“Are there things you want to accomplish in the coming year? Do you make resolutions? Have you had some difficulty in past years keeping your resolutions? If yes, I’ll share with you how can you most easily do those things you resolve to do. The simple definition for the word resolute is admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering. It is the time to be resolute. It’s time to decide this year is different and stick to the decision.
For some reason we like landmark dates. The 7th year isn’t as meaningful as the 10th. The New Year means more than March 3rd. Silly us. You and I can make resolutions anytime! Anytime is a good time to resolve to do something that’s positive and beneficial for ourselves and others. We need not wait till the end or beginning of the week or year. Yes, it’s easier to keep track but we can begin now. Every moment there is opportunity.
We make promises to ourselves that we hope to keep. That is the issue. We don’t make a resolution by hoping. We make a resolution by committing. We are to be purposeful, determined, and unwavering? Is that you? If no, then maybe you need some help. First off, what’s your big resolution? I will go to the gym this year, every day for an hour and lose 50 pounds. Fantastic! Will you keep it? You won’t if you don’t think you will, for certain.
Immature Mind Hops Around – Mature Mind Follows Through
If there’s any doubt, if you waver in thinking about it, what’s the likelihood you will keep it? Not much. Doubting and wavering doesn’t lead to doing and to keep doing. It’d be better to chunk it down or break it into smaller BUT MEANINGFUL, DESIRABLE bits that you can and WILL do repeatedly. It must first be worth doing. Next you must be able to do it. Then you must keep doing it. You need to be your own manager and motivator.
It’d be FAR better to say, ‘I’ll exercise 5 minutes every day.’ Than to do a lot for a little while and give up. Yes, you could make it 10, 20 or 30 minutes or more make it reasonable and something you CAN do with or without the gym. I will walk more and sit less. Each time I get up to pee I will us the rebound trampoline for a minute. Add exercise into your day. Add in meaningful easy increments that pay off. You feel better doing it. AND
Because you do it you FEEL better. Get it? You must WANT to do it. You must INTEND to do it. You must COMMIT to do it. You must PESIST in doing it. Get it. YOU resolve to do it and stick with it by making it important enough to do it and easily enough to do it and to keep doing it. IF YOU DO THIS you’ll keep at it. Build gradually and add more. Each time you do put a star on a piece of paper where you can see it.
No Matter How You Feel Get Up Dress Up Show Up Never Give Up
Yup, a star like the kind you may have received as a kid. Pick your color. Or cross off each day on a calendar. At the end of 7 days gift yourself in a small way. Give yourself a meaningful reward for behaving consistently. Maybe go to the movie. Get a massage or pamper yourself in some healthy way. Enjoy some time with friends. Every day notice the sequence of consistent stars or checkmarks and resolve never to break the sequence.
Keep going! This can work wonders. I’ve written a daily blog for more than a decade. I’ve never missed writing or publishing it. Technology may have attempted to thwart it. That’s not my issue. If the internet is down somewhere that’s on it. I have written a blog everyday or sometimes numerous blogs ahead to auto publish if I have to be somewhere without internet. I’ve never missed. Why? Because my readers are important.
I write this blog for others and want to keep my word and my commitment. I don’t want to break the chain of daily published blogs UNTIL I decide to. If you resolve to keep exercising for yourself AND/OR because your loved ones deserve to have you around longer, then do it for good reason. Get it? Resolve to eat one healthy food and one less junk food. Resolve to get up 5 or 10 minutes earlier without the snooze button.
Commitment Means Staying Loyal To What You Said You Will Do
Resolve to meet one new person a week. Resolve to smile more. Resolve to add more laughter and delight. Aim at what you want and make it simple. Work toward the large goal in steps tiny enough to do every day but not so small they’re insignificant and boring. That last point is important! Notice your progress by keeping track visually. Don’t break the sequence! Reward yourself every so often. Sometimes just doing it is enough reward!
