception determines what UNIVERSE is for you. After all it is you! You are it. Your thinking, feeling, speaking and behaving are IT ALREADY.
Whatever UNIVERSE IS is dependent on your awareness. What you focus on makes it so. It’s within you. It’s within every situation. You ARE the creator and the attractor and the judge and jury. You are the labeler and the classifier and the categorizer. YOU are all of it. You determine your experience. Your conditioning is what you see and accept whether you like it or not.
Good and bad are there. Are two sides of one coin like positive and negative poles on a battery. BOTH exist. Both are possible. What you experience is up to you. You are the creator and attractor. What you think about you bring about. If you experience more fear, doubt, worry, hate or sadness it is because that is within your conditioning. Change it and it changes.
It is not obvious, but goodness is there. It’s there as a seed and the seed can be discovered. If you want to look for it and find it you can. But you don’t do it by talking about it and thinking about it and discussing it and all that stuff you ALREADY do. YOU CAN’T approach it as you approach everything else from your prior conditioning. You must become new. Let go!
You must let go of all you already know and feel and begin to seek the new and different. You can’t do things the old way expecting new results. Mathematics and laws are reliable descriptions. Understand this. You don’t get it by improving anything. You get it by being it. Experience. You find it by the experience of letting go and becoming it.
You discover it by realizing you are already that which you seek. You are universe and therefore, you ARE all that universe is. You are energy. To think you are less is to live a defeated existence. To think about your problems and woes is to give them energy. BUT it can be different. It can be beyond anything you can imagine.
Love, live, laugh and have a marvelous, magnificent, miraculous, magical, and meaningful life when you learn to celebrate everything. Won’t you join me. Let go and learn to create what you deserve. Create from your authentic self. Release and become. When you celebrate everything, YOU are free. Celebrate everything! “Rex Sikes
CLICK HERE TO: Transform Yourself By The Renewing Of Your Mind
“Mr. Sikes, You have demonstrated once again your wisdom, maturity and WHY you are considered to be one of the most, if not THE most respected NLP trainer in the field today.” — Carl Matus, Rockford, IL
“I’ll be blunt: I’m very disappointed that these secrets are available. I think buying this material should be treated like buying hand guns: You should have to fill out forms and get checked out first to see if you’ll use this wisdom for good or evil. I’ve NEVER seen such powerful techniques or insights. The average psychologist, cold reader, magician, or mentalist doesn’t know these “beyond secret” methods. You could start a cult with this! Far too powerful to be released publicly. Please take your NLP Home Study Program package off the market—especially now that I own it.” — Joe Vitale, Author, “There’s A Customer Born Every Minute” & “The Secret”
“I am beyond happy to call Rex Sikes my mentor and friend. I’m so happy to have invested into his NLP home study course. Which he has taught many successful people in the past 40 years. Here’s a testimony from Joe Vitale from the movie the secret. If anyone is interested in joining the course. Feel free to reach out to me.” Lynn Serrano – TV host, 2022
“I have very much enjoyed–and benefited from–Rex’s Ultimate NLP Home Study Course™. They are, by far, the best presentation of NLP material that I have ever listened to. Top notch stuff. Thanks for producing, and making available on audio, this excellent program.” — Bryan O’Conner, Chicago, IL
“Rex, we go all the way back to the last century and me finding my way in many ways at that point. You helped me during that point because I learned NLP, and some of the communication material came from you. I was sitting at your feet and learning how to apply it in my life and career. I am always studying, always growing, always working on myself. Thank you Rex! Joe Vitale -Author, appeared in ‘The Secret’, 2022
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Much love, peace and blessings!
Rex Sikes
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“I give this course a massive thumbs up! And to put it into perspective I was already an NLP trainer when I came across this course some years back and I was blown away by the content in it and the way it is taught. Rex really knows his stuff and the content is amazing. Buy it! I mean every word.” Barry Neale – NLP trainer 2021
“My personal development journey took a turn for the better back in 1996 when I was fortunate enough to be trained and mentored by Rex Steven Sikes.” Joe Soto – Entrepreneur, Marketing Consultant, VA 2020

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