“Have you ever wondered why you don’t get things right away? OR why do some people give up on their goals? Have you thought, ‘Will I ever make it?’ You may have. Most of all of us have wondered. There are reasons people give up on their goals or fail to get them. There are reasons why others succeed in making their dreams come true. Success or failure is up to each of us.

Understand and accept that some things are just the way they are. Stop complaining about it. It is the way things are. It’s nature. Accept things. Accept life. Focus on the good and don’t let the not-so-good get you down. Stop complaining. It drains your energy. It makes you feel bad, albeit relieved. Misery loves company, you know. It lowers your vibe. It distracts you from the good. It doesn’t help.

Do you complain about gravity being a problem? Almost never, right? We just accept it. Learn to accept what IS. Life ought to be a celebration and you ought to be able to celebrate all of it without letting the not-so-good times deflate you. Things are as they are. As for your goals timetable, some things just take time. There’s a season to harvest. Not everything is immediate.

Be patient. Expect the best. Allow the best to come your way. Appreciate everything and celebrate it and good can come your way. If you shut down and go low vibe you aren’t helping yourself any. AND should that happen, stop, and take a breath. Pause. Never criticize yourself. Understand you are human and doing the best you can. AS LONG AS, you are attempting to do the best you can. Get it!

Relax and accept the speed bump. It’s just what life is offering now. Keep on going until you get there.  Stay with it. Be patient. Relax. Things just take time. You miss opportunities when you hurry. When you are rushed and stressed you don’t see or think clearly. You miss out and lose out. When you THINK you must have it a certain way and when you’re putting pressure on yourself. You can’t push a rope.

Happiness and success don’t conform to the clock or to demands. People fail and suffer because they don’t manage their thoughts. They aren’t in control of their images and self-talk, so they talk themselves out of the good. Success and happiness is 99% mental and 1% what we do. The inner world determines the outer world. This is important to understand! It’s not the other way around.

Manage and control your minds so you’re able to do the 1% efficiently and effectively. Otherwise, you will struggle, make extra effort, suffer and spin your wheels. You can struggle, work hard and not get very far if your thinking isn’t right to begin with. So, focus on the good. Be relaxed and allow everything and learn to celebrate it. You’re on an adventure with highs and lows. That’s all part of the journey. Stay thrilled. Stay delighted. Stay high vibe. Feel good about all of it and you’ll be fine. Enjoy the process instead of fighting the process. Stop punching yourself in the face. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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“Eye-opening! Answers questions everyone has had about how to REALLY live the life of their dreams! Empowering! Read it!” – Dr. Joe Vitale Author of “The Miracle,” Star of The Secret

“Rex Sikes’ book Life On Your Terms is brilliant! It offers cutting-edge tools that take  you to another level. It’s a practical manual with a fresh take on personal growth and  transformation that’s infused with love, wisdom, and some truly innovative ideas. I am reading it daily and it’s changing my life. Not only do I feel a shift in consciousness but I have been waking up happier. This book offers hope to anyone who has lost their way in life.“ – Lydia Cornell Actor ‘Too Close For Comfort

Get the book. Change your life using the principles and practices.  Check it out now if you like. Read it, enjoy it, and transform. Celebrate!


Lydia Cornell, Actor

©2020 Book Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2021 infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC