“Have you been plagued with negative obsessive thoughts you just can’t seem to shake? They keep you up at night. They interfere with your day. It can be horrible. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could just stop thinking about things you didn’t want to think about?
There is a way? It works! But, before I get into what you can do let me ask you this. Have you ever watched a scary movie or a horrible show on TV or your computer late at night? It bothers you so you want to quit but you can’t stop thinking about it? What do you do?
What’s the best way TO STOP thinking about it? If you said turn it off you’d be wrong. While that MAY work it usually doesn’t. When you turn off the scary show what typically happens? What happens once it is off? You KEEP thinking about it! Right? Even more so then.
Learn How To Begin Making Everything Better Today
You turned it off to get away from it! BUT all you do is think about it! Again and again. In the dark, you cannot stop. You have to get up and turn on the lights. BUT still you keep thinking about it. That is the very thing you don’t want to! Don’t try to fight it by shutting it down.
The more you try to stop the more it keeps on. When you resist it what happens? You give it more energy. You are focused on fighting what you do not want so it persists even more! You do battle and IT does battle. When you push back IT pushes back and vice versa.
On and on it continues. The way to change something or to stop something is not to fight or resist it. Nope. If you want to stop thinking about the horrible show turn the channel! Watch something else. Get engaged with different upbeat content.
What You Resist Persist BUT You Can Change All That
Watch something funny. Watch something touching or endearing. Watch something inspirational. Soon you will forget about the bad show. Brains don’t stop. They keep working. It takes more energy to try to shut them down than to re-direct them into a useful area.
It takes more energy to dam up water than it does to divert it or re-direct it. Stop using your energy to fight it and instead redirect what you pay attention to. We do that with the radio. A song comes on we don’t like we change the station. We find something we do like!
You more easily think of something else when you direct your brain elsewhere. You withdraw your attention from what you don’t want and put your attention on what it is you do want. YOU change the channel in your mind!
Stop Perpetuating The Old Begin Making Everything Better Today
If you are thinking negative thoughts that bother you, you must shift away from them. Find other thoughts! Read inspirational material. Watch inspirational positive upbeat shows. Read the same kind of books, articles and blogs.
Fill your mind with the thoughts you prefer. Shift your thinking. Change the channel. Pay attention to the new thoughts, the new channel. It may take a bit to get engaged in the new material but stick with it.
Relief comes as you continue to focus on what you want to enjoy. The problem for most people is they don’t do it even when they know about it. If that’s you change your thoughts and behaviors. Take charge. Act in your own best interest. Change your thinking.
I go deep on mastering one’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors to get positive wonderful results to live healthier, wealthier and more happily in my online programs and live events. My goal is to help you create your best life ever. That is YOUR BEST LIFE EVER! Get this.
Click To Learn How To Begin Making Everything Better Today
If you are not yet living it, you need to know you can. But you won’t if you keep on doing things the old way. You need to stop perpetuating the old painful ways and redirect. You need to shift and learn to do things a new positive and powerful ways. This process I’ve described is the beginning. Use it. Free yourself up. Come join me too. Check out what I have to offer. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
“Life On Your Terms is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I’m just such a fan of this book. I truly think that this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock Owner & Publisher L. A. Tribune

©2020 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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