“If you hold onto your point of view with a vice grip, unwilling to entertain the possibility that another perspective may hold value, you trap yourself in a prison of your own making. Growth, learning, and transformation require openness and an ability to stretch beyond what you already know, to consider ideas that might at first seem uncomfortable or even contradictory to your current beliefs.

This is not about surrendering your convictions blindly, but rather about the willingness to test them, refine them, and ultimately expand your understanding of the world. The point is you just don’t know what you don’t know. The awareness that ‘I don’t know everything’ is necessary. It is more than just saying it. You must realize the truth of it, especially when you are convinced you are right and do know all about it. Get this!

Both sides of any debate suffer from the same affliction: an inability to see their own blind spots. People convince themselves that they’re thinking rationally when much of their reasoning is driven by ingrained biases, unconscious conditioning, and logical fallacies. The illusion of certainty is one of the greatest obstacles to true wisdom. So many of us suffer from this ‘affliction’. I call it rectal canal vision or RCT.*


If you never question your beliefs, if you never step outside the well-worn path of your habitual thinking, then you are doomed to repeat the same patterns, experience the same frustrations, and remain stagnant in a world that is constantly evolving. As the saying goes, ‘If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.’ This is why so many people fail to grow.

They assume they are making choices based on reason when, in truth, they are simply reinforcing the beliefs they have already adopted, often without even realizing it. This cognitive entrenchment leads to the same mistakes, the same frustrations, and the same limitations, all while convincing themselves they are acting logically. Watch, you will encounter this today. You will assume it’s about another person and not about you.

Most likely. You’ll discover it around coffee, on social media and in any religious or political conversation. Watch for it. Become aware when you indulge in it. BECAUSE, without the humility to acknowledge that there is more to learn, without the courage to challenge your own assumptions, you will remain stuck in a cycle of mediocrity. The process of seeking and evaluating accurate information is one of the most difficult but most necessary.


It is one of the most essential endeavors a person can undertake. It requires effort. It requires patience. It requires the ability to step back and say, ‘Perhaps I’m wrong. Perhaps there’s something I’m missing.’ But most people won’t because it’s uncomfortable. They avoid the work required to challenge their own thinking because it is difficult. And yet, in doing so, they pay the ultimate price: stagnation or remaining STUCK!

They lose the opportunity to grow, to evolve, to become more than they are. And worst of all, they don’t even realize it. Your thoughts shape your reality, but just because you think something does not make it true. If you refuse to examine your own reasoning, if you cling to flawed logic simply because it feels familiar, then you are setting yourself up for failure.

The only way forward is to cultivate intellectual humility, to recognize that there is always more to learn, and to be willing to entertain ideas that challenge you. Only then can you step into true wisdom and power. You’d be better served when encountering someone you disagree with to ask honestly and sincerely, ‘how did you discover this,’ or ‘how did you come to this conclusion.’ or ‘why do you believe that is so?’ Any variation.


Be open to entertain an answer you might at first want to reject. Go beyond the rejection to be able to realistically examine it. The other person may be full of BS, or they may have a legitimate point. How will you know unless you are willing to investigate? The question is: will you do the work? Will you rise above the limitations of your own thinking? Will you dare to break free from the habitual cycles that have kept you stuck?

If you are ready to challenge yourself, to expand your awareness, and to transform your mindset, then I invite you to join me. I keep inviting you. This is your opportunity to break free from old patterns, to develop the clarity and insight needed for true success, and to take control of your life in a way most people never do. The choice is yours, stay where you are, or take the leap into something greater. Click the link below and let’s do it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes   *Colleague and friend Dave Dobson may have originated that saying.

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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2025 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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