“If you’ve read my last blog, and I encourage you to stop and go read it first if you haven’t, I discussed the role of the student or disciple in the process of transforming. You must be open and willing to change and to learn. You must be willing to be teachable. If you’re seeking to preserve your ego and way of life you won’t benefit much from the opportunity. You must be ready to change, to change.

That’s why I changed the statement from, when the student is ready the teacher appears to ‘ONLY when the student is ready.’ Only when you are ready and willing can you benefit most from the opportunity and experience. If you aren’t ready, instead of your energy going into the transformation most of the energy is spent fighting it. Being open and available and willing to be different is the key.

You want to find the right mentor, coach, guide or teacher or trainer not a hack as defined in the previous blog. Nor do you want to be one. Don’t let someone waste your time but don’t waste anyone else’s time either. A good master teacher or trainer knows they don’t teach anything. They can’t give it to you. They help you discover how to release your blocks and resistance to discover transformation.


The true master knows it is drawing from within you your abilities and insights. They can’t give you anything but the experiences to unlock what you already have so you can most effectively be it, use it or do it to have what you desire. It is like drawing water from a well. The true master helps you bring it forth from within. They help you discover who you are and help you to surpass the master.

They’re not interested in followers, disciples or numbers. They’re a lit candle allowing you to light from theirs. Very different from what is mostly offered today. BUT that’s a discussion for other times and one I’ve had on numerous occasions. Today, we continue the discussion on being open and a ready and good, willing learner. Without being ready and willing you aren’t able. Here’s our groundwork.

You cannot describe the taste of an orange to someone who has never tasted an orange. Nor can you describe red to the person who has never seen color. It’s the experience of using the information that can be life changing and not the information itself. If one is not willing to apply the knowledge in order to change and get different and better results, then one will remain stuck.


You’ll continue getting the same results you hoped to improve. Instead of taking responsibility and becoming aware of inner resistance most blame others or circumstances thus ensuring they remain the same. Perhaps, you know what I am saying. It IS the experience of tasting the orange that makes the difference. Information does not transform us. People think information changes us. It doesn’t!

Knowing what to do and not doing it won’t make you a success. Applying what you know IS the difference that makes the difference. To learn, understand and apply it you first must be open to taking it in. You must be available. You must recognize the opportunity. If the doorbell rings but you don’t hear it, it didn’t ring for you, although it rang. Get this? You missed it. You didn’t experience it.

You must be open, available, receptive and willing to notice the new information and open, willing and available, receptive and willing to apply it. You must not defend yourself. Let go of excuses and stop resisting. What do I mean by willing. Some say, ‘no one can make me do anything.’ While it may be accurate, it won’t help you get further if you resist. All that usually happens is you miss out.


People argue that what they previously learned, understood and assume to be true is different from the new information they’re being asked to accept. Instead of accepting the information they defend the old. You’re not teachable at that moment. If you are arguing against the new because of the old, all you’re doing is defending the old. Be willing to try the new to discover if there is a difference.

Be willing! Be open. Just because you are willing to try it doesn’t mean you are locked into it. People fear the new. They fear what they must give up by adopting the new and have numerous reasons and excuses not to. In order to be ready, you must be an open vessel. I shared in my last blog that I claimed to be open but was anything but. It is easy to self-deceive. Honesty is required.

Accurate, honest self-assessment is a good tool. It’s like the saying, ‘the dead don’t know they are dead. Neither do the stupid.’ We can’t tell when we are closed or resisting most of the time. We feel the resistance but insist on our rightness. We make the other wrong. We may vigorously defend ourselves and our position never realizing we are the one that ought to change. We miss. We can’t tell.


There’s the story of a Master pouring a potential disciple a cup of tea. The master pours and continues to pour until the tea overflows and continues to overflow the cup, saucer and spills on the floor. ‘Stop!’ cries the potential student. ‘The cup is full.’ The Master replies, ‘When your cup is full you cannot add anything to it. Your cup must be empty. Go and empty your cup.’ The point should be obvious.

The master deems that the student’s mind is too filled with what they already know. It is filled with too many potential objections, beliefs and resistance to be ready to learn. The student is not ready and open so is sent away. When ready the teacher appears. I was not ready. Many times, I’ve not been ready. Just as with gardening the soil needs to be prepared and receptive to the seeds. Understand?

Most of us can’t tell when we shut down UNTIL after the event or argument. Later, we may realize we were closed to the idea or whatever, but now the opportune time has passed. If we learn that being closed doesn’t help us, then we have learned a good thing. Most will not. Instead, they will argue it was the other person or the circumstances at fault. Blame, reasons and excuses are used.


Those keep us from discovering our magnificence. We walk around every day as if it’s Halloween. We wear masks that mask our true self. We are filled with our previous conditioning, beliefs, values, reasons, explanations, the story of who we are and why. We don’t allow room for anything new but rarely. Mostly we seek to validate and confirm what we already know about ourselves and the world.

That’s a closed system. If the closet door is closed and stuck or locked nothing is getting in or out UNLESS you can open it. Get it? There is a reason for the saying, ‘minds are like parachutes, they only work when open.’ For many people life is like this other parachute joke. ‘Have you heard about the idiot’s parachute? Well, if it doesn’t work, they give you another.’ Too late, right? Opportunity is now. More next time. Learn to be open. Practice notice when you aren’t. Learn to feel it. Learn to recognize when you shut down in your body and when you become open. This is awareness that is useful. Meanwhile, celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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