“When it comes to getting your goals and making your dreams come true you will succeed faster when you realize it is not only about you. This point is critical. The best approach to embrace is to realize that getting what you want is through becoming the best person you can be. It is really ALL about YOUR personal evolution.
Seek to evolve yourself. Aim for the highest. Apply the Golden Rule. Seek only to think thoughts and speak words and do actions that bless, heal and prosper everyone, including yourself. Become a creator who creates all good things, love, peace, kindness, generosity, enthusiasm, well-being, fun, delight, appreciation, co-operation and all other wonderful things.
Become a magnet and attract all these good things. Attract the very best.
When you align all of your thoughts in this way with what it is you want to accomplish you are much more powerful. You make your present so much more wonderful and you are creating a future worth having.
I think the most important aspect of what I am sharing is this.
You become the change you need to become in order to create the positive life you want and to make what you want happen.
Recognize your role as creator and determine to create an incredible experience for yourself and others. Realize you are a magnet and determine to attract that which brings joy to everyone.
Remember it is necessary to plant the right kind of seeds to get the crop (results) you desire. We become what we think about most of the time so think the finest positive powerful thoughts that benefit yourself and everyone else. Evolve into being the kind of person you would like to get to know.
It is NOT about the money or success, the career or the home, the car, the jewelry or whatever other things you want. Yes, you can get those but it truly isn’t about those ‘things’.
It is about becoming a person who lives abundantly and lives well. It is about becoming the kind of person who can easily make and attract the right kind of people, circumstances and the things, the cash or success into your life. It is about the who a person is not what the person has that is most important.
It is all about the who you are and less about the what you acquire. Who you become determines what you do. What you do determines what you have.
If you are in it to win and to help others win, others will be attracted to you. You will radiate positive personal energy and helpfulness. You exude a willingness to cooperate and align efforts.
When you are positive and powerful and a nice person you have a truly winning combination. Those who can help you will be attracted to you because they recognize your winner mind set AND that you are a great person to be around. Remember, birds of a feather flock together. Like attracts like!
If on the other hand, you are ruthless and care little for others or their success, while you might get somewhere, the likelihood is there will be more difficulty keeping it and enjoying it. Yes, you may get ahead but at what cost?
To try to succeed by leaving others behind or stepping on them to get to the top will not serve you well in the long run. You will get back what you put out. If not at first, eventually, because everything does take time. Keep in mind that the sun shines on the good person and the bad and it rains on both too. Seek to improve life for everyone and your life will improve much quicker.
When you radiate positive thoughts and energy you attract what you need to move forward. You become a beacon to other like minded and like spirited people. You are magnetically charged to attract the finest. When your thoughts are the best about others at all times you elevate yourself while holding others in high regard. You give out the best and in doing so you get back the best in return.
When we work together collaboratively and support each other there is a synergistic effect. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Everyone can enjoy success together. People who attract those of like mind and energy can create great things together. None of us ever actually make it all on our own. ‘No man is an island’.
Larger positive creations come about from collaborating with the right people. You can create more well being and accomplish more when you positively align with others who work for the same ends as you do than by yourself. Together you can build things you can not imagine doing alone.
It is is exciting to discover others in the world who think and feel the same. It is thrilling to align with them and create new good possibilities as you work together. When you radiate positivity you are able to attract people to you who have like desires in mind.
When you find good people who are all aimed at creating the same outcome you can make it happen quicker than if you were to do it all alone. This is the basis of a mastermind group. I will only touch on this briefly for now and explore it further later on.
It is an incredible world to be positive in and to find other positive people to enjoy. Having wonderful people to associate with is a marvelous opportunity. It is okay to be picky but it is not okay to be snobby.
Chose your friends and associates wisely whenever you can but there is no need to put down or ostracize anyone else. If you are really a positive person you won’t be bothered by someone who is not. It is just not the way you chose to be.
You don’t have to flee from negative people when you are powerful you just don’t let their negativity affect you. You can choose to spend most of your time with other positive, powerful, lovers of life whenever you are able. This is time well spent.
