“Unfortunately, in this age so many people are spiritually ignorant and gullible. In days gone by, people journeyed far and long to meet the lone spiritual master sequestered on the mountain top. Today they chase people with prayerful folded hands photos and those wearing beads. Photographs of someone sitting in the lotus posture, mudra hands on knees are enough to convince many the person is spiritual.

Some have Sanskrit or Hindi names, some wear robes. People attracted to empty suits in the personal and professional arena are not different from those attracted to the trappings of what appears spiritual. People write about, talk about their ‘enlightenment’ experience. Some write books. Some of those authors are quite popular. Some authors converse with god and make up material and people accept it as gospel or truth.

Here’s the things. People who write lots of books may just write lots of books. They research. That doesn’t mean they can do anything, they just seek information and put it into books. If you spend a lifetime writing books you are a writer more than anything else. Still, some chase them because they think somehow that person is the real deal. Heck, some fiction authors write lots of fiction. Does that make them real spies or …


Once the internet appeared, people who had no real interest in doing the work hung shingles claiming to be experts. Some are expert, superior marketers. They’re great at marketing themselves or their products but they aren’t experts or superior in anything but marketing. They found a niche and dominate it but misinform and mislead. Some do care. Many don’t. For some it is only about market share and domination. That’s it.

I post this just to point out, for example, even the Bible said, beware of false prophets. ‘For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.’ Matthew 24:5 And again in Matthew 7: 15 ‘Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.’ There’s more. Buddha said, don’t make a religion out of my teaching. His followers made it a religion.

Once he was gone. Then it went on to become a religion of 33,000 rules depending on the ‘franchise’. Discernment is important and those who don’t want you to discern are legion. 1 John 4:1 ‘Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.’ It’s important to be able to recognize truth from a grift. Look, many are deceived!


Hebrews 5:14 ‘But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.’ Look deception and gullible people are everywhere. In everyday life there are con artists. In politics, religion, personal development, science there are those who are fast and loose with the truth. ‘All that glitters is not gold.’ Some of the most gullible are people I know, even friends of mine. It is what it is.

It’s important to be able to discern good from not-so-good, truth from lies, help from harm and legitimate from that which is not. Some don’t want to. They willingly give up their minds and wallets. Others don’t know how to. Look, I’m not here to dis anyone but the field of spirituality, as in politics, needs a clean-up. Vet those you wish to follow. Better yet, don’t follow anyone. Some relationships are great and loving, while others aren’t

Knowing the difference is important, don’t you think? Better to know if the person you want to follow is the real deal of not, right? Some are willingly blind. Others care. Which are you? Some deceivers attach themselves to celebrity and name drop constantly. They talk about themselves and how great they are and who they know, more than they deliver the goods to help you change. They may promise instant riches or enlightenment.


They constantly sell you and upsell you. Heck some websites are almost impossible to leave with the number of ‘hey don’t leave yet’ sales pages. Look, offering valuable content at a price is fine. The goal should be to deliver an honest, valuable service and not just keep people coming back for more to feel complete. Some fake gurus are driven solely by profit. They pose as experts in fields but are more like school yard drug dealers.

You don’t need to be addicted to personal development or any one celebrity person. It’s okay to repeat a course or two but you shouldn’t need to keep going to feel good. Some people have gone to people programs for decades and still feel as if they haven’t ‘got it’ yet so they keep returning. After a point, perhaps they should try someone or something else. People get hooked by promises and that can be leveraged against them.

You want honesty, integrity and people who keep their word. They walk their talk. The lead by example because they are congruently living what they talk about. Everyone may have some skeletons, that’s not what I am referring to. No one is perfect. BUT some are better representations of transformation that others are. Some live it. Some talk about it. Some deal in it. Some, well… Take heed to the advice in Matthew 10:16


‘I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.’ Everyone can be fooled. You know the saying. ‘Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me.’ Just because someone poses in a picture with spiritual drapery doesn’t make them spiritual. Just because they have a spiritual name, doesn’t either. ‘By their actions you will know them.’ Matthew 7:20

‘Just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.’ Years ago, a guy wanted me to write a book with him. He couldn’t afford to do any one of my courses. Meanwhile, he went and bought a phony Ph.D. I asked him why. He said it would help him sell books and programs. I told him a real one would be better to have. I was not interested in writing with someone who was willing to lie in that manner.

Shortly, thereafter he came out with a book, his name with Ph.D. following it also stating he was A Master Practitioner and trainer of NLP. He’d never been inside an NLP program in his life. Lots of people claim to be Nlpers. I could care less. My point is he lied about all of it and published a book. I severed all ties with him. To my knowledge he never attended an NLP training program. He wasn’t interested in doing it, just selling things.


There are many I hold in high esteem because they put in the blood, sweat and tears, invested money and time to become someone who walks their talk and delivers what they promise. There are far more who have not and do not. Can you tell the difference? Many people cannot. They fall for the robes and incense. The stories and name dropping. Whether in personal improvement, politics or the spiritual arena, many are simply duped.

Not just duped by the person on the platform but by their own willingness to throw out common sense because they think, ‘this person thinks like me.’ This person will help me. This person is a savior for humankind…. You get it. I need not go one. You ought to be able to tell whether they are truly interested in you and your wellbeing or whether you are just another one of many customers. For me, relationships matter. What say you?

Don’t give your mind over to someone because you think they might be the one. Verify it. Since the internet, murky waters got even more murky. Find the good ones. Let the not-so-good ones alone. Seek the higher road, less traveled. Seek to add value. If you promise, deliver as best you can. Not only are gurus an issue, so are some students and disciples. They want all the free stuff but none of the work or responsibility. There’s this too.


Some buy programs to get the material and then seek refunds to avoid paying for it. There is responsibility on both the teacher and the student sides. Both need to be accountable and responsible for doing their part. The teacher can’t do it for the student. So, if the student doesn’t do it, it won’t get done. An Olympic coach can coach but isn’t the athlete competing. If the athlete doesn’t do it, the athlete doesn’t get the results.

It IS a two-way street. It’s like dancing with a partner. It’s learning to move in unison while still being separate by moving as one. Both do what each one needs to do. When one moves forward the other moves backward. And vice versa. That’s what makes it work. They work together in harmony. It isn’t one or the other, it’s in unison and it’s the relationship and collaborating that matters most. Work together. Seek to uplift and add value to each other. Then it can be like magic. It is an understanding that works. Get it? Get this? I hope so. AND celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

Blog Article ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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