This will be very plain and simple. The goal of positive thinking is to feel incredible and live the life you deserve and can have. The point of it is to live joyously and completely. When you are feeling marvelous your thoughts and feelings are aligned. You feel whole, complete and congruent. When you’re living like this most of the time you’re living stress-free and much more resourcefully.
When you’re filled with joy and gratitude life is outstanding at all levels. When you live and think and act from these feelings you’re easily able to make your dreams and goals come true. Your life is magical and each moment miraculous! You do want this, do you not?
Continued from: The Power of Thinking Positive! How To Make Your Thoughts Work For You Parts 1-8
The point of taking charge and control of your thoughts is to have a fantastic daily experience. Life can be magical from moment to moment. Each and every moment can be outstanding! Here’s where the rubber meets the road. You either believe you can be this kind of person and do these kind of things to have a wonderful life or you don’t. If you don’t believe it, you could. Truly.
Whatever stops you from deciding to make your life awesome are only thoughts or reasons and excuses. They’ll keep preventing you for as long as you allow them to. When you’re done with them holding you back you will shed them as you do old ill-fitting clothes. You’ll drop them and stop thinking about them. So, will you rid yourself of that limiting thinking? What are you waiting for?

Here are important questions you can ask moment to moment throughout each day:
Do you feel great? Yes or no? If not, are you willing to do what it takes to think and feel better? That means will you steer back, or shift away from the negative to the positive or to the best feeling you can find at this time? It doesn’t have to be incredible it just should be better than what you were thinking and feeling. Get this! You can inch your way back to feeling wonderful!
Keep moving incrementally until you work your way into feeling wonderful. It may take time but you can do it. Take it bit by bit. Negative feelings are signals that you’re off track. Appreciate these feelings, these signals, because they’re letting you know you need to make some adjustments in order to get back on track and experience well-being. Pain is a signal something needs attention.
Be glad you have these signals. Use them to move from the less-than-glorious into the glorious. Are you closer or further away from your goal? If you think about your goal and feel good, you feel eager and excited you are moving toward your goal. If you feel less-than-glorious you’re moving away from your goal. It’s that simple! Either you are or you aren’t. Your feelings tell you which.
Make adjustments to feel wonderful about your goal again. Get back on track. Move towards it only as quickly as you’re able to maintain good feelings about it. Begin to feel gratitude. Appreciate the now, your present. Focus on what you want, not the circumstances you find yourself in. SHIFT your focus. Move incrementally back on course.

Utilize everything I have been sharing in these blog posts. The goal is to feel good! Are you on base or off base? Shift back on track. That simple! Do you want dog crap or diamonds? Stop wallowing in the negative. Stop spending your time in less-than-glorious states and places. Move toward the best feeling you can find. Inch by inch, make your way to the positive. Make it better bit by bit.
The goal is to enjoy your life! Your navigation system, your guidance system, your feedback system is very simple. Either you feel good or you don’t. When you’re feeling good you’re vibrating at a higher level. At a higher vibration, you’re able to attract and create more of what you want. You’re moving toward getting what you want and attracting good things to you.
You radiate positive energy and resourcefulness. Throughout the day consider, ‘Am I feeling good right now?’ If not do what you legally have to, to feel better. When you are feeling less-than-good, it’s a signal to make whatever changes you need to feel better. Get back on track. Think better thoughts. Take a walk. Get a massage. Treat yourself to something nice that helps you feel better.
Do something positive. Enjoy life. Enjoy each of your moments! The more wonderful moments we make for ourselves and have, the more we spend time feeling good. The more life is awesome! Remember, we get and we become what we think about most often. Use these indicators to steer yourself back to center. Aim at your target and nothing else. The goal is to feel wonderful!
You deserve to be filled with joy, love, peace, confidence, health, wealth, well-being and all wonderful things. Make it a point to monitor your feelings and choose to feel wonderful. When you fire at a target you look at and aim at where you want to hit. You focus on that. You’re not concerned with anything else, anything other than where you want the projectile to land.
The problem with most people is they get distracted by everything except the bullseye and they allow that to interfere with making their dreams come true. Everything off the target isn’t relevant to what you want. It’s a distraction. It’s an excuse. When you pay attention to anything other than what you want to hit, or where you want to go, you’re off course. And you’re not getting closer.
You not getting any closer to getting what you want. You’re actually creating interference between you and what you want. Don’t let any present circumstances dictate how you feel. That’s taking your attention off the bullseye. Keep your focus on the bullseye, the positive, your goal. Stay feeling wonderful. Even when things aren’t going well it doesn’t mean you must feel less-than-glorious.

That’s an old way of being. You can feel glorious even when the shit hits the fan. AND when you do you are much more resourceful and able to resolve whatever’s gone awry. Do not be a victim to circumstances, events, people or your own thinking. Remember the purpose of thinking positive is to feel wonderful and to live marvelously. The better you feel, the more you enjoy.
The more you enjoy the more you’re able to do to pursue what you love and are passionate about. The better you think and feel the better you behave and the more positive the results you get back. SO, find the reasons and the excuses to feel wonderful all of the time. Focus on positive thoughts and feelings. Use the signals you get to return to feeling marvelous any time you aren’t.
Be gentle, and relaxed. Don’t get caught up criticizing yourself when things aren’t perfect. Let it go. Continue moving forward. Ease on down the road. Drop by drop fills the tub. Be patient with yourself. You are learning to do new things. Celebrate everything!
Life is a plentiful, abundant, delightful and delicious buffet. Enjoy the delights and blessings. Pass over and ignore the rest. It’s in your hands. You’re the one who decides. You’re the one who chooses. Don’t waste time thinking about what you don’t like or want. SPEND all of your time thinking about how wonderful things are now and then they will be in the future.
Think about what you DO want and DO enjoy! As you do this daily, filling yourself up with wonderful, positive, powerful energy you are becoming more and more of what you want to be. As you steer back to the positive whenever you notice a signal that you’re off track you are building an amazing ability and positive new habit. Correct consistent repetition makes it possible.
Through repetition living wonderfully gets easier and easier. You spend more and more time feeling wonderful. You tip the scales in your favor. The goal is to feel good! All the while you continue to do these things and you stick with doing them consistently you are creating a reliable automatic habit. Soon you will be delighted to find yourself naturally living more optimistically and vibrantly.
You’ll surprise yourself with how much fun and ecstasy you can discover. You and your life will be transformed in unbelievably positive ways. SO, either you believe it or you don’t. You either believe you can be this kind of person and do these kind of things AND have a wonderful life OR you do not. BUT, if you don’t believe it, you could.
Whatever stops you from deciding to make your life awesome are your reasons and excuses and they will remain as long as you allow them to. When you are done with them you will shed them as you do old ill-fitting clothes. You will drop them and no longer think about them but you will rid yourself of that limiting thinking. So what are you waiting for? Make your life grand. Make your life grand right now, this instant. Do this. Celebrate everything! Rex Sikes
More to come! How much fun can you stand today?
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If you want your life to change you have to change things in your life. The first and most important update is change your attitude! Your attitude is comprised of your beliefs and expectations. It’s those thoughts you repeatedly think that keep you the same OR that move you forward to greater and more wonderful results.
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©2022 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
©2022 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC
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