“Do you want to make life better? Then love and accept yourself. Release. Let go. Drop judgements. Forgive. Allow. Love and accept yourself. Your judgements, your self-criticizing, angst, frustration, worry, fear, anger, and sadness are only mental and emotional habits. It’s your prior conditioning that you live out now. None of it’s accurate. None of it’s true. Wow, it sure seems like it, but it’s not real. I know, you fight that, right?
It’s not real but it seems that way because you think it is real. Your thoughts determine your reality. You’ve grown up learning to have certain thoughts and feelings. You’ve developed mental, emotional and behavioral habits. You continue to perpetuate those because these habits filter your experiences. They provide the context for all that happens. They provide the meaning. It could be different, but…
Your thoughts determine which hormones and chemicals you release into your system. These determine whether you feel wonderful or stressed. They determine what you can and can’t pay attention to, what you are able to notice or not AND what you will and won’t do. Your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and even financial health is a matter of past conditioning.
It’s wired in programming which became a habit. It will continue to be the same UNLESS you choose to do something about it and then do it. Do you want something different? Would you like to change your habits? Keep in mind they served you to get you where you are. Sometimes they’ve helped you and sometimes not. They’re not bad or wrong or evil. They’re just what you are conditioned to do.
IF you want to make changes and create habits that serve you more to your liking then you must stop the thinking that’s stinking and choose to think better to feel better. Stop speaking about problems and crap and start speaking about what you appreciate, are grateful for, what you have and what you want to and will make happen. If you want to change your self-imagine then change it. You can!
See yourself as you want to be. Imagine yourself as if you are the person you want to become. See and feel yourself that person now. Already! Speak to yourself and about yourself and circumstances only to bless, edify, heal, inspire, prosper, transform and uplift. If you want different you must think, feel, speak and act different. You must recondition yourself to be who you want to be.
Begin with what you think and speak. Change your negative self-talk and critical comments about yourself, others and the world. Speak only to bless, edify, heal, inspire, prosper, transform and uplift. Affirm what you want. Focus on what is good and desirable. Stop putting energy into what you don’t want, don’t like and don’t have. Stop the negativity. Create an optimistic and positive frame of mind.
Validate the good. Appreciate it. Find it by seeking it in all people, including yourself and in all events and circumstances. Love yourself now. Accept yourself now. All of it. All of you. You are divine. You are energy. You are the same as everything else in the universe because you too are universe. There’s no difference EXCEPT that you think there is. You think you’re separate. You aren’t, but…
Thinking makes it so. Stop thinking about the problems. Learn to trust they’ll all work out. Affirm it. Speak it. What you say is what you get. You set the frame for what your mind or brain looks for. That’s why you want to speak the best and find the best. Why begin with speaking? What you say IS your thoughts outlaid. Your words reflect your thinking. It’s easiest to notice your words. Understand?
I’m not suggesting you brag to others. That’s not what this is about. It’s about shaping your inner thoughts and feelings and inner world, so you look for, find and experience the best. Your energy flows where your attention goes SO put your attention into the best thoughts, words and feelings. Think you are divine. Think you are positive and optimistic. Think you are loving and lovable.
Think you are at peace. Think you are delighted. Allow it. Invite It. Welcome It. Receive it. Accept it. Stop resisting. Stop fighting. Stop delaying. Stop judging. Stop fearing. Stop worrying. Stop self-loathing and criticism. Stop judging. Start calling it all good. Start being grateful for everything. Stop waiting and begin today. Waiting until it’s right or you feel ready only delays the start. Begin now.
Feelings are signals. They’re neither good nor bad. All have results. Which results do you want? Some chemicals are produced to get you to move from danger. That’s a gift. That’s not bad, but you may think it is because you feel uncomfortable or fearful. Some hormones and chemicals cause relaxation and rest. Get it. They’re not bad, but good. Some make you feel wonderful. They’re part of living.
However, it is healthier and more desirable to produce more chemicals that inspire you and make you feel good rather than stressed. Negative thinking about things, defeatist thinking, criticizing, judging hating and feeling frustration or anger chronically isn’t healthy. It affects the body. Adrenaline is useful for when you need a surge to run and flee or stay and fight but you don’t want it always pumping.
It’s momentary and should be when the situation calls on it. Cortisol is produced in the body and has a purpose but too much or too little is not beneficial. Sugar might be tasty but too much can cause problems. Understand this. You can shift your thinking from that which debilitates to that which exhilarates. You can shift from pessimist to optimist. It’s healthier. How? I’ve already said.
Monitor your thoughts and words. Shift to the positive and eventually you’ll feel better much more of the time. Develop the habit. it takes repeating the correct behavior, consistently for long enough to wire it in. You may notice a positive difference right away or you might not notice much at the start. Stick with it. You will. You’ll find it making a huge difference. More good will come as a result.
Again, all is good. Stop fighting yourself. Allow yourself to discover who you truly are without all the habits masking your true self. Love yourself now. Don’t wait until you think it is right. Start where you are with what you have. Dissatisfaction with yourself has been a habit. It is ONLY a habit pattern. You can learn to change it and make it more of what you’d like it to be.
If you can be satisfied with yourself now, if you can love and approve of yourself now, then when good comes into your life, you will be able to enjoy it. Once you learn to love yourself, you can begin to love and accept other people. Otherwise, things remain the same. Want to make your world better, begin now with you. As you change, include others, all others. Bless, edify, heal, inspire… others.
It makes a big difference. ADDED tip. When you affirm to yourself in private, do it out loud. Put enthusiasm and energy behind it. Chant it. Shout it. Get excited by it. Look in the mirror. Look in your eyes and pour love and goodness into the person you see. Love and accept and be happy for that person. Love and accept yourself. Be your own champion and cheerleader for you. It works. You will discover it working as you stay with the practice. Love yourself and love others and the world becomes an amazing place. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
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