Find an accountability partner to keep you on track. Realize that champion athletes frequently don’t feel like training or conditioning, but they do it anyway. They delay instant gratification for the larger reward. The prize is important enough to them to train when they don’t feel like it. Plus, they usually find a coach or teammate to work with. Here’s something else important. Learn to keep your commitments to yourself. You deserve to.
You’re worth doing the best you can for yourself. If you don’t think you are you’ve other important work to do. Love yourself. Do good for yourself. Having support or an accountability partner to inspire you, compete with, to mutually assist in your goals and resolutions can help a lot. Sometimes, keeping a commitment to a friend is more important to us than keeping promises to ourselves. That’s good but become your own best friend!
Keep your promises to yourself! If you say you’ll do something positive and good, follow through on it. Make your word the law. Develop mental toughness. Bootstrap it. Get serious enough with yourself that you do it regardless. Stop being a wimp. When you fall. Get back up. It isn’t how many times you fall it’s how often you get back up. Develop positive habits. It takes correct repetition, consistently for long enough. DO IT!
Chant positive affirmations. FEEL THEM powerfully and intensely. LOVE YOURSELF! FEEl DESERVING! Create a powerful mantra to declare to see you through. When the mind is right all the rest follows. If you’re typically lazy and procrastinate THEN you need to get your mind in order first. Your feelings will follow your thoughts and your actions stem from your feelings. Get it? FIRST do the NECESSARY WORK FIRST! MINDSET MATTERS!
You won’t continue if you have a poor or impoverished mindset and a bad attitude. Activate your attitude and you can do anything you put your mind to. Mindset is the first step in developing the behaviors necessary to sustain your actions to succeed. The reason why people abandon their resolutions and dreams is because they think their way out of them. They give up because they don’t have a powerful mindset to guide them.
No Limits On Anything – The More You Dream The Farther You Get
When you get in a boat to go sailing, even if you have no destination, You’re just going to sail NOT to get anywhere but JUST to sail. You don’t just drift about unless you purposefully take your hands of the rudder and the sail and lie back to drift. Understand? You could, just allow the boat to go with the current and you relax and let it. BUT if you want to sail then there are things you do while in the boat TO sail. Get the difference?
You decide each moment which way to go. You also know at some point you’ll head back to the dock. You are always deciding and doing even if or when you don’t realize you are. You make decisions each second of the day. Learn to make your decisions serve you. You decide to go this way or that, what you want to see, and when and where to turn back. Decisions determine what we do which determines what we experience. Get it.
Deadlines are important too. Again, chunk it down but keep it interesting. Instead of saying I’ll clean the whole house by Friday. Say I will clean the kitchen counter this morning for 10 minutes or 20 minutes. In the afternoon or another day do another set or pick something else. Decide you’ll sneak up on it by doing a little bit at a time. THEN do the little bit. One decision can transform everything in your life. Make good, positive ones.
Keep Your Head Up – Your Heart Strong – Wear Your Invisible Crown
To change you must leave your comfort zone sometime. If you want your life to change you must change what you are thinking, feeling and doing in your life. You can’t keep thinking the same old thoughts and become different. Your thoughts, your mindset, your attitude has to change. Your beliefs will change along the wa. If you think you can or you think you can’t You are right. Thinking makes it so. Learn to change your thoughts!
Procrastination and laziness keeps you staying within your zone of comfort. If you want to make your life different you will have to make some changes, or it will remain the same. Commit. Remember to be resolute means admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering. A resolution is defined as a firm decision to do or not do something. Whatever you are resolute to do, don’t stop. Keep going! Don’t break the sequence.
Keep on going! Step by step you’ll get there. Have fun. Enjoy it! Be committed to it. Make your word the law. Keep your promises to yourself and others. Delight and reward yourself for your progress. Celebrate doing it and your progress. Be thankful to do it. All helps you move forward. Notice much more about keeping resolutions and succeeding has to do with your mindset than your actions. Actions follow mindset!
