“Here is how you can change or shift your vibration easily. You can do it in mere seconds. I teach people in my programs and my book, ‘Life On Your Terms’ and in presentation skills training how to manage their state. This is important all the time but especially important for people who serve the public or private sector and need to appear before others energetically up, enthused, poised and confident. You can change your state instantly.
Jump up and down. Shake your body vigorously. Wildly dance with abandon. Don’t dance for style. MOVE. Sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs. Smile when you don’t feel like it. Laugh out loud for 5 minutes. Do a big belly laugh. Shock your system with a cold plunge or shower. These are all quick and effective ways to change your state. But the challenge is maintaining that shift. If you want it to last, YOU must act to sustain it.
Repeat it as necessary. As often. Vary what you do. Make it a point to take charge of your energy, your state and the vibrations you broadcast. If your dominant vibration remains unchanged, you’ll inevitably slide back to where you started. Real transformation doesn’t come from fleeting moments; it comes from breaking the old patterns and resetting your baseline. Think Chinese Bamboo. Nothing shows up for a long time BUT it’s growing beneath.
To truly shift your vibration and create lasting change, you must break your current patterns. Detach from the energetic patterns that reinforce it. You cannot expect a new reality while still immersed in the same old vibrational soup. If you do nothing, nothing changes. If you do it once, it is typically not enough. You change old habits by creating new ones. That means you correctly repeat consistently the new, for long enough to wire it in.
There are ways to do this, and they require commitment. You can deliberately hold a new vibration long enough to sever ties with your old patterns and the environment which may trigger the old patterns, or which sustain the old pattern. When you start transmitting a new signal, consistently and powerfully, you’ll naturally repel the circumstances, people, and events that no longer match your frequency. BUT that’s not how to think about it.
Rather than thinking about repelling, you’re changing the channel on the TV or radio and tuning to a different show or set or events, circumstances and people. You aren’t repelling the old station you just moved to a new one. It’s useful to think you’ve let go or released the old and are creating and attracting the new by the shift you make. You begin attracting experiences that align with this new energy you are initiating and maintaining.
This process can be observed in countless personal transformations and documented psychological studies on neuroplasticity and behavioral conditioning (Dweck, 2006; Fredrickson & Losada, 2005). Hold the new vibration long enough, and your entire external world will begin to reorganize itself around your new state of being. One practical and research-backed way to achieve this shift is through vivid visualization.
Studies on mental rehearsal (Guillot & Collet, 2008) demonstrate that vividly imagining a scenario with strong emotional engagement can create neural patterns like the actual experience. Spend at least 20 minutes daily visualizing your goals, immersing yourself in the emotions and sensations of already living that reality. The stronger the emotional connection, the more powerfully you broadcast a new signal.
The longer you sustain this vibration, the faster your reality shifts. Some people can do this on their own while others need help from a benevolent and qualified coach or guide. Another powerful method is to change the signals in your environment and hold yourself in that new frequency until your vibration aligns. This method requires an intentional shift in the physical, social, and energetic landscape around you.
At first, it will feel uncomfortable, perhaps even unnatural, because your current vibration does not yet match your new environment. But if you commit to staying in this upgraded frequency, your energy will recalibrate to match it. You can implement this by immersing yourself in environments that embody the energy you wish to cultivate. Want to be more productive?
Stop spending time with complacent people and surround yourself with high achievers. Want to be more disciplined? Remove distractions, sell your TV. Redesign your workspace. Spend time with individuals who inspire action. Research on social influence (Christakis & Fowler, 2007) confirms that our behaviors, attitudes, and even health patterns are significantly shaped by those around us.
By strategically placing yourself in environments that reflect your desired vibration, you create a powerful feedback loop that reinforces your transformation. Some people move from one end of the country to the other. They feel they want a new lease on life and thinking moving can allow them to start over. It can help but know this. Lasting change comes from within.
If you transform yourself to be happy and successful, safe and secure, prosperous and productive anywhere, you are better off holistically. Your change isn’t dependent on releasing or adding in elements from the outside. Instead of changing people, events and circumstances, you change yourself. Then no matter where you are you are authentic. Both approaches can and do work.
AND both are dependent on you to begin them and maintain them. Both approaches are effective. Whether you’re changing your internal signal or immersing yourself in a new vibrational environment, both are effective in creating lasting change. The key is consistency and commitment. Remember, consistency and persistence in the new vibration or behaviors is the key. Stay with it.
You are either transmitting the frequency of your old reality or actively stepping into the vibration of your new one. Transformation is a choice. And if you are ready to take control of your frequency and consciously create a reality that aligns with your highest potential, I invite you to join me and my program. Together, we will break old patterns, reset your vibration, and craft a life that resonates with the energy of your dreams. The shift begins the moment you decide to commit. Join me today. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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