“Our unconscious mind (the servo-mechanism) does not distinguish between good or bad, right or wrong, the wanted or unwanted. It just goes wherever you place your attention. Whatever you focus on, it works to create, manifest or attract. It doesn’t care. It’s blindly obedient. Whatever you think about most of the time and feel emotional about you end up getting more of in your life.
This unconscious servant works perfectly and reliably. The results you get in life are due to your attention and feelings. What you focus on is what you get and become. This point is important as we continue our discussion on Positive Thinking. Continued from: The Power of Thinking Positive! How To Make Your Thoughts Work For You. Remember, your mind is meant to be your servant.
When you feel frustrated, angry, disappointed, annoyed, sad, stressed, doubt, afraid, anxious, and fearful, any less than glorious feeling, you are reinforcing that feeling in your body and your mind. The unconscious mechanism runs off our feelings. Whatever we experience strongly it works to reinforce, re-create and bring us more of.
It is as if this servant thinks, ‘if this is what the human wants, okay let’s give the human more!’ The same is true when we feel happy, joy, bliss, confidence, love, peace, and calm. Whatever we feel strongly the unconscious mind works to deliver more of. This is why it’s important for us to choose what we think about and how we feel. Monitor and manage your thoughts and feelings!
Every emotion is an important one. You and I will experience them all in life. All emotions are part of being human. Contrast is a part of the human experience in our universe. There’s hot, cold, light, dark, day, night, near, far, fast, slow, tall, short, fat, thin, rough, smooth, black, white, red, green, good, bad, wanted and unwanted, happy, sad, confident, not-confident and many more.
We notice contrast through our five senses. In order to notice the difference between these, evaluation is necessary. These may be noticed without judgement or with judgement. For example, something could be near or far away. That may not require any feeling about it but one could judge it as either better or worse. Humans label and humans judge.

One might feel it is better if it were nearer or if it farther away. Whatever the distance is JUST IS. The human decides whether that distance is a good or bad thing. Sometimes, this works in the human’s favor and at other times it presents a limitation or difficulty for the human. Whatever we feel about these contrasts constitutes an opinion. We all know what they say about opinions right?
We all have them. BUT our opinions do not make anything inherently right or wrong. We think our opinions matter. The same is true for emotions. They’re all valid. They’re all important. We’ll experience all or most of them during our lifetime. It’s a given. Just as when you pick up a stick from the ground you pick up both ends of the stick. Emotions are part of being human.
Positive Thinking IS NOT about ignoring or blocking emotions. Since we have the potential to feel an emotional range accept it. We shouldn’t fight our emotions. We should accept and allow them. Feeling is what being human is all about. When we have the less than glorious emotions or something we do not want, acknowledge them and when ready, move on.
We do not have to be stuck there. We do not have to be in a place we don’t want to be, or at least not for very long. I use the analogy of the buffet. If there are food items you don’t like or don’t want you don’t choose them. If you take something you don’t like and think, ‘yuk’ you put it down and move on to something else you do like. Am I right or am I right about this. Get it.
If there is a food you spot that you abhor you know you don’t want it so you are free not to have it. You are also free to choose whatever else you do prefer. You do not keep reliving the moment you chose to eat a food you don’t like. You let it go and move on. In the same way, if there’s a feeling you don’t want, acknowledge it and move on.
When we fight the feeling we get stuck in fighting it. What we resist, persists. Acknowledge, accept, and let go. Then turn your back on it. Continue to nudge yourself in the direction you want to go. Yes, gently turn your back on the unwanted thought or feeling and take a small step toward the ones you do want. Move in increments toward the positive. Take baby steps.
Steer back to center as I mention numerous times before. You are the key to making it work. You are either in control or you’re not. You either choose what to experience or you don’t. It may seem tough because most of us were not taught we could do this as we grew up. So, it seems foreign or difficult. Like any other skill or talent it can be learned. Yes, it can be learned and you can learn it!

