“Got an email and wanted to share it. It’s from a Doctor in Atlanta, GA whom I first met in 1996. It’s about a classmate of his with a phobia of flying that happened as a result of getting shot down in Viet Nam, being the lone survivor, all his friends died and then having to get out of there. A real nightmare in Viet Nam. 

Here goes

To: Rex
Subject: A voice from the past

Hi Rex,

Hope you are well.  It’s been a very long time.  I don’t expect you to remember me but I was a student of yours back in January of 1996.  It was the master practitioner class with all men. 

We were about 12 or 13 of us as the time.  Remember the American Indian we called “Chief” with a phobia of flying?  And the priest that when he laughed he looked like he was in such pain. His laughing seemed so incongruent and odd.

At the time I had a mentor I spent a lot of time with learning some of the secrets of the universe. He really taught me so much and I am so grateful.  He even pushed me to take seminars with the leaders in the field of self–development in order to have a comparison to what I was learning with him.  

So I traveled around and spent a lot of time, energy, and money seeking out and studying with the best educators in the field.

However, when I took your class I thought it was the best of the best. 

The class was curious and fascinating and intriguing and fun and amazing on so many levels all at the same time.  It was obvious to me you put your all into the class and unlike a lot of other instructors you were not afraid to address certain topics or our “therapeutic” issues. You didn’t run from them but rather you addressed them head on with the outcome of truly helping us.

For example, remember “Chief” was a Vietnam Veteran that had a phobia of flying.  Side note- Chief and I happened to check in out the front desk of the hotel at the same time.  I did not know he would be in class but I did notice he was this tall imposing figure, wearing a cowboy hat and a leather jacket with tassels, along with a definitive energy about him. 

When the front desk receptionist asked him “do you have a  reservation”  he responded “Damn right I do!”  I thought that was so funny.

The following day I was surprised to see him in class and he explained that he drove from Arizona to Milwaukee from his “reservation” to be in the class.  He did not come to the class for you to cure him of his phobia but after you learned he had one you asked if he wanted to get rid of it.  My previous experience with instructors at seminars was to staying away from issues.

We learned he had this fear because his helicopter was shot down in Vietnam and he was the only one of 6 that survived and unfortunately he witnessed his brothers covered in blood and missing limbs.  This was ingrained in his memory.  So having a fear of flying was understandable and reasonable. 

Well you brought him up in front of the class and you were very respectful of his feelings every step of the way and somehow in about 45 minutes he said he was cured!!!!  To prove it, the next day on your dime you took us all out to a local airport and rented a small 2 seater Cessna plane for him to go up and fly and test if he was cured.

Surprisingly, Chief had no reservations (lol) of getting into the plane and getting in the air again. He eagerly hopped right in.  When the plane landed he was not frazzled but ecstatic that he could fly again and now he could travel easier to places he’s wanted to go.

I remember we all circled him, congratulated him and we all spontaneously started jumping up and down as though we won the World Series!

There were so many other amazing things that took place in that class but how you were able to get the priest to laugh, I don’t know!  I mean he sincerely laughed from the belly and it did not seem like it was hurting him but rather he was enjoying it.  

You truly changed his life!  I wonder if he stayed in the priesthood after that class? 

Anyways. I just wanted to write you and let you know I still think about your class and in addition to my mentor the work you did in that class was/is second to none!  We had so much fun learning in that class even though the days were long.  

So thank you and thank you for the effort you put into all of us.   I am truly appreciative and recognized the artistry and mastery of what you were doing.  It truly was and still is my favorite seminar!

I hope you have been well over the years!  Would love to hear what you have been up to.

All the Best,

Dr. Michael Procaccini


Well there it is. Fond memories. Great to hear about that time so long ago

I will add,  yes, I paid to take him up in plane which nearly gave me a phobia.

We arrived at airport, go to plane and it is rickety and held together with masking tape and wire. NOT really, but it wasn’t far from that. ‘Chief’ sat next to the pilot. I was in the back – you could see through the floor of the plane and between the wall and the seat the ground thousand feet below. It was scary indeed how badly that plane needed repair.

Back on the ground felt REALLY good.

Yes, he was a different person and flew after that. So, have I but I’d prefer never to fly in a small plane like that again – and have not.

I saw the priest about a month later accidentally or coincidentally in Santa Monica and have previously written about that meeting in this Daily Inspiration and Gratitude blog – meeting Father Terry. 


You can read it there. Subscribe too, it’s free.

Anyway, delighted to receive and felt like sharing.

Much love, peace and blessings! Celebrate Everything!” Rex Sikes

PS New show Wed Oct 23, 1pm PST on www.rexsikestv.com watch live or watch the replay!  BE sure to watch my latest show on addiction and recovery available by clicking the links or going to my Create Your Best Life YOUTUBE channel LIVE videos.


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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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