When you are filled with positive energy you attract powerful creators who share similar goals. What is positive energy? Thinking and feeling the very best. When you feel zest for life and little gets you down and you think and feel wonderful the preponderance of the time you are and have more positive energy. When you put it out there you get it back. Share it! RADIATE IT!
When you are feeling optimal you WILL be radiating it. You will be putting it out there. We are always radiating what is going on inside of us. We are always broadcasting our thoughts and feelings and attracting more of the same.
We can’t NOT be putting it out there. We are ALWAYS putting it out there. This is WHY it is CRITICAL to chose the best thoughts and feelings so that you start attracting back the best thoughts and feelings.
This is the reason why we CHOOSE to think and feel positive. This is why if you are not happy with the results you have been getting you must change what you are doing inside. You must not focus on the thoughts you don’t like but on what you DO WANT to attract. It is important to understand this! Many don’t so they are confused as to why they aren’t getting everything they want.
In order to get what you want on the outside you first must create it on the inside. You must plant what you want and nurture it along in order to harvest it in the right time.
Get it? I hope so. It has took me forever to begin to understand and appreciate how things actually work.
Positive energy is infectious for other positive people and can be uplifting for those who need a lift. At other times, negative people may just chose not to be around one who feels so good. That is okay, they may just need time to come around. Don’t be evangelical about anything or insist others change simply accept and allow for anything and everything. Allow each person to be who they are and do not judge them.
By allowing others to be who they are you are freer to be who you are. Isn’t that what you really want anyway, to be free. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be free to be who you are and to enjoy what you want when you want to? Others want the same.
When you are not in competition with anyone else and when you discover people who are on the same page it is absolutely delightful.You can even work towards getting the same results together. You can align and attain bigger results more swiftly than you may have gotten working alone.
This is important. When positive, powerful creators all want the same thing and work together co-operatively toward the same end they may become as if one mind. They can become a mastermind.
A mastermind group is a group of powerful positive creators who align their thoughts and efforts into making things happen that they could not do independent of each other. They are a valuable team and are incredible assets to each other.
They support each other in remaining positive and in and doing their very best. They inspire each other to reach higher. They are their to remind and uplift each other at all times.
Whether or not you have an actual mastermind group to create a mutual dream you can still enjoy achieving better results when you have a positive support group to assist you. We are resources for each other.
Remember, this concept of a mastermind group is that the whole IS greater than the sum of the individual parts. You can be more imaginative and creative and bring about more good together than you may do by yourself alone.
The bottom line is work for the success of all and all will help you succeed.
Create a wonderful life and attract wonderful people towards yourself. Help others do the same and together we do make our world more wonderful. So seek first to transform yourself not others.
You will succeed faster if your thoughts are genuine about the other person. When you are sincerely interested in helping them you get back sooner. When their interests are in your heart and you are helping them with no expectation of return THEN magic will happen. It works best when you are doing it altruistically and not because you want something from them.
Be genuinely helpful and dedicated to others and they can and will be likewise towards you. While it is true some people take and do not give nor return in kind do not let that dissuade you from giving. Give for the sake of giving with no thought of yourself and you will get back from those who care. You will be rewarded in other ways from other people and the greatest reward of all – is that you did something great for nothing! Take note of that. You did something good just because you could! That IS magical!
Fill yourself with positive thoughts, feelings and energy, AND wish well and do good for all others in mind and deed and you will get back so much more you will hardly be able to believe.
As with everything it comes in time.
Transformation is a process that happens through time in the same way plants and animals and people grow up and older. Some things you may notice more quickly while other things seem to remain the same. It is all happening, trust in that, and you will eventually notice the magnificent differences. So hang in there. Keep the faith and believe.
The first order of business is to become the who you need to be to get the results you want. Enjoy the process. Celebrate and delight and you will see the fruits of your labors. Then Go First, think well of others, help them and add value to them in whatever positive way you are able. Do good and good will come back to you. Help them success and they will help you succeed. Be a positive cause!
For every cause there is an effect. When you operate powerfully and positively at cause, by doing what I have been suggesting you, will get powerful and positive effects returned. That is the law!
It is all about cause and effect. Become the person who is the cause of all good things. Cause your world to be marvelous and you will have a marvelous world.” Rex Sikes
Surprise yourself in any number of amazing ways today!
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