Attitude Is The Number One Predictor Of Success In All Areas Of Your Life
I repeat. Right actions follow the right mindset. Crappy actions come from a crappy mindset. Know this and start thinking right. Dog shit or diamonds. Decide what you want. End stinking thinking. Stop losing. Stop whining and start winning. Remember ‘if it is to be it is up to me.’Have a blessed new time keeping your promises! May you make all your dreams come true. Celebrate each moment. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
Get Rex’s most popular recording ‘The Attitude Activator™
“The most powerful mindset and attitude tool I’ve ever experienced. Word’s can’t describe how unique and how life-changing this program is. It rewires your brain to focus on the attitude that can best serve you. In the first year of owning it, I think I listened to it over 100 times. I’m recommending it to anyone who wants a an unstoppable attitude of success.” – Joe Soto, Marketing Consultant & Entrepreneur, Waterford, VA
This unique 45 minute audio program uses the most recent advancement in hypnotic processing, NLP, DHE, and universal tones/sounds. For use with headphones and/or in conjunction with light/sound machines. You’ll hear multiple voices, sounds and originally composed music coming from various directions designed to stimulate different parts of the brain.
“Attitude Activator is quite simply, the best tool for shifting your mindset and galvanizing you into action I have ever come across and I have tried most of the top tools over the years. Combine that with Mind Design™ and you really can begin to design your own life.’ – Kathy Strong, Trainer & Consultant, UK
The most significant predictor for determining success in all your endeavors is your attitude. Experts preach the importance of a “positive mental attitude”, without explaining how to get one! When you get this audio program you can develop a powerful new attitude that is personal to you. Attitude doesn’t always mean “pumped up”.
“After repeatedly listening to your “Attitude Activator” program, I have noticed a change in myself. The program takes you to a deeper sense of yourself. Rather than just helping you understand why you behave in a certain way. It makes you more aware of those behaviors and helps you find an alternative solution rather than just a reaction. When I listened to the program, I became very relaxed and unaware of my surroundings. The inflection and smoooothness of your voices not only held my attention but took me on a “mental roller coaster” that was a unique and wonderful feeling. I recommend your program to anyone! It is so basic that it doesn’t just apply to top executives or career-minded people, it is personal and therefore applies to anyone. You have my permission to use my words.” – Marybeth Durrend, Network Marketer, Los Angeles
You can discover childlike curiosity, calm assurance, excited anticipation, delight, unstoppable confidence… activated wherever and whenever you need it. You’ll think clearer, feel more confident, make better decisions, and have more fun when you first activate a positive state of mind.
“I have to share a not-so-subtle effect of taking this course and of listening to the Attitude Activator™ every morning. The profound change the Attitude Activator has had on me is astonishing! I resumed daily use of the Attitude Activator when I started taking “How To Change Your Thought and Transform Your Life.” I’ve been listening to it every day for the last ten days or so. I knew that it was having an effect, I just was not able to discern what that effect was. Then, this morning I was exposed to some disturbing news (which seems to the be norm) and, as I started to descend into the less-that-glorious feelings from seeing this news, I was seized by the urge to stop, take a deep breath, and and wonder which of my amazing, resourceful feelings I could call upon to make me feel like I was surfing among the stars again. The change in state was so visceral that it almost took my breath away. How could things POSSIBLY get any better?!?!” Ron Matthews ‘How To Change Your Thoughts & Transform Your Life’ participant. Reretired engineer and physicist at one of the Big Five defense contractors, Sun Microsystems (now Oracle) and at two of the MIT labs.
People have used it to get up easily filled with energy, to go to bed relaxed, to quit smoking, to gain weight, to loose weight, to exercise more, to eliminate bad habits, to start doing good habits – that’s the beauty of this program. You can use it for multiple desires. Start with one area you wish to improve or eliminate before working on the rest. This audio program has been a best seller since first released. Great for gift-giving!
“It. Is. Mind. Blowing.” – Beth Pagano, Boston, MA
©2020 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
©2022 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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