Since the unconscious works to manifest more of whatever we feel strongly the POWER of positive thinking IS in choosing what we want to manifest for ourselves. It is a choice point for each of us. Positive thinking is about making a decision in the moment. You make the decision to think better, more productively than you may have been previously. Positive thinking IS A CHOICE!
Just like the buffet items are choices. Either you want it or you don’t. If you don’t want it, let it go and decide to enjoy something you do want. Turn your attention to what you like and find delicious. Move on down the line choosing what you want. This is precisely the same thing you ought to do with your thoughts and feelings! Choose what you enjoy and find wonderful. Then reinforce it.
Savor it. Bask in it. Imbibe it. Fill yourself up with it. Spend the bulk of your time there. Put your awareness or attention on it. Think about it and feel good more of your time. When something comes up that’s unwanted, notice it and gently turn your attention back to what you want as soon as possible. Sometimes, you’ll take more time than other times.
Move on to what you want and don’t give another thought to what you don’t. JUST as you’d do in a buffet line. Develop the habit of FOCUSING on and CHOOSING what you want to think. Develop the habit of SPENDING time with what you want to feel and enjoy. When something comes you don’t want, develop the habit of NOTICING it and then TURN YOUR ATTENTION to what you do want.
Learn to make that shift more and more swiftly. Change the less-than-glorious to the glorious as soon as possible. Develop the habit of MOVING BACK TOWARD what you want when you’re off track. Steer back to center. You learn to make new abilities automatic and reliable through repetition.

Naturally, as you do this you’ll start spending a greater portion of your time on becoming aware of and focusing on thinking positive thoughts and having feeling positive feelings. The greater portion of your time devoted to the positive the more you create and attract greater positive results. YOU get and you become AND you become what you think about most of the time.
This is why WHAT YOU CHOOSE to focus on is important! Think pleasure and pain. Which do you want more of? Which do you want to spend most of your day feeling? It seems a no-brainer to me, but apparently, not everyone thinks the same way. What you want to do is reinforce what you want to think, be, do and have. Reinforce what you want to feel.
Concentrate on what makes you feel most alive, vibrant, confident and positive so that you’re more resourceful most of your time. The key is to reinforce what you want more of and let go of what you don’t. It is not really a difficult concept for most to understand, yet, many don’t. Tell your brain, your mind, that servo-mechanism, your being, YOU want THIS, not that.
You want more of this and less of that. Whenever you steer your feelings and thoughts to what you want, you are educating your servant to give you more of the same. You focus on what you want on the buffet table and ignore or pass over what you don’t want without much thought at all. Right? You don’t give any energy to what you don’t want You focus on what you will have to enjoy.

You don’t want to focus on what you don’t want because that confuses the poor servant and brings you questionable, lackluster results. ‘Attention flows where the energy goes.’ So your servant mind gets that, these positive feelings and thoughts, are what you want more of. So, send it a clear, distinct, definite signal. Provide it a clear, concrete, concise message ‘ GIVE ME MORE OF THIS!!!!
Focus on what you ‘can do’ and what you can accomplish. Focus on what you want, how to get there, and on solutions. Spend time looking for and finding the best in yourself, others, circumstances and events. When you do this, repeatedly and often you begin to make it an automatic, reliable habit. You develop habits through correct, consistent repetition for long enough.
The unconscious servant doesn’t care what it delivers. It delivers to you what you think and feel most strongly about, good or not. You must understand this and manage what you focus on if you want to begin getting the results inside yourself that give you the edge for dealing with circumstances, events and others. It is from within to without. Clean the inside of the cup first!
When you practice this and commit to making it a habit by conditioning your mind and feelings you enhance and improve your abilities and become even more resourceful. You’ll become more powerful and positive. You’ll accomplish more incredible things. ‘The more we do the more we can do’. As Henry Ford said, ‘Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right.’
It’s totally and completely up to you to determine the present and future you want to have. You want to decide on and determine the results you want to get. The saying ‘if it’s to be, it’s up to me’ applies. You and you alone are responsible for shaping your mind and the results you get. If you don’t turn your mindset into a champion mindset you’ll keep getting what you have been getting.
‘You are where your thoughts brought you. You will go where your thoughts take you. You cannot escape the power of your thoughts’. Soon, I’ll share more on why we energize our thoughts with positive feelings and why repetition is required. In the meantime focus on the good. Decide to make each moment a bit better. You can do this. It is up to you. Celebrate everything” Rex Sikes
Discover today’s magic!!! Look for all good things!
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©2022 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
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