“How do you make changes and get what you want? That seems to be on a lot of minds? What do I do? How should I think about it? What if I don’t visualize well? Can you help me? These and other questions I get asked a lot by clients and at speaking events or workshops.
Yesterday, a client emailed me asking how to think about getting a new job. How should she create it in her mind or use the Law Of Attraction to land the kind of ideal job she wants. Should she use a vision board? What can she do?
She stated she doesn’t see her pictures. I thought I’d include the answer here as a sample of what you can do. I said, YES, a vision board can help. Absolutely, this is a great practice. Plus, she has had success using one in the past. SO that is good news.
Writing Helps You Visualize
I also suggested the person visualize what they wanted ‘as if’ they already had it all right now. Life is perfect and she is working the perfect job. Imagine what that is like in detail. Because she stated she didn’t see anything I suggested she write it in a journal. Not only once but write it down daily. This is an amazing practice.
Record what she experienced and how she feels when everything is perfect. Fully Imagine already having that perfect job. Describe it in detail. Write down what she does, who is around her, what it is like working there AND HOW IT FEELS!
I gave her some sample text instructing her to put it in her own words. After all, it is her perfect job, not mine. I suggested she might write some things like this. ‘I love my co-workers they are so cool. I appreciate how we support each other and interact. I look forward each day to seeing them.’
‘I love going to work it makes me feel extra special. I smile as I approach the place because I know I will have a great day with great people doing work and helping others.’
It Is What You Are Feeling That Is Most Important
‘I love the money this new job pays me. I enjoy having money coming in. Imagine being able to do something I enjoy so much and make good money doing it. I am blessed.’
So each day write more about it. Each day write and feel wonderful for five minutes or more. The more the better. As long as you feel the wonderful feelings while you are doing it. It is all about the feelings you have.
I explained that you write to help yourself visualize what you want and to feel all the incredible feelings you would feel as you live this reality. Remember, you are answering the question, ‘if life were perfect how would you feel?’ What are you doing and what are you grateful for?
We Are Always Using Affirmations
I then suggested she use ‘I am’ and ‘I have’ statements to continue to create what she wants. Anything that follows ‘I am’ or ‘I have’ is what we experience. Unfortunately, too many people make horribly negative ‘I am’ and ‘I have’ statements.
People affirm what they don’t want all the time. They say things such as, ‘I am broke.’ ‘I have no money.’ ‘I have too many bills.’ ‘I am stupid’ or ‘Why am I so stupid?’ the sad list goes on and on. It is no wonder they keep getting more of the same. Birds of a feather flock together.
I suggested these statements as example. ‘I am happy in my job. I have lots of happy experiences because of the people I am interacting with. I am contributing and adding value to my employers. This always makes me feel wonderful.’
Learn To Use Affirmations To Get What You Want
‘I have all the right talents to work in this arena. I am confident and happy. I love and appreciate everything this job brings me. I attract the right people to me. I am surrounded by good friends. I am brave and confident.’
‘I can control my thoughts. I am in charge. I can learn to do anything I put my mind to. I am resourceful. I have all the money I need and more keeps coming to me. I feel secure. I am creative. I am peaceful and relaxed.’
I told her you can do this! Watch your thoughts and feelings. Whenever you are feeling less than glorious change what you are thinking about to something positive. Stop the negativity. Rephrase whatever you are thinking about into the positive.
Learn to Use ‘As If’ To Create The Results You Want
Your feelings are a great indicator of your thoughts. Your feelings let you know, whether you feel good or not, whether you are thinking positive or not. Less than good means less than positive. Stop, take a breath and change it.
Ask positive Directed Questions™ which lead your mind where you want it to go. If at first, you have difficulty accepting or believing the other powerful affirmations use questions. ‘How soon can I enjoy discovering how truly resourceful I am?’
‘In how many ways can I find myself feeling blessed and excited?’ “How quickly will I amaze myself to find many different things I feel truly grateful for?’ ‘As I go through my day I wonder how surprised I might be to discover how much fun I can have that puts a smile on my face and a song in my heart?’
Use Intentional Thinking Don’t Be Haphazard
Count your blessings and feel blessed. Take my examples and come up with your own. Watch what you think and say to yourself. If it is less than glorious or what you DO NOT WANT change it. Be in charge of your own mind. Think positive and keep thinking positive. Make it a habit by repeating it again and again.
You can do this! Drop by drop fills the tub. Think all blessings! Celebrate and enjoy! You will be amazed at how quickly you can create or attract and live the kind of life you want to live. When you aim your mind positively your mind finds opportunity and advantages in the outer world you would have otherwise missed.
Get your mind working for you. Program it to work for you. Write in your journal. Make positive affirmations and questions emphatically with positive emotion and enthusiasm. Once a habit it will continue to work for you automatically. Great News! DO IT!!!” Rex Sikes
What grand things will you discover today?
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Horizon photo used with permission of Phil Koch.
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PS A great practice is read the posts daily and then go back and re-read from time to time. You will discover things you missed the first few readings. Try it, you will be surprised.
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