“The 11th great law is about return on investment. ROI. However, I want to reframe something right away. In nature there is no such thing as work. Humans use that word to define exerting an effort or doing a task. No animal works. The concept is foreign to them. They do what they do for need or desire. Humans define themselves by what they do. Many times, the first question people ask is, what do you do? What’s your work?

If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. If you don’t like what you’re doing, then anything is uncomfortable and may take extra ‘ooomph’ to get through it. Some humans live in drudgery day to day because they don’t like what they are doing to earn money and feel trapped. That, however, is not what life is about. That is what we’ve made our experience of life. Life is not about working, paying taxes and dying. It really isn’t.

Yet, that is what people have been conditioned to accept and expect. Some define this 11th law as a law about hard work and reward. Work hard and you are rewarded. Well, that really isn’t always true either. Many work very hard and suffer. Others do little and reap lots. People trapped in a daily routine they have a choice. Continue or do something else. Karma, Law of Attraction and others argue, find your purpose. Find your passion.


Then you’ll not work a day in your life. Instead, you can find a joy you otherwise would not know. The concept is to be patient and success will come. Be consistent in your pursuit and your thoughts, feelings, words and actions and success will eventually come. For everything there is a season. Plant and you will reap. Miss a planting and you will miss a reaping. If you don’t consistently exercise you won’t see the benefits of the exercise. Get it?

But it isn’t about work. It is about consistently pursuing your purpose and passion. Hard work is what employers have sold us and that current speakers and authors tout. It is not about working harder. It is about being and doing smarter. Be consistent in pursuing your passion and purpose and you will see results. Don’t be busy to be busy but do engage in productive processes. Make your minutes matter. Many people waste time and complain.

They work hard but not smarter. They work and sweat and toil and complain and whine and blame. Understand when you plant seeds each seed takes the time it takes. Whether plant or animal. Corn and carrots grow at different rates. The time for a human and an elephant to give birth differs. Everything in its season. Spring and summer, winter and fall all come when they come and not before, nor later. There are laws that govern.


Understand, humans keep an eye on the clock. Time is a human concept pounded into us by employers and rulers. Just as hard work is pushed on us. Nothing wrong with it. BUT there is nothing inherently right about it either. It just is something we’ve grown accustomed to. Consistency and persistence are not the same as hard work. Understand this. Yes, be consistent. Yes, be persistent. Pursue your passion and purpose JOYFULLY!

Be excited, eager, have fun. Delight in it. Enjoy it. When you’re feeling wonderful, engaged and having fun, time seems to fly by. When it’s hard and you’re suffering, time seems to take forever. Time didn’t change. Your experience of it did. Want things to happen more rapidly, and enjoy life more? Stop accepting the hard work, risk, struggle, sacrifice, lies and myths perpetuated on us by society and life coaches who say you must to win.

Do it from the love of it! Celebrate it. Celebrate yourself. Set yourself up for fun and for winning. If you win, it doesn’t have to mean others lose. Others win, doesn’t mean you can’t or don’t. Another myth is that someone must be in first place. Someone must win and someone must lose. These notions can be useful in some contexts but dangerous when made a general rule. Bottom line. Show up. Do what you love. Expect good results.


If you consistently travel towards your destination whether it’s across the room or the country, you will get there if you persist. If you stop, you stop. If you start moving in the same direction you will get there. If you quit, give up and throw in the towel, it is over. UNLESS you change your mind and decide to continue again at some point. To cross the room or the country takes time. Understand this. Plant a seed. It takes time to harvest.

Be patient with yourself. You cannot push a rope. You can’t be two feet ahead of where you are at. Be patient for the seeds to grow. Stay the course. Keep at at. Have fun. Have faith. Expect the best. delight in it all. And it will seem faster than if you keep double checking everything. Be patient. It does not require hard work. It does require you do it with the appropriate attitude to get it done in the best possible way. Keep this in mind.

Your employer wants you to work hard to maximize the profits for their business. That is not unreasonable. If someone is paying you, they expect results from your actions. If there aren’t any or you don’t act, then there is no reason to keep you on the payroll. BUT the universe is not about hard work. Nature has no concept of hard work. Nor pleasure. It just is. It does what it does. Humans put their spin on everything. Egotism is what it is.


We anthropomorphize plants, animals, god, and things. We imbue them with human characteristics and concerns. Hard work is a human concept, not a law of the universe. A law is the law of conservation of energy or the law of least effort. The universe does the very least necessary to do anything to conserve energy. The same is true about the human body. Massive action is an employer concept. Consistent small steps are better than one.

Except occasionally when a leap must be made. Wisdom is knowing the difference between when and where to leap or to step-by-step to get the greater result. To generate change for the future you must be consistent. Here is a silly example. To consume the food to get the nutrition benefits you eat it bite by bite. While it is true some may eat too much and others too little the point is to eat it all you do it bit by bit. You don’t swallow it whole!

When you are truly pursuing your purpose passionately, lovingly and consistently you can enjoy knowing you are on the right path. Success will follow. Allow it. Stay positive and optimistic. Have fun and celebrate the ride. When you are aligned positively everything flows more easily. Stay true to your purpose and in time you will experience the rewards. Find joy in all you do and life becomes that much better. Delight in everything.


Stop allowing fear mongering life coaches and society to contaminate your life. Live fully and delight in all of it. There may be ups and downs but if you love life, all experience is part of it. If you label some things as wanted and others as unwanted, you’ll suffer more. Find the good in all experiences. Remember if you are walking to the destination and enjoying the journey each step is necessary, but it isn’t work. It’s the journey. Do it.

Take each step. Stay on course. Be consistent. Be persistent. Eventually you will get there. Have fun all along the way. Enjoy traveling. If you add pressure to yourself or others, if you focus on circumstances going awry, you’ll be distracted, enjoy it less, perhaps suffer more and interrupt the process. Relax. Let go. Release and keep going even when you don’t yet see evidence of any change or the destination you want to reach. Keep the faith. Stay positive. celebrate all of it because all of it is part of it. Get it? Know good is coming your way and you are traveling in the right direction. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2024 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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