“Some people find it difficult to believe there’s good in everything. Some find it nearly impossible to see good in anything. They are pessimistic in their view of things. Sometimes, it does seem there’s no good to go around. Life is difficult and bad things happen.
I view it like this. Before humans walked the planet events came and went. Some days were gorgeous. Some were filled with calamity. Whatever happened, happened. There was no one living to label it, to judge it, to call it good or bad. Things simply occurred. Get it?
One day I will take another form. You know, energy transformed.. I’ll no longer walk the planet. I won’t be around to comment on whether events are good or bad or right or wrong. They will go on without my commentary or criticism. No human to judge things.
Learn To Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
Since that’s the case I decided why should I waste time while I am here. Isn’t there a better, a wiser use of my time? Wouldn’t I be better off not digging into despair? Whether the events are personal or global what if I stopped judging them as anything but events.
Life is short. Life is way, way too short. I prefer to find a way to maximize the little time on the globe as best I can and enjoy the short journey. I decided if I was going to live on the planet I deserved to live in paradise. Whatever the circumstances.
I decided I want it to be paradise. When I told others this, many said it was not possible given the world and current state of affairs. They say things like, ‘well there will always be suffering’. They said many things and I heard from many people through the years.
Learn To Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
The attitude seemed to be ‘life was short. You struggle. Try to be happy. Live a good life. Hurt no one and die and hope there is an afterlife and that you may be rewarded.’ I thought this is not the way I want to go through my days. Didn’t sound like much of a good time.
I took a lot of time considering these things but one day I decided to decide how I wanted to think about things. I decided, whether it is accurate or not, that I create my experience. There is much scientific evidence to prove this to be true. We create our experience of life.
How we think about it and view it matters how we experience it and go through it Regardless, of whether it’s true or not, I decided that I create my experience. I determined I had created a lot of crap in my life and some good things. I had to be honest and assess myself.
Learn To Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
I looked at myself and my life up to that moment and it occurred to me that I always got what I wanted. I got what I thought about. My worst fears seemed to come true. I got what I didn’t want. I got both. It didn’t matter what it was I was thinking it and experiencing it.
If I was anxious or depressed about something it was harder to move through the world. If I worried about money I never seemed to have enough. Perhaps, it was a chicken and egg thing, and I wasn’t sure what came first. I thought about these things a lot, too.
Did I not have money so I worried about it or because I worried about money I never had any. I wasn’t certain, but I decided not to care. I decided that I would control my thinking. I would endeavor to think the best about myself and my circumstances.
Learn To Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
I’d think my best about the past and began to understand it was what brought me to this moment. I’d think the best of my present, the people around me, my family, friends, and even strangers. I’d think the best and create a positive present and future. I’d do this.
I’d strive to maintain a positive focus. I would concentrate on finding the good in everything as much as possible. I would find the best in everything and everyone. It was not always easy, it still isn’t always easy but I would seek it. Looking for it was a way to find it.
If I didn’t’t look I’d miss it. You know, we get what we focus on. So I decided to change myself and take control of my mindset. I’d choose my thoughts and beliefs as best I could. If I thought a less than glorious thought and noticed it, I’d shift to a positive one instead.
Learn To Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
I’d keep doing this until I retrained and reconditioned myself. I’d reshape my thinking, feeling and behaviors so I had more choice and so I was not merely a victim of my programming and early conditioning living a life of habits I didn’t want or enjoy. I’d change.
I’d choose. As a result of choosing to change I would be different. It works. It begins with awareness. From that we decide. Every moment is an opportunity to notice and decide to be the same or different. I did the best I could with what I had and it worked. It did!
Change was the result. I began to think, feel, and behave better. I got better results. I became more focused on living a powerfully positive love and fun filled life. Difficulties became opportunities. What is, is what is. I stopped suffering so much and started enjoying life.
Learn To Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life
I enjoyed it. Whatever came my way. Some days may be harder than others. I eventually learned everything passes and not to judge so much. Without adding labels to things, things were just as they were. Different. Transitions. Events. Life happening. I felt free.
You will too! Stop judging. Realize you get more of whatever you focus on so only focus on good things. Only focus on what you want to create and experience. Let go of all the rest of it. Life is too short to wallow and suffer. Rise above it all. Decide to be different and then be different. Get this! Learn how to change your thoughts and your entire life will transform. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
PS I’ve written numerous blogs about questions and affirmations you can search for here, study and apply. My book also helps as does the Attitude Activator™. If you seriously want to change look into these resources I provide available at rexsikes.com
Freedom can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!
“This is by far the most comprehensive self help book on the market! And I’ve written 20 self help books all here on Amazon. Rex Steven Sikes is a genius for writing it and you would do well to get a copy if you truly want to change your life!” Dr LaVerne Adams, Author
“This book ‘Life On Your Terms’ is loaded with powerful insights and ideas that motivate and inspire you to accomplish great things. Get ready to change your life in a wonderful way.” Brian Tracy, Author
“Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune
Click Here To Get Life On Your Terms Today! amzn.to/3gD7rLG

©2021 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2